Finished Works from the Moshpit
Will start to post more work as much as possible. Get my sketch thread active with more lunchtime studies. (I'll link it here once I am sure it will be active) Thanks for viewing! =D

[Image: eternal_tormentor_by_moshyong-d69qc8z.jpg]

[Image: divine_lawkeeper_by_theblackverse-d69ee3s.jpg]

[Image: fallen_destiny_by_theblackverse-d68xtzp.jpg]
[Image: azog_the_defiler_by_moshyong-d70anpk.jpg]

[Image: thranduil__the_elvenking_by_moshyong-d6zm4mh.jpg]

Woah its been awhile. But I'm finally hitting a groove and getting a proper pc to do work on. Hello Crimson Daggers! =)
Woah, awesome finished pieces bro! I'd love to see some of your sketchy stuff too.

(01-06-2014, 04:47 PM)Hypnagogic_Haze Wrote: Woah, awesome finished pieces bro! I'd love to see some of your sketchy stuff too.

Thank you very much!
Gonna include some sketches on a separate post. =) going on an art mission now, so im gonna produce more work and have em up here.
Good sense of detail

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.

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