Matt's Place
Working full time is a complete pain in the ass, especially when the job is not art related and shit, i understand this pain completely, you just gotta push through it dude. I found that even though i had less time with work, i valued the time i had off beter and therefore used it beter.
Youve got tons of studies here and its inspiring to see, keep goin dude. Also dont forget to apply them studies with imagination stuff. Thats super important too ;)

@EduardoGaray - I was just trying to follow along with Sickbrushes class but I got into ShyamShriram's Anatomy of a Pinup class! Thanks for the kind words man!

@Warburton - Hey thanks Warburton! My job is teaching children painting so it's not completely unrelated but I hear you! Do you happen to know if the CGBrush Skull ref's you posted are male/female or just a generic skull? I thought they looked male due to a fairly protruding brow and angle of forehead but looking again, I'm not so sure. Some female skulls can actually have fairly masculine features. Thanks for the ref! :D

I posted these in the class thread but posting here too! They're the first 10 female skull studies. The next 10 will be painting in grey values and then 5 grey value master studies too!

Good studies Matt. Good luck on your deathline :)

@Piotr Jasielski - Hey Thanks! Yes I'm serious about my Deathline! Although I didn't stream this value study because I was watching Sickbrushes class! Oops!

First Female Skull Value study! Many more tomorrow after work!

awesome skull studies, this reminds me that i need to work my ass off! :)
Keep going man, this is the right way.

Lewis i was in your streaming while you was working on these skulls.. It was a pleasure watching you render these skulls. You thought me something about vaule.. Thanks..

Love your sketches and overall work. Looking forward to see more ;3

@Eduardo - I just need a healthy dose of unreffed work to balance the studies out!

@M-rahsart - Ah cool thanks for stopping by man! You can talk to me next time though :)

@Mr.Rama - Haha Cris has made Mr.Rama stick in my head whenever I think of you. Here's a little more. Hopefully tomorrow I can get the remaining 7 Skull value studies done. Need to work faster! I think of you when I'm lonely by the way. I think of your pliers study and smile. lmao!

Two more skull value studies. Male ones this time.

I really like your line work on the painted skulls, Keep with it Man!

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@ Jonesoda - Thanks man! Did you mean my line work on the line drawings or brush strokes in the paintings? I'm using the photoshop chalk brush with roundness turned down and set to pen tilt Angle control and Opacity set to pen pressure. Allows me to think about the angle of my stroke much like a 'bright' flat paintbrush would. I'm loving your progress lately. You're a true machine!

Just re-posting my studies completed for Shyam's Anatomy of a Pinup class. Great vibes in the class, Shyam is a stellar guy and our group is awesome. Can't wait for more critique sessions. I can see now how important it is for us to constantly give straight up constructive crit's. The mentors are doing awesome work but we can help each other so much! I knew that already but only just really understanding how powerful it is!

This one is sooooo butch and funky. I'll be fixing the problems in both of these tomorrow. I'm going to complete Brents first class assignment too over the next two days alongside Shyam's next class assignment!

I still need to take my airbrush for a spin so I might do some more skull value studies with it next week! I'll post what I do.

2 Updates for Shyam's class! Need to find time to sketch ideas for King Arthur!

And for Class Assignment 2

No assignments number 1 for Brent's class though :(

killer studies, looks like your classes are paying off :)

those studies are reall benefitial. I can see improvements allready. Really inspiring ;3

Oh man oh man. I've been away for too long! I've neglected strict studying, dropped off of the face of the Crimson world. I need to get back into thing and finish work I started and found it too difficult to finish. Life got strange and scary for a few months but I miss being involved with creative people whilst trying to improve so I'm going to put everything into sticking with it and staying active.

I'm looking for work right now with mobile/web game studios in Hong Kong. My success or failure is tied into whether I will be staying here or going back home to the UK so it's a pretty stressful time and I'm not sure that what I currently have is good enough. I guess I'll find out.

These images pretty much sum up the past few months of work and also some old studies in there that have already been seen. I'm probably writing too much on my portfolio sheets.

Oh and here is where i got to with my Pinup. I HAVE to finish this. I feel ashamed that I dropped off the course but I still need to complete it. I learnt a lot of valuable lessons in Shyam Shriram's class.

I drastically changed direction and after a lot of repainting elements and finding reference I came up with this. A more cute and simple idea.

The colours are only there as a sketch at the moment. A lot more work is needed to bring this together.

Game Art asset made in Illustrator for my Bots and Beasts personal project.

Sketches and theme sheet for BS 15 Guild of Golems.
My idea is that there's a kid in a junk/cyber-punk setting that can control tech garbage with his mind. Not telekinesis but through a hacked together suit and helmet design that collects junk circuit boards, wires and bits of conductive material to manifest his Golem.

Next step is exploring silhouettes and do some studies of chunky kids and tech garbage. Hopefully then I'll get some sort of idea where to go from there.


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