Pandamonio Sketchbook
I started to watch the tutorials from schoolism and the first I did watch was "Drawing Fundamentals with Thomas Fluharty". And I'm making the exercise of drawing a frog and put some values. To be honest I'm getting some difficulties about making the fingers of the frog but i thing I can get it.
I'm here to ask your opinion and get some advises.

[Image: 71RuUHgsenY5aPbLiQNATcA-YoTiWDbC-5-K_TfCQfo]
should fix (image)attachment that are broken and update this post

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
One of the firsts attempts to make a portrait so I chose my one of my favorite characters from game of thrones. It is not ended, but I would like to have critics about this painting. I'm having a bit of difficulties with the values.
[Image: dance2_by_setzer89-d792i4e.jpg]

Cump Panda
More progression
[Image: dance_by_setzer89-d79l7gx.jpg]

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