Janos´ Sketchbook
“The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and starting on the first one.”

― Mark Twain

so here is my first one

[Image: proxy?url=http%3A%2F%2F3.bp.blogspot.com...=image%2F*]
Good lines. I think there are a little perspective mistakes but I don't know too much to confirm that.

Did you use pen and markers? Keep posting some more!!

If this is supposed to be symmetrical then right wing doesn't seem right, way too close.

hey thanks for your reply!

Artur you right i got also make a perspective mistake on the other side :P
I will try to work with more patiencend next time!

Iamorim!! yes it was marker first C1 than inking. and after that i tried to render it the best i can :P

I will keep it up thanks guys
Well hell yes, Janos!

Great start to your sketchbook! I also love that quote you began with <3

Have you been watching/reading some Scott Robertson? I received his book for Christmas but haven't really started reading it yet D:

Keep it up, you know a lot already, looking forward to your next update!

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
hey smrrfette ! I try to manipulate my subconscious so in fact I got these Frace and some more hanging at my wall. This works for me pretty well my whole life. To achieve and accomplish my goals. I got also More you Draw better you get :P It´s a Marathon not a sprint but what is the most important for me is "BE PATIENT"! :)

Scott Robertson is incredible !! I love all his stuff. I preorderd the book. But I had to wait 1 month longer to get it thanks to Amazon :P and now I try not to rush it to much. The great thing is you can read it complete and than you can start to try all the stuff in the book !!!
sorry guys got no scanner at the moment...try to get a new one!!

just some sketches...did much more but i have to photo them and this suxx in quali :P

The creepy locking face was one of my first choal drawings/portraits...it may look creppy but i learnd sooo much about values and seeing areas in the face...try to draw just with values

Follow Betty Edwards From Line to Value to Color to Painting :P

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Hey Janos! Nice stuff! Are You from Hungary? Your name suggests so :)

(01-14-2014, 11:10 PM)Kaffer Wrote: Hey Janos! Nice stuff! Are You from Hungary? Your name suggests so :)

hey Kaffer, thanks man !

nope i am from germany but my grandpa is hungarian :P

quick sketch i will do more of these ...its really helping me to understand form in persp.

i know its not the most accurate thing but i will train more !

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and quick digi render

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hey Janos, how about addig some stuff (like fins, engine, exhaustion pipes etc) to the police car? Its silhouette doesn't really resemble a vehicle.. (If you don't mind me asking:))

(01-17-2014, 07:38 PM)Kaffer Wrote: hey Janos, how about addig some stuff (like fins, engine, exhaustion pipes etc) to the police car? Its silhouette doesn't really resemble a vehicle.. (If you don't mind me asking:))

yes sir! i was running out of time. its look pretty naked...i am really experementing at the moment. I will research better next time.

At the beginning i was just practise complex form :P
Scott Robertson's book looks pretty awesome im prob gonna pick it up some time next month. Nice to see you working hard on your fundamentals, those will serve you well for your whole career. Keep updating with your progress ;).

(01-17-2014, 09:40 PM)JonHop Wrote: Scott Robertson's book looks pretty awesome im prob gonna pick it up some time next month. Nice to see you working hard on your fundamentals, those will serve you well for your whole career. Keep updating with your progress ;).

Thank you very much :) will keep it up! It´s sooo much fun !
color & render it in ps next day´s

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heyyy yooo!!!

this was my work from today...i really can say "I LEARNED A LOT" today..

the plan was to render my police car sketch (above) and color it.

I paint over it with 10% grey. Than I start the line-work. This took me about 4 hours I think. Problem was I had some perspective issues.

In the end I changed the "design" if you can call it design :P

But what helped me the most or where I learned the most was the inking process.

I think I level up xDDD

when I finished the line-work I render it with 30% 50% 70% an took 5%-0% white for my highlights.
That's the way I did it already traditionally a lot of times.
Put the Layers to RGB and play with Color Balance :)

All in all this took me 10 hours today. It is just one sketch but it have a lot of value for me :D
My old football coach would say " Ask your self ! Did I become better or worse today?"

I can say "I became better today"!

Gonne watch Arrow now peace!

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here my steps for anyone who is interested in.

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Hey there!

This is for today...looong Day...

This is Ahun. A Island where the main character from my older personal project is try to rescue his family.

First time I did something like this

Tomorrow I will color/rerender it maybe :)


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hey there...this is today

coloring took me way to long.

i acutally dont like the end result..i have to work much much more!!!


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I think the blue is just too dominant.

And most of those adventure maps are not as much saturated, maybe thats a way to go.

Keep it comin :D

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