iamorim's sketchbook!
hello guys! i'm not very active around here. my final project for college is killing me!

but i'm doing some sargent studies to practice portraits. here is what i did recently

hi! '-'

hi guys.

I have some traditional work to post but I need to take photos first. I'll do it in a few days I hope.

now some figure stuff and a study after robert henri '-'

Hi iamorim! Good to see you here, too! :)

I really like your latest figure studies, and your edges and brushstrokes seem a lot more confident in these. I hope to see more of your stuff on here! Keep up the good work! :)

(04-06-2015, 02:47 AM)Minksy Wrote: Hi iamorim! Good to see you here, too! :)

I really like your latest figure studies, and your edges and brushstrokes seem a lot more confident in these. I hope to see more of your stuff on here! Keep up the good work! :)


thanks! i'm trying to slow down a little to pay attention, think more about what I'm doing in the process and about the structures. I guess this is helping me.

I see your studies on tumblr, lots of them. You have improved a lot in my opinion.

Very nice to see you around here too ;)

(04-08-2015, 11:36 AM)iamorim Wrote: hello!

thanks! i'm trying to slow down a little to pay attention, think more about what I'm doing in the process and about the structures. I guess this is helping me.

I see your studies on tumblr, lots of them. You have improved a lot in my opinion.

Very nice to see you around here too ;)

I think that's one of the best things we can do, since so many aspiring artists are focused too much on speed, without first thinking things through. So I whole-heartedly support this ;) Can't wait to see all the progress you make in the future!

And thank you very much, I'm really happy you think so! :)

- R.

Hi guys!

Some traditionals with charcoal. First time with charcoal haha. It is a little hard to control but really cool.
You can get fine lines, great masses, pretty dark tones. I'll do more for sure!

I decided to quit the female bust. I made a lot of mistakes in the beginning so I stoped as soon as I saw that '-'

NICE!!! Nothing beats studying from life. If you still have access to live nude models - study like there's no tomorrow.

That latest batch of black and white drawings looks great- You're really getting value down!

Really nice figure studies - the male one especially came out great with all those lovely forceful lines, and I love how you made use of lost edges in the right areas, too. Fantastic way to get better at values and practice some anatomy, too. Looking forward to see more ;)

Thanks for the support guys!

Here is something I'v been doing. Looking for some straight / structure lines in masses.

There is more stuff to come soon u.u

hi guys!

- some hand studies, mostly after loomis.

- drapery: any tips about the process I used?

- a color study after costa dvorezky. I really liked the colors he used in two paintings so I tried do paint them without the color picker. That was a little challenging because color is a very hard subject for me. I will post the second as soon as I finish it.

Attached Files Image(s)


Looks like I have a difficulty about seeing high saturated colors O.O

I tried to do some characters. I used reference for the poses.

hi guys!

so, I've been doing some cubes in perspective. now I need to apply that in some sketches. maybe next week I post them.


some things from michael hampton's and loomi's books and from the composition a day thread that you can see here:

Awesome amount of studies! I like your sargent ones a lot. You seem to be getting more and more confident. Keep studying and pushing! You're doing great. =)

eroquii - thanks a lot man!

Two color studies.

I didn't spend too much time in the second, so some parts are shit :|

Another color study night

robert henri this time

Yes i like this sketchbook , huge improvements throughout those two pages. i suggest to keep in watch of your proportions, the arms are too long in your characters. for me doing gestures alot helps in feeling how long those arms are.

question though , those compositional studies what are you looking for when doing them?

WOW!! There is an insane amount of progress here! It's incredible! The only thing I can think of to point out is your figure drawings were beautifully done, and it seems like you sort of tossed out that knowledge when you made your (otherwise really cool) characters. Other than that, keep it up! I'm excited to see more!! :D


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