Information Overload?
Hey all. I've been getting more headaches lately cuz of my recent artistic studies.
Like, for ex., on Day 1, I'd read and take notes on The Practice and Science of Drawing and do the Drawing Course DVD (the Barnstone Method).

Then, on another day, color control DVD of Barnstone and reading more on the said book.

Is it okay to alternate the color theory and drawing course?
Also, the headaches are more on reading and being on a laptop screen I think.

Or having a partner is much better? Though I'd ask more about the DVD (like how to construct the semantic circle).

Anyway, can anyone share tips and advice on how to stop the headaches? and also for not gaining weight--- because I eat when I do have a headache lol
may be useful to look at

Don't stare at the screen (laptop screen do have a problem if you look at them in a bad angle so the screen will appear darker so make sure it the correct angle you may want to set the brightness to. Use a good lightsource in the room.Also reading can cause headache try to alternate with quick sketch and reading and don't force yourself if your sleepy.You may have headache if you forget to eat so make sure to plan eating pause and to stay hydrated.Eat raw vegetable avoid sugar and fat.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Do u need glasses? Eye strain can cause headaches also . If you also dont take breaks each hour or so ciuld be a cause due tovstaring at screen constantly.

@darktiste: yeah, I figured it was the screen and too much reading... No wonder people always tell me to adjust the angle of my laptop. I got so used to bending the angle of my laptop a little farther than 90 degrees. My lighting is orange-y also.
Thank you for the link :)

@JonHop: I'm near sighted so yea, I have one though I don't use it much cuz my eyesight sometimes is fine, other times, a lil' blurred. I don't think it's the reason but I do stare at the screen the whole day (but not when I have to eat).

Btw, could anyone tell me what 'across the form' shading is? I've been trying to find an example of that.

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