James's Sketch Book
Thumbnail studies of various artist on Artstation

Figure Drawing

Those butt muscle geography man. With single stroke, every time. Awesome.
Hats off, sir.

[Image: rUfiMf1.png]
Nice work James! How do you get that dry brush effect with your brush pen? Do you just not refill it often? 'cos when I use my brush pen it's always super wet with lots of ink coming out.

James Wu! Studies are looking awsome, *cue level up music*
Keep trucking man!
Thanks guys

I don't use a brush pen, I just use a chinese brush can control the flow with ink and and a paper towel to dry it a bit

figure drawing

You have some really good studies. I really like that girl with bunny lineart + color concept. Please do more of that.

What I could advise you is to study some materials, textures and object properties. That should help your rendering quality. You could join the "Materials and Effects" study group on this forum.

Anyway keep it up :)

Thanks Piotr will check it out

Some figure studies


Woman Study

The last one is definitely a level up, great work!
Damn. I've been checking your sketchbook. You're a totally different beast from the first post! By the way, question! What ink do you use for your brush work? I use china ink, but it seems to be too runny and watery..

If you are reading this, I most likely just gave you a crappy crit! What I'm basically trying to say is, don't give up!  
IG: @thatpuddinhead
Wow, what an inspiration, great work!

find my embarrassing old art in my blog
Dayummmm! Keep up the great work man, definitely levellin!
Thanks guys,
@John I use chinese ink sticks, just prefer the old fashion way of making ink and I can control the consistency of the ink from thick to thin.

Watercolor Portraits

You're fearless incarnate man
Your watercolour portrait studies are getting real juicy. Bet you're learning a ton

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Thanks Smrr studying nature, trying to get it accurate as possible, but still see some flaws the likeness of the last seems less like the model and more like Opera, gonna try to do some more

figure studies

hardcoreee James just hardcoreeeee ^^
thanks Andrew
some character deigns for an adventurer in the artstation journey Challenge, this character will lead a group of heroes to slay a cursed king and his foul kingdom to save his homeland. Want to start him small then later develop him to be stronger as the story develops. How he can lead people and overcome the obstacles he needs to face and what does he need to bring with him on his journey?

Armor sketches


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