Danger Zone
@Jaik Thanks! I could settle for being 1 or 2% off! Hell, I could settle being 30% off compared to the master!

@pnate Thanks pnate pmate! Gotta punch some babies and keep studying, that's all.

@Archreux Thank you, it was kinda stressfull not seeing much progress when I was just trying to copy landscapes just as it is, but now that I'm giving my spin to them I'm having more fun. I forget that sometimes, it's not about if it's stay true to the original or if it's right, it's about having fun. :)

@Lyraina <3 Thanks Lyraina! Glad you liked these trippy lines as there'll probably be more!

Saturation Saturday. :D

[Image: IKk8M5z.png]
[Image: TDHF598.png]
[Image: 5B5FOB3.png?1]

Dude I'm loving the caricaturised portraits more and more, the guy with the cigar is awesome!

And see!? Didn't I told ya the environment you where doing was gonna blow my mind? TOLD YA!! haha
Only thing that I think would pop it more would be to add some metalic reflections on the sword, I know it's probably made of stone but if it was metallic it would rock even more, you know? Like some kind of super magical metal that still looks polished even after all the time and erosion that has happened since the statue was build. And then a hero comes to get it to build a sword from it or some bullshit.

By the way, you're really getting a hang of foliage dude, those foreground trees are sweet!

No complaints on my part about saturation on this particular one cause it's focused and well driven, keep it up my friend keep it uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup!

@Suira Thanks man! For some reason I don't like to use foliage brushes that much, idk, if I use them it seems like I am not learning all that much. I had added some extra glows and particles but I forgot to add them back on the final save, lol. Oh well.

Sundays were supposed to be drawfree but I can't help myself, had to do something.

[Image: JyJiIsM.png]
[Image: zxlmJJs.png]

Stop kicking so much ass, let me catch up :(
Ahhh them faces. To think I'm studying so much mushkees just to get close to yours my friend, really nice stuff. And LOL about the sword thing, it happends to me many times to. I add some details on a final layer and turn it on and off ti see if it works and then I save it in invisible xD

Your head sketches gave me and idea, I like the really simple cheek marks, they convey the form in a simple way that works, I'll give that a shot. The problem I find with that comes when I try to shade. I gotta work harder on that part of the face. It seems an asaro 3d study is oportune for today.

@JRettberg hahaha, lies! I level at a turtle's pace.

@Suira Oh cmon your faces are already fucking great, mine nowadays are just going to the weird way, haha.
The cheekline is really hard to place as it tend to olden the person, I don't know why but that v mark when it's smiling came out ok, so I kept it. :)

Today's trash that I'm taking out, started some fashion designs so I don't overdose on enviros. They're all from hel-looks, except for the last one that I merged them all up for the JPOW.

[Image: LaQ1YA3.png]
[Image: taMX9JB.png]
[Image: fmZoG0v.png]
[Image: SNv1kYX.png]
[Image: uss0Pil.png]

Man, solid characters you have there! That latest landscape you did is mind blowing! I need to work on my lines as well, make them as flowing and clear. Good job!

You are your only limits!

RAFA I missed your sketchbook!! I can feel my inspiration tank fill up by looking at your awesome stuff. I'm digging those clean lines in your sketches and faces so much, everything is spot on.
Lovely enviros as well <3


Hahah I recognise some of those wonky dudes from hel-looks! They are a pain in the butt to draw, at least they were for me, but you managed to pull it off very well man. One of the bisggest strenghts I see in stylisation is that you learn to interpret reference and give it your own twist, many times improving what you seem I gotta learn how to do that for sure.

I'm seriously hoping that the enviro is a master copy, otherwise you're just inhuman, because that's awesome! The clouds remind me so much of the Ulduar are of WotLK haha, good times.

Pretty nice stuff, I always get good ideas out of your updates, always.

Now, I have a request, see if you can pull it off. On the next fashion study, one of them needs a goat head!!! MUahahahaha!

@LaleAnn Thanks! I dig me some lines. :)

@Cyprinus Haha, thanks! Always glad to be inspiring!

@Suira They're very wonky indeed hahaha, just gotta keep them interesting. :)
Oh yeah it totally is, the original painting is a clusterfuck of orgasms I don't even know where to look at.
Goathead hipster will have to wait for another day. :(

Had to cut short today, RL stuff to take care.

[Image: cPrjleM.png]
[Image: ipHgkUI.png]
[Image: B2yUwqu.png]


70+Page Koala Sketchbook: http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-3465.html SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits! http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-7879.html
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
For some reason the thumbnails I like the most are the ones with murlocks in them xD

The orcs are cool, only there's one I don't know what's going on with his face, it's the one on the left upper corner. I think you forgot some face muscles there xD and it also makes a tangent with the nose. Still, cool stuff my friend!

@Fedodika ORCWESOME!

@Suira Hahah, really?
Nah, just trying to push the anatomy, sometimes it doesn't work. :)

Only slept like 3 hours today, so I didn't do much, tomorrow I'll probably get back to regular studies.

[Image: BeDmEr4.png]
[Image: Jmsldao.png]
[Image: DVbURh9.png]

Dude, those CHOW designs are awesome, I really like to see this side of your art, even if it's less rendered and shit, I feel it's more original and that it resonates more. Maybe you should do more of this stuff if you enjoy it :) Really strong shape language and fundational understanding. Sexy.

Faces and warmups coming along, I envy you too much for your lines and they seem spontaneous as fuck, mine look messy as fuck xD Btw I'm giving a try the "double line" thingie and it works so I'll stick to it for a while, maybe even try to implement it in every drawing, so thanks for the tip man.


Much love for skinny jeans on hel-looks haha! :D Awesome as always. Would be nice of you to do some bad work, too, so that we could actually give some useful feedback in here. Thanks! :P

SketchbookDeviantartArtblog | Portfolio
Every feedback is appreciated!
damn ... they're all so good ... I can't even have a favorite ... :/

Killingggg on the CHOW. The hipster studies have served you well.

Awesome sketchbook man! Love both your character work and landscapes. Just love looking at 'em!

@Suira Yea, I'll definitely do more of them in the future. :)
Hahahah, thanks man, you don't need to strictly follow it, just keep studying and you'll find your own thing.

@Lyraina Lol, lot's of bad work in here and more incoming! Them skinny jeans are caricatures by itself really.

@Adrian Thanks Adrian, I'm in a pickle too, I can't decide which one. :/

@pnate Thanks nate! Can't wait to get my head blown by yours.

@mate Thanks meat, glad you like it. :)

Reg. studies, I tried to start those portraits but I'll color them tomorrow.
Sorry if I haven't replied on sketchbooks lately, a bit tired.

[Image: ViPAN2R.png]
[Image: OGD9Br1.png]
[Image: JOlq3Db.png]
[Image: XkHiXVb.png]
[Image: ACXMtvk.png]
[Image: BNjrwhg.png]

Ahh those enviros, dude you seriously are leveling up.the foreground on that last enviro is crisp as fuck!! I just wanna eat it! Gimme that dirt babe! Look at those sweet transitions, look at them colors, look at them leafs! Dayum girl, you sexy!

Also...those faces!!! AhhhH! I need to study moar moaaaaaaaaaaaaar! I need to catch up!!

These last couple updates are something diferent, something better, keep it up, THAT is my command xD


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