Danny's crappy book of sketches
Week 3 still. I was supposed to do another full life study and three more thumbnail colour sill life studies. I was having so much fun on the skeleton thing paining I didn't want to stop to study.

Around an hour of messing around, officially given up on this abomination though :D

Random thing that doesn't read well. Around 25 minutes

and this thing that I did for around an hour

super lazy today

these helped me much in my troubles w/colors :)


70+Page Koala Sketchbook: http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-3465.html SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits! http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-7879.html
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
(02-17-2014, 11:33 AM)Fedodika Wrote: http://muddycolors.blogspot.com/2013/12/...today.html

these helped me much in my troubles w/colors :)


Oh god! It's even more complicated than I first imagined! T.T Thank you very much these look very promising. They made me realise how much I need a colour wheel, like...I really need to print one of. Thanks again!

week 4

I promise I don't actually look like this. I really, really hope not.

1h 40min

1 hour of messing around and getting no where! It was fun though

color is tough, but it doesn't have to be too complicated haha; remember bouguereau was a technical master of this thing; most pro artists i've seen don't come close to his color/value variation. just focus on values more, try to get the photographic look the best you can.

here are my tips:
Remember to saturate your transitions,
and look for sweet spots that add beauty to your painting, and leave them, basically if it ain't broke don't fix it, unless it falls behind the rest of your drawing
If your not satisfied with your work, spend more time on it!

KEEP GOIN M8 your enthusiasm makes me enthusiastic!

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-3465.html SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits! http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-7879.html
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
(02-19-2014, 12:46 AM)Fedodika Wrote: color is tough, but it doesn't have to be too complicated haha; remember bouguereau was a technical master of this thing; most pro artists i've seen don't come close to his color/value variation. just focus on values more, try to get the photographic look the best you can.

here are my tips:
Remember to saturate your transitions,
and look for sweet spots that add beauty to your painting, and leave them, basically if it ain't broke don't fix it, unless it falls behind the rest of your drawing
If your not satisfied with your work, spend more time on it!

KEEP GOIN M8 your enthusiasm makes me enthusiastic!

Perhaps I am over complicating things ahaha It's just something I've never even tried to understand so it's over whelming at the moment. I always used to just look at the colour of something and copy it but never really took the time to understand it and apply later.

Today I actually spent more time on the self portraits just to slow down and try to figure things out. From now on I'm going to do longer studies to try and better myself from the last one if you know what I mean. Because I'm definitely not satisfied with it D: Tomorrow I'm going to do a study in grey scale first and then add colour to experiment with values.

Thanks for all the help and kind words fed I really appreciate it!


messing around to cool off from studies

Week 4

morning sketches

4h 40min

Didn't do much work today. I didn't feel like drawing for some reason and I couldn't force it D: Usually I force myself to draw and I end up enjoying the process. I wanted to play videos games, it felt super weird...like...I haven't done that in ages.

week 4

Today was mainly just drawing and messing around.

I'm putting the whole artsy fartsy on a hold for 4 days. I need to revise for a test, it's in my best interests if I don't fail this time. It pains me to do this because I feel awful if I don't do at least 3 hours of drawing/painting each day.

I will most likely update with a few sketches but I can't actually put effort and time into studying and doing the art camp. It hurts man.

Hey Dan, I did a quick paintover of two of your portraits to just demonstrate the kind of colour diversity you should be chasing. You're missing balance when it comes to skin tones, partly this is due to your using coloured backgrounds for colour studies, this throws off your whole perception of colour. So the first thing I did was desaturate the whole image, then I used photoshops default swatches and a simple brush to make a transparent (but still skin coloured) patch over the whole face, from there I made very thin adjustments with very strong colours, letting them layer over each other and produce the result below:

It's a really fast method and you can adjust for shadow and light using the Multiply and Screen brush settings, or just your own judgement. I used judgement, but I encourage you to try the settings as well.

Also, good studies will be shown in context, ie. with their background/setting.
Hey mate, thx for passing by.

Keep up understanding values and learn to draw and understand things as 3d and you will do fine.

Dont worry about colors that much,

so focus on values for now.

Try watching the planes head/plane models , i think there are lots of images in google (search it like that "planes head" or "John Asaro")

Its already simplified so it will help you already. Keep it simple and start start sharing :-)

Good look with your test - rawk it ;-)
Test passed, on with the arting! I'm going to transition to an 8 hour personal schedule and see if it isn't too hard to keep up with seeing as I'm in school now. If not I'll go back to 5 or 6 hours.

@Finnjamin - The thing is my wall is blue which is why I make my background blue. I always start with a grey background for everything I do, but if I add colour without choosing a background early on it throws all the colours off. I'm looking through a mirror when doing these mind. Taking that into consideration, should I still start with a grey background? The background is going to have to be blue at some point if you know what I mean.

The value ranges and colours you're using is exactly what I want to achieve so thanks for the detailed process I do appreciate it! I always see people do full studies where they record everything so perhaps that's what I should do. Thanks for the over paint man

@constructicon - Yeah I need to do more value studies and the major plane of the face for sure. I find myself using colour, overlays and hard light layers when transitioning to colour. On top of that I then add colour with a normal layer. Time consuming so I start neglecting it. I'm starting to use a hue layer with a black fill to toggle on an off for value checking and that seems to be satisfying me at the moment.

silly stuff i did between studying yucki non art related things

still life's looking very well. Try to grab more of the reflected colors on objects, like the mushroom - there's some greenish on it but not much reflected color on green cloth around the mushroom. It will not be huge color change, maybe just lowered saturation, but it will blend object to harmony.

(02-27-2014, 07:04 AM)Madzia Wrote: still life's looking very well. Try to grab more of the reflected colors on objects, like the mushroom - there's some greenish on it but not much reflected color on green cloth around the mushroom. It will not be huge color change, maybe just lowered saturation, but it will blend object to harmony.

Yeah I try to look out for reflected light but never push it far enough. I think it's because I find the reflected light so hard to see sometimes. Thanks for spotting that I do need to be waaay more subtle with colour and value. Thanks for stopping by!

from ref

I was lazyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy today.

I was studying these skin tones for 2 and a half hours or so without opacity. I'm pretty happy with the way they came out. So a lack of effort, but I'm feeling satisfied.

yhea flat brush studies are so draining; but they help crazy amounts! IM CHEERIN YOU ON MAN

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-3465.html SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits! http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-7879.html
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
(03-01-2014, 10:28 AM)Fedodika Wrote: yhea flat brush studies are so draining; but they help crazy amounts! IM CHEERIN YOU ON MAN

You are the best ever fedorator, don't go anywhere any time soon dammit. Getting back into studying again. Damn taking a few days off ruins me

focused more on stuff from imagination this time!

no opacatron

still life! 1 hour each and some messing around because I haven't been doing much sketching lately. I've been reading Gurney's colour and light at school instead of drawing. Hopefully it's a good trade off.

waisted loads of time going back and working into the painting from my last post but I regret nothiiiing

from ref

back to anatomy

master study

used ref for that bod

I know they're terrible but I swear I will get good at these


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