Good Day!
Hello hello im new to things like this im a shy guy who hides his sketches! Hehehehe!

I joined this forum cause i wanna be serious and be really good at illustrating and also to learn realistic drawing cause my art style is "animeyish" if that's a word (i don't think so. . .) and im not that good at coloring stuff but i'll try. I hope i get little help from you guys cause im self taught Im currently doing my first realistic art i tried the character generator and so far Im having fun! i just wanna ask you guys if Im going to study realistic art style where should i start cause i dont know where to start. . . Ohh thanks for reading and have a good day!
Hey, welcome :D!
I would say start by studying & drawing from Loomis Figure Drawing for all it's worth and Head's & Hands are pretty good places to start. Urmm drawing poses from or from videos, will help you develop a good sense of gesture. Make sure that you draw lot from imagination as well to apply all the stuff you've learnt from the books. Not really sure of much else at this early stage, if you have any questions asking in the chatbox would be a good idea. Have fun!

Sketchbook | Deviantart | Blog

"The difficulties of not knowing are much greater than the effort of learning"
Thanks Egbu for this i'll work hard and study! I wanna take a look at your sketchbook but you deleted it. . . Ohh and nice to meet you have a nice day!
Hey there, welcome to the forums

If you want to get draw more realistically I would advise studying a lot from life, and when you can't do that draw from photos. When you don't feel like drawing try reading or watching videos on the subject your interested in and then when you go back to drawing/studying see if you can apply what you read/watched in your work.

Also don't get discouraged if your "realism" isn't quite realism yet. It takes a lot of time to get there!

Good luck, looking forward to see your sketchbook soon


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