New User!:D
Whats up bros!:) My name is Alyssa.:D I'm from Texas.
I'm working on being an Artist/Game Designer, though my parents probably disagree on that idea.

I've never used this before, besides stuff like Deviantart (or twitter, tumblr, etc.) . But besides that I don't put my art out there too much... I don't know how to upload my art on here so much, but i'll figure it out. I usually work on my art for about more than half of the day. and that's pretty much bad because of me having school and stuff.

Well, Thank you! And I hope you like my work.:)
Ohai Alyssa!
Welcome to the daggers :D

Hahaha, parents disagreeing... tell me about it! Oh well, it's your life in the end, right? And by working your butt off now... "Anything Can Happen" (love your sig ~)

Hmm, more than half of the day and yet you're still in school and stuff... and that's "bad"?! Whaaa-- o: that's... awesome!

Be sure to start a sketchbook here so you post all of your arts so we can delve into your world and follow you on your journey.

All the best - enjoy your stay Alyssaaaaa Th_084_!

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Haaay Alyssa! Welcome. Id say just find yourself a camera and a shadey spot outside to photograph your sketch book. The ambient light from outside should be enough to get a good photo. Thats what I do at least. And dont be shy about showing us your work. We're all artists here and want to help.

(11-19-2013, 03:11 AM)Hypnagogic_Haze Wrote: Haaay Alyssa! Welcome. Id say just find yourself a camera and a shadey spot outside to photograph your sketch book. The ambient light from outside should be enough to get a good photo. Thats what I do at least. And dont be shy about showing us your work. We're all artists here and want to help.

Hey Thanks!:)

(11-18-2013, 09:45 PM)smrrfette Wrote: Ohai Alyssa!
Welcome to the daggers :D

Hahaha, parents disagreeing... tell me about it! Oh well, it's your life in the end, right? And by working your butt off now... "Anything Can Happen" (love your sig ~)

Hmm, more than half of the day and yet you're still in school and stuff... and that's "bad"?! Whaaa-- o: that's... awesome!

Be sure to start a sketchbook here so you post all of your arts so we can delve into your world and follow you on your journey.

All the best - enjoy your stay Alyssaaaaa Th_084_!

Thanks!:D Oh um, hey do you know how to post up the drawings? Because I don't know how!:o
No worrriesss!

Yeah sure, what you do is click on "New Reply" - (not fast reply for images - unless you're planning to use a site like imgur/tinypic to link images... which isn't good because the links don't last forever blah blah) and then click on "Choose File" below the comment box. After each file you choose, click on "Add Attachment" - which essentially uploads your file to CD - meaning you'll never have broken images :D after you're happy with the images you've uploaded, simply click on spots in your reply that you wish to add your images and click on "Insert into Post".

Hope that helps!

Have a good one o/

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all

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