Yann's Sketchbook
Hey Daggers, whats up

Just got back from a nice week of holidays, here are some of the things i scribbled between sessions of pool and siesta!

[Image: fu_zpsab49f99b.jpg~original]

[Image: landscapes_zps343aefc2.jpg~original]

[Image: eagle1_zps4145a3cf.jpg~original]

[Image: horse-study_zps15806b92.jpg~original]

[Image: whatelse_zps3d763c80.jpg~original]

[Image: snowdog_zps870a30bf.jpg~original]

[Image: mandarine_zps1008487a.jpg~original]

does good to have my big monitor back!

[Image: piranha_zps6dbb0a2b.jpg~original]

heeeey, some sweeet work you have here ;) a lot of studies and imaginative work. It's alawys something that's cool to see. Inspires hell out of me. This newest pirania fish painting is really creepy. Great job ;3

Hey Ramalooke

Thanks! Always glad when i manage to creep people out :)

Heres more on the pirahna theme

[Image: fishman3_zpsd2968834.jpg~original]

Awesome ;) I like all those speculars here and there, it gives this creature this nice slippery feel. However in my opinion you could push a bit more the design. I like the head and skin colors, but body in my opinion could be less generic ;) In the end it's very nicely executed piece ;) Good job!

Thank you!

Yeah could definitely have worked more on the body, i was so focused on the rendering after the initial sketch that i got carried away and didn't think back.

Here's some stuff for today, anatomy/rendering

[Image: anatomy92_zps89ef9afa.jpg~original]

[Image: anatomy10_zps959b3c04.jpg~original]

Nice studies! try to be more carefull with your edges. Your image gets blurry here and there and those edges could use some love. Nice update though! Keep it up man ;3

Thanks Ramalooke!

Yeah, i've been struggling with edges, i always end up making them all hard when i work for too long on something, so it's definitely something i have to improve on a lot, i really admire when people manage to make forms and distance read with good edge control

Anyways haven't been posting too much because 'm working on a piece that's a little more elaborate, here's a little preview ^^

[Image: space-tyrant-preview_zps3b8bc54e.jpg~original]

Nice studies. Those coffee pods make the best coffee (if thats what they are)

On this last piece, it would really benefit from some ambient light coming from above, since you are loosing a lot of forms to shadow. You may have been planning on doing this, but jsut thought I would point it out.

Anyway, looking good man, keep on going :)

Jaik's right. Some complementary light from above would serve the piece. Keep rocking ;)

Sup Daggers!

@ Jaik : That is indeed what these pods are, they're basically what keeps me going late at night, they're magic!
Thanks for your suggestion, definitely gonna use another lightsource to pop the form, so i ll just use a sun, wth right ?:)

@ Ramalooke : Yup Jaik's the man! and I'll do my best! Thanks for popping by man :)

So anyway here's the final piece and the process, this one was long in the making, lots of new stuff for me in it! also tried to play with edge control/focus, hope some of it comes through

Happy xmas everyone btw!

[Image: process_zps9e03716a.jpg~original]

[Image: Space-Tyrant2_zps7befd70a.jpg~original]

Good job, applying your studies, keep going !

The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.
-Lao Tzu

Blog | Sketchbook | dA
Thanks man!

here are some sketchy messes

[Image: sketching26_zps388081f2.jpg~original]

[Image: sketching27_zps995fe450.jpg~original]

Couldn't really push this one to finish because the sun went down faster than i thought

oh well!

[Image: knife_zps130093df.jpg~original]

Great sketchbook! It's good to see you're doing personal illustrations as well as a good amount of studies.

One thing I noticed on some of your portraits - you sometimes tend to place the eyes a bit too high in the face... so maybe keep an eye on that.

Keep going! :)

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Every feedback is appreciated!
Nice still life. It's a pain when the light changes on you. I thought I could avoid this by using a lamp.. then the bulb broke -_____-

One thing that you should maybe pay attention to is reflected light. There is a little in your still lifes, but I feel as though there would be a fair bit more. But in your personal pieces it is all but absent. Light bounces. A lot. If you think about it, you can see the planet from space, and thats bounced light. So all the light you see around you has the energy to bounce around back out to space (Thats a bit of an over simplification but meh.) So unless the object is in space (There is no bounced light on a planet because there is nothing underneath it to reflect light) it will never just fade to black, except maybe in ambient occlusion or a core shadow in some circumstances.

Kind of a rambling way to make my point.. but I think I got there in the end. If it wasn't clear enough, let me know and I will try and do a better job :)

This personal piece of yours looks really nice. I like the design of this dude. He has really cool headgear. Composition wise. There's to much competing places here. Earth draws my attention, sun demands my attention and all those highlights on guys armor draws my attention. Contrast is always good but in the area of focus. Oh and a bit more sharpeness here and there would serve the piece. It's to fuzzy for my taste. Do some master studies to learn more about brushowork. Side of that it's really solid piece. Good job mate! Love the still life though. I think you did a great job, nice forms and details. Awesome updates overall. Keep rockin'!


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