Havegum's study
Hi, I'm a 19-year-old conscript graphic assistant who's decided to boost his overall quality of digital painting.

Early May this year I'd been in service for four months, and figured it would be a shame to let the thousands of hours of free time go to a complete waste. I've been drawing on and off for a few years very casually, but after that moment of realization I started taking things a bit more seriously.

I'm always happy for any comments on where my weaknesses are, and what should be my focus of attention. I want to confront and overcome problems efficiently and systematically. I'm inspired by a lot of the sketchbooks here, and the mentor workshops looks really interesting!

Here's a dump of the studies of the last seven days to kick things off!

[Image: ngbbs53f76d4830a62.jpg]
[Image: ngbbs53f784431ab33.jpg]
[Image: ngbbs53f79cc33fdd1.jpg]
[Image: ngbbs53f9cce487ac9.jpg]
[Image: ngbbs53f9e43c77278.jpg]
[Image: ngbbs53fa02d2d2906.jpg]
[Image: ngbbs53fcda38a0861.jpg]
[Image: ngbbs5400dfd1ce30b.png]
[Image: ngbbs53ff7d287bc23.png]

I also do 30-90 second head gestures every day
[Image: ngbbs53fb80d803592.jpg]
[Image: ngbbs53fcef66bf30e.jpg]
[Image: ngbbs53fe24d81ece3.png]
[Image: ngbbs53ff7e7a254a3.png]
[Image: ngbbs5400e1c891b54.png]

Hopefully I didn't do anything wrong or break any rules!
Heya, welcome to Crimson Daggers. Good start to your sketchbook, you've got a good eye for capturing values from observation. Do you have anything you've done in colour?
(08-30-2014, 08:14 AM)StardustLarva Wrote: Heya, welcome to Crimson Daggers. Good start to your sketchbook, you've got a good eye for capturing values from observation. Do you have anything you've done in colour?

Not recently, no. I guess I want to get steady with values before throwing colours into the mix - maybe I'll do a coloured portrait tomorrow
Some mountain studies, the right ones are from reference ...

[Image: OhAn1j5.jpg]
[Image: ngbbs5402370130209.jpg]
A coloured portrait to track progress.
[Image: 317703_havegum_portrait-of-a-girl-in-blue.png]
[Image: ngbbs54037ba814c1f.png]
[Image: ngbbs54037d1f230aa.png]
The value studies look solid! I would try implementing them after each is done as I saw in your "no ref" paintings they don't look as good. But overall you have a good sense of where you are going with this. Keep on getting that mileage!

(09-01-2014, 06:33 PM)DomSinkevic Wrote: The value studies look solid! I would try implementing them after each is done as I saw in your "no ref" paintings they don't look as good. But overall you have a good sense of where you are going with this. Keep on getting that mileage!

Thanks! I think I've been slacking off on the imagination and application part of drawing. It's easy to fall into the trap of just mindlessly copying another image, and in the end I'm really just sabotaging my own improvement ...

No value studies today, though here's a silly face
[Image: ngbbs5404d16d3ecf0.png]
[Image: ngbbs5404d2936fc15.png]
Busy day with overtime, hopefully more tomorrow!
[Image: ngbbs540636173d115.png]
Even busier day today!
[Image: ngbbs5407999461b04.png]
Nice value studies and head drawings. One thing that Im finding helpful is to study skulls from different angles and the muscles of the face. Keep it up!

(09-05-2014, 06:40 AM)Hypnagogic_Haze Wrote: Nice value studies and head drawings. One thing that Im finding helpful is to study skulls from different angles and the muscles of the face. Keep it up!

I've been avoiding facial muscles for some time now, maybe this weekend is a good opportunity to face head construction head on!
[Image: ngbbs5408d696418e1.png]
Very expressive haha you ought to expand on some of those heads you like and work larger :D its a great base to push further

Workshop enthusiast
Workshop blog
(09-05-2014, 08:19 AM)Mr. Toodles Wrote: Very expressive haha you ought to expand on some of those heads you like and work larger :D its a great base to push further

I don't know about expressive! It feels a lot like I'm just drawing the same face over and over sometimes ...
One of the areas I'm having difficulties with is getting the jawline down properly. Maybe tomorrow's gesture drawings' primary focus will be getting the jaw as close as possible to the reference
[Image: ngbbs540a3c1676e75.png]
Going to go through the "In your face!" classes! Let's start with the first assignment:
[Image: ngbbs540b8571e1aca.jpg]
[Image: ngbbs540b86855582f.jpg]
[Image: ngbbs53c913c2aec11.jpg]
[Image: ngbbs540b87dd15294.png]
Hm, good job with the skull studies. Looks like you're on the right track.
(09-07-2014, 08:43 AM)StardustLarva Wrote: Hm, good job with the skull studies. Looks like you're on the right track.

Thanks! that's always good to hear!

2nd assignment, an ugly portrait and some gestures
[Image: ngbbs540c8766d2ecb.jpg]
[Image: ngbbs540cb81ceef5f.jpg]
[Image: ngbbs540cd0f52970f.jpg]
Not much to show for today
[Image: NgStmFF.jpg]
[Image: ngbbs540e210707a78.jpg]
Let's see if I can resume the workshop tomorrow ..
[Image: ngbbs540f8207a4d7e.jpg]
More class workshop work
referenced from here
[Image: ngbbs5410b4c2183bc.png]
[Image: ngbbs5410c1b199115.jpg]
Part two of said exercise
[Image: ngbbs5411e1ad9fc4d.jpg]
[Image: ngbbs5411f750eed84.png]
[Image: ngbbs5412181cd134b.jpg]

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