I'm new to Crimson Daggers, came here as referred by a friend in hopes of getting feedback on my work! I'll be posting a quick sample I guess, concrit is very much encouraged <3
I've mostly been doing studies lately, most of them are very sketchy and WIP <3
@Madzia: Thank you very much! It's what I'm trying to practice most on so I'm glad it seems to be working out :D
Sorry for the couple of days without posts, I had a busy time. I'm slightly obsessed with Fauns, haha. not too fond of the portrait but I do like the bust :) Lots to learn still.
Finally clearing the backlog! This is from the past weeks combined. I draw the characters on the bus so the anatomy and such is kinda wonky since I don't have ref ;w;
Great start to your sketchbook, like the painterly to the self portrait you are doing. In some of your imagination pieces I think if you really push your values a bit more you could really get your images to pop. Keep pushing :).
@Madzia: I have a +-1h travel to go to my internship so I have some time :D I should draw more passengers, yeah, I've stopped doing that and I don't know why. Will do!
@JonHop: Values are my greatest weakness. I'm trying to adjust through Levels when I can but it's still my kryptonite :(
I don't know if 3D is allowed here, but I try to update my stuff daily during the week (I've been slacking, hehe) so here's a render of a sculpt I made (the render itself is kinda bad). It's the shield from LoL's Leona (Defender skin)