5 year goal
I've been drawing on and off for about a year now and after going to a comic expo last weekend and being literally starstruck by Marvel and DC artists I've decided that in 5 years time I want to be a professional comic book artist.

I know, it's a huge ambition, but somehow it's just so clear to me now that nothing else really matters as much as reaching that goal. No more wasting time!

So that's the big plan, and I'm breaking it down month by month.
October is focusing on figure drawing, I'm following Glen Vilppu's dvds, trying to get at least 250 sketches done and trying to understand the figure. No more contour drawing!!

Right, getting back to sketching.
i recommend buying those 2 book to have a better knowledge of the marvel and dc comic
the ultimate character character guide

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Hi darktiste, thanks very much, will definitely be getting both!
October summary: around 92 - 95 hours spent drawing. About halfway through I realised I should focus more on quality rather than quantity so I stopped counting the individual drawings. There are more than 400.

I think I've improved a bit on figures, have a better grasp on how to construct them and have been trying to draw from imagination as well, which comes a lot harder to me.

November goal: more than 100 hours total and a focus on faces and perspective while still trying to cram in figure drawing too.

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