vymnis sketchbook

just a quick sketch maybe 45 minutes to an hour

i wanted a more worn ancient look to the armor hopefully ive achieved that in the boots

figure studies


figure studies from today and all the stuff i worked on today

what ive done so far today

got a solid 5 hours in today and ill be drawing more later tonight but now I FEED

nearly done with this. should be finished tommorow.

finally done :D

some stuff i did over the last week

did some figure studies today and worked on some ideas but unfortunatly thats still mainly what they are so just gunna upload the figure studies.

Hi Vymnis, I really like your sketchbook, your figure practice pages are really nice! The girl riding the (bomb?) is cool too. The lady with the axe looks great too, just, she looks a little 'flat' to me, what do you think? Like she's a cardboard cutout. It could be how she's standing, since both her feet are in line with each other but her torso is in 3/4 view - or maybe try to play with the values a bit.

Just my observation anyway! Keep up your hard work and great drawing!

Comic book creator
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(07-31-2014, 10:13 AM)JyonnyNovice Wrote: Hi Vymnis, I really like your sketchbook, your figure practice pages are really nice! The girl riding the (bomb?) is cool too. The lady with the axe looks great too, just, she looks a little 'flat' to me, what do you think? Like she's a cardboard cutout. It could be how she's standing, since both her feet are in line with each other but her torso is in 3/4 view - or maybe try to play with the values a bit.

Just my observation anyway! Keep up your hard work and great drawing!

yeah she stands out too much from the background because of the hard gradient, the fact that shes not blended into the background of the picture kind of makes it look like shes floating or like shes a cardboard cutout against a wall.

some stuff from last night


Lots of dedication here vymnis! But just a friendly advice, don't dwell too much on one painting, try to study the elements your piece separate so when you do it for real on your painting you take it out of the way much faster, like Forrest Imel does on his sketchbook, and don't forget them anatomy studies, they're very important!

figure studies and some work

(08-05-2014, 10:13 PM)rafa zanchetin Wrote: Lots of dedication here vymnis! But just a friendly advice, don't dwell too much on one painting, try to study the elements your piece separate so when you do it for real on your painting you take it out of the way much faster, like Forrest Imel does on his sketchbook, and don't forget them anatomy studies, they're very important!

Thanks rafa zanchetin for the support! Could you tell me what you mean by not dwelling I think you're saying not to stay on one aspect of a painting for too long so I don't get bogged down in minute details but I'm not sure

Like on the paladin/crusader lady, you've made a lot of updates on the painting over some days, not sure if you spent a lot of time with it but it does seem you're struggling a bit with the materials on it, no? They seem to be some reflective metal right? If so you should find some pictures that fits the description on your mind, some examples: http://www.pinterest.com/pin/250020216788503304/ or http://www.pinterest.com/pin/250020216788200411/.
Study them, copy, try to understand how it works from those pictures so when you go to your own painting, you knock it out of the park and finish it very quickly.

(08-08-2014, 06:34 AM)rafa zanchetin Wrote: Like on the paladin/crusader lady, you've made a lot of updates on the painting over some days, not sure if you spent a lot of time with it but it does seem you're struggling a bit with the materials on it, no? They seem to be some reflective metal right? If so you should find some pictures that fits the description on your mind, some examples: http://www.pinterest.com/pin/250020216788503304/ or http://www.pinterest.com/pin/250020216788200411/.
Study them, copy, try to understand how it works from those pictures so when you go to your own painting, you knock it out of the park and finish it very quickly.

ah! thanks for the help and showing me Pinterest this will be really useful!

Is she wearing the union jack? XD You could build on that and put other British motives in her design. Or some dragons, since union jack is based on St. George the dragon slayer's symbol.


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