Danger Zone
Woowoo all the CHOW pieces coming along nicely. Also your sketches are too sketchy. Do you really expect us to have an imagination and fill in the rough parts?

@PacaTatuCotiaNao Thanks dude. :)

@Fedodika Thanks!

@smrrfette Thank you very much. :)

@pnate Aw damn, that's probably why I've been bad all these years, sketchy sketches are so sketchy.

Working 9 to 5. Almost seems like it with these same updates, lol.
Love doing these icons, worker gloves of greeness.

[Image: imTmu5j.png]
[Image: lpakjCE.png]
[Image: IsKVWtb.png]
[Image: xEe9srd.png]
[Image: sGLvB9B.png]
[Image: LJ7wqo7.png]
[Image: ozxqmzh.png]
[Image: GtaPnvs.png]

Damn, the way you render dat skiiiins tho. Well, everything really. And your lines... SO CRISP. Like the chips I just ate.

Butt kicking stuff as always. A joy to see, and a sweet motivator to boot. :)

Criticism is always welcome!

If you continue to question as to when you'll ever be ready for something, you'll find that you're never truly ready for anything.
@Busy B. Thank you very much. :) My boot is as crisp as a chip! Wait, what?

Tomorrow be the day to work hard on the CHOW, and the last day!
Might slow down the studies as some freelancing stuff is starting to show up. :(

[Image: K9NTZwN.png]
[Image: PkFIe9V.png]
[Image: M1IuVDM.png]
[Image: peBfQ6K.png]
[Image: g4YglJN.png]
[Image: V9BoHBZ.png]
[Image: Zos3qUC.png]

[Image: tumblr_ml4acfiWnX1s95oy9o5_500.gif]

... just keep up the good work man :')

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-3465.html SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits! http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-7879.html
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
Snappin necks and cashin chequesssssssssss. . . ...
Seriously though, love that last character so much :D
[Image: wink.gif]
Thank you. :)

@Fedodika Stupid

@BenFlores Haha, thanks man! Hope it didn't come out as bad as I think.

CHOW kinda crumbled at the end, I'm not sure about the mouth yet, gonna sleep on it before submitting it.

[Image: NEaGMcK.png]
[Image: Mv5uiso.png]
[Image: 3E0axys.png]

man, you're officially one of my favorite artists. Your stuff are so impressive. Must have been a really long journey for you man, drawing all the time. Hope to be like you someday. :)
dude your stuff is amazing p.p

What in the FUCK!!!!!!???? I leave for like a week, and when I come back you've become a pro! Not fair man, not fair, now I'm gonna definetively hunt you down and kidnap you!

Awesome stuff , I specially have digged the huge progress with enviros and the realistic studies. And the CHOW piece! I mean WTF!!!!! Woah, woah....just.....aghhh!! Great stuff man.

Just.....just.....keep up the amazing work and I'll get back into gears real soon, and I swear, one day man, one day, I'm gonna go to Brazil and kidnap you.....you probably won't be there anymore, but I'll do it anyway xD

@nastobi123 Thanks man! You know the secret, just practice your head out. :)

@Nimao Thanks! Stupid

@Suira lawl, I'm not gonna wait. I'm scared now, after the death threats.

More otherness.
And that was the final version of CHOW.

[Image: pu12Lzk.png]
[Image: n7xl1FT.png]
[Image: LInHxhB.png]
[Image: 0CpKTAL.png]
[Image: gjrasn1.png]
[Image: WwqhAVv.png]
[Image: NHQaHmn.png]
[Image: FgU8JjF.png]


70+Page Koala Sketchbook: http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-3465.html SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits! http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-7879.html
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
The colored thumbnail studies have come a long way from the previous black and white ones. Wish I could do the same someday with my own thumbnail studies.

The gestures are sick as always, and that CHOW character is pretty sweet, albeit I'm somewhat partial to the face in the Sept. 20 post. The closest I can come to a critique I guess is that something feels off that I can't quite pinpoint about the forward leg, especially past the knee area.

But despite that it still looks really sweet, the rendering in particular leaves me pretty envious.

@Fedodika Hahahah, thanks!

@Pictomancer Thank you! Yea, realized when out of context he seems to be duckfacing, it was supposed to be saying a "tch" from bitch.

More crap.

[Image: rIDL54a.png]
[Image: nzCnQn5.png]
[Image: wdeEcYn.png]
[Image: t0Y4DcY.png]
[Image: aTbiTUl.png]
[Image: 0PCIFOf.png]
[Image: xH1CvQy.png]

Great lines, zomg

please keep chucking more crap my way :)

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-3465.html SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits! http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-7879.html
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
LOL ... that expression on that horse ... gold.

@Ursula Dorada Thanks!

@Fedodika Will do.

@Adrian He is not pleased.

Gotta mix up my routine or I'll die of boredom.

[Image: mpiduvy.png]
[Image: nP0WokD.png]
[Image: IcDHvkG.png]
[Image: QRjnCIQ.png]

Those line portraits are looking solid :)

Not sure why you're putting those coloured halos around your props study though? Doesn't it mess with your colour/value perception a bit?


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