Danger Zone
Wow! Your linework is amazing! I always get super pumped when I look at your paintings! keep it up

That's good lookin maaan , those muscles , that left hand armor plate , that mask .. yeaaah. One could say it's quite .. STUNNING ... get it ? hehe .. because mace and ... heheee .. I'm not funny.

However I feel there are some slight problems in the head area , perspective wise I think. Namely his left horn and maybe that "U" shaped decoration on top a bit.

:U That goblins vs gnomes challenge sounds like the perfect occasion man ! You go kill em !

I wonder what side you'll be on haha

Nice updates mate ;3 i like rendering on those latest images. smoothly and nicely done. keep it up ;3

It's looking super already, can't wait to see it finished.

Damn such an awesome design man. Did I tell you how inspiring your productivity is?

@Sir-lex Thank you! Pump it up!

@Adrian Thanks Adrian, eeeh don't sweat it too much, if I had to fix all the problems on this one it'd take me forever, but sometimes you gotta take a few losses and know then it's ready.
Also, I'm going to try to go for both. :)

@ramalooke Thanks man! I am smooth, lol!

@AliceChopper Thank you! Not sure if I'll be coloring this one, maybe on a later date, lots of stuff to do.

@Caisne Haha, probably did but it's awesome to hear that. If this baddy right here can make it, anyone can, all you need is to put time into it.

Finished the grayscale one, moving on, and fast! Gotta start me some goblin/gnome action.

[Image: TEO6jWG.png]

Going for both ? :U Can't wait to see !

Yeah , you're probably right man. Perhaps that's one of the reasons why I feel so "burnt" when trying to study stuff and it doesn't go exactly as planned lol. Especially those moments when I know it's wrong but can't tell what haha.

@Adrian Gonna have to run for it, but we'll see!

Going forward with this... it's the weekend.

[Image: CzzdAO3.png]
[Image: PC9fGqB.png]

Looks great, rafa! I particularly like the coloured shadow on his skin and the fading of the colours, the emphasized outline gives a really cool look as well!

I also already love the little colour sketch you did, only thing that irritates me a bit though is the bright spot of the bottle (don't know if there's a special name for it XD ), because I feel that it kind of draws my attention away from his face, also it's almost right in the center of the image. Maybe it's only my impression though, or you want to have focus on it, then feel free to ignore it! (Also, I understand, the bottle's colour is not so dark in value so it probably would pop out a bit, but wouldn't it be a bit darker? The way it is now it seems a bit glowing to me...maybe I'm all wrong though, because I don't know a lot about lightning or value to be honest orz )


@Cyprinus Thank you! Haha, don't feel bad but the bottle was only placed for me to know where it'd be, the value in it still doesn't make any sense, planning to render the guy tomorrow.

Lots of work tomorrow!

[Image: 3bvPYi8.png]

hmm while you're working on that, definitely try to seize any opportunity to add to the framing of the composition, maybe pulling it out here and there left or up. i like the double triangles coming in from the side, great pose. Really just pull it out if you see a chance, i know it's hard hard hard...

This is my suggestion move the dude down a little so the horns are more in frame but you still get that overlap with the borders of the canvas. Just far enough to where it doesn't tangent. The way it is now it feels like frustrating, like i don't want to look at it long, or kind of a trapped feeling. Maybe you were going for that since it's a darker/ more sinister character, i just feel with the kind of big mountains in the background, it would better serve it for breathing room per say since the background is kind of detailed.

Hope i don't sound like an idiot!

Attached Files Image(s)

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-3465.html SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits! http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-7879.html
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
@Fedodika Hey thanks man, but I feel it's ok as it is, didn't weird me out.

Finished it and some warm up faces.
Now going to be MIA for some goblin vs gnome action.

[Image: Nr82H2W.png?1]
[Image: N07bD5L.png]

as always, awesome updates man. hope to see more soon <3

That last one is looking like juicy splash art, keep it comin :)
You have a really cool style man! Would love to see more studies :)

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Awe yeaaaah!!

Awesome work on the illustration man!

@ramalooke thanks ramalooke! Gonna be a bit of a dry season for studies now, gotta finish lots of stuff!

@BenFlores Thanks Ben!

@Othrandir Thank you, I'll try to post some warmups now and then. :)

@wreck Thanks wreck! Means a lot. :)

Focusing pretty hard on the contest, so here are a few faces from the past couple of days.

[Image: zdTp4Jb.png]
[Image: jp0ycEC.png]

Hmm .. I wonder what place/prize you'll take.

Can your linework be any more amazing ?

Good luck for the contest!!! Blow them away with your mad skills! <3

Love the faces and all the variety. Those noses! *_*


@Adrian Haha, if I get some recognition it'd be good already, these competitions get some crazy submissions.

@Cyprinus Thank you!

Here's the final piece for the gnome and some warm up faces.
Gotta do another one now!

[Image: DI9ouiU.png]
[Image: hw9ULkb.png?1]


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