chukho (eat knowledge gain art)
I've been away for quite awhile. Spent the last day of 2014 and first day of 2015 at a relatives, which was nice and relaxing. I had some old sketchbook stuff I tried to show, but my camera couldn't really get a sharp image and it ended up being blurry. Based on my previous pencil sketches, is it even worth it to show those considering I don't put much thought and effort into them? I ask this because my sketches are very lacking and don't show much of anything. I probably should just post things I actually put effort into.

I bought a larger drawing pad (14x17in.) because I was tired of drawing on the dinky 8.5x11in printing paper. I like the larger pad so much better. I use to always draw small and never appreciated the larger canvas, but nowadays it's the opposite. So I did Bridgman hands on the large pad and it felt awesome, also very comfortable since I'm not confined to a small space.

The last few days after new years I spent finalizing an idea that I wanted to do. I created an intro and credit pics for a series called "I Want To Be An Artist" on Youtube, and I'm try to get it on Vimeo as well. Super generic and uninspiring title I know, but I decided to be straightforward with it. I did the intro and credit pics in Inkscape, so no painting stuff today. The series will basically be sped up videos of my painting process of studies and stuff with some commentary. I know I did this kind of thing before, but I since deleted the account due to not really using it. What I'm hoping to get out of this is showing people how I go about painting something, and maybe someone will be able to point out what I'm doing wrong or not as efficiently. Basically I'm still looking for more feedback on how to improve.

Here's the crappy intro. No actual drawing in this one. If you read the stuff above then you can skip it. I'ts more than 10 minutes long. 10 minutes of my voice. You don't want that.

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Ohhh man, those are some wide palms. So not much today, yesterday? I've stayed past midnight again. I did my studies late, and I only did hand studies and a single portrait. I did manage one page of hands from my mind, and that should be easy to tell which one that is. Did another video, but missed my deadline for it and found out it's messed up. Whoopee. The portrait was what I recorded. I'll just post it later today. I'm finding out doing videos takes a ton of time. Hopefully get faster at it without it eating all my time.

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Hooooly crap... chukho!
I just viewed your sketchbook, read this entire sketchbook and watched your intro vid and what can I say? I can relate to you almost 100% , even when you were talking about High School and all of that

I meam, I even did the crazy ass late night-early morning thing in 2013 (12am-6am everyday) and it totally wrecked me too! (lol at relating to RSI issues) legit, I could barely draw all of 2014 because of it... and all I can say is - don't push yourself if you feel the burning and tingly feeling, its the worst thing you can do (though I'm sure you know). If you need to take more than a day off, it'll be worth it in the end.

I know how hard it is to pull yourself out of burn out periods, believe me. Hmmm all I can say is 2015 is a new year, your New Year's Resolution is more than achievable <3 just make sure you're not rushing your studies and blah, blah, you know what's up. All about facing your fears and applying the studies.

But yeah... Shit. I really want to see you keep going, keep pushing yourself... If you've failed this much and you've been able to pick yourself out of it, well damn! That's inspiring in itself!

Gonna subscribe to your vids #creeper

I believe in ya! Shoot for gold!

P.s. you're determined enough, studying all these hands!! Jeeeez, I need to get on that!

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
smrr Woah. You must be my long lost sibling. But seriously thanks a lot. It's really encouraging when you find out that someone else experienced similar things. Applied studies are definitely something I need to jump into more. Thanks for believing in me. Now draw some hands.Happy

So today wasn't super productive at all. Only have hand studies to show, and one page of hands from my mind. Editing videos took a super long time because I ended up redoing the editing. Though I don't think it was for nothing because now I think I'll be faster at editing. I did do another portrait study, but I want to pair it up with the video I did of it for "i want to be an artist" and that's for tomorrow. That's kind of cheating, but I'll make up for it by doing more studies. Doing a study, recording it, editing it, producing it, and uploading it take an awful amount of time. I decided to do a study in advance for the days I make a video so things are more manageable.

Here's the episode 1 of my series that was suppose to up Monday, and this time I'm actually drawing something. I'll probably just add the youtube channel to my sig instead of posting this all the time.

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=2079496&stc=1&d=1420598197]
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Guess what. More hand studies. And one page of fashion study that took about an hour, also super bad anatonmy. I seriously need to do some imaginary stuff but I always come up with scribbles that aren't anything. Maybe I need to reserve a day just to draw from my head.

Also another video. Yay.

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No studies today. A few 30 second gesture drawings and sketches. Some old sketches and some from today. Feeling super tired in the afternoons, like I'm going to pass out. I thought eating decently healthy stuff was going to keep me awake better. Just going to try to sleep not late. These sketches are really ugh.

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I like the youtube video idea. I subbed to your channel. I like the sketches too. Keep it up, man.

Hey man, great idea with the youtube channel, I hope you get some good feedback out of it. Your imaginative stuff is looking nice - what I found recently, from getting a little frustrated at my imaginative stuff - is doing some memory drawing, it's really helping to build my visual library so when I do imaginative stuff I've got more to pull from. Basically whenever I draw something, I choose a focus that I want to remember (shape of nose, jaw, eye proportions or something) then draw the thing again from memory right after I've drawn it from reference, then draw it again an hour+ later, then later still use the focus part in an imaginative drawing. It's a bit of a grind but I'm starting to build up some good solid shapes and forms that come to mind right away. Works with anything really, worth a try if you're struggling.

Comic book creator
Abandoned Hideout Discord Server
Discord: JonR#4453
Adam Lina Thanks man. You didn't have to subscribe, but thanks.

JyonnyNovice Really good advice, thanks. I've been trying it a little with the hand studies. Did a page after studies to see what I remembered, but I'm going to need do it a lot because I'm still so bad at this.

Oh boy more hands. Pretty much going to draw every single hand from that Bridgman book. And some 30 second gestures. Used the overhand method with the gestures and it became way more enjoyable. The gestures look horrible, but it was fun to do. And a imaginative drawing plus a video, but that's from yesterday so it doesn't count. Overall very little done.

Don't watch this if you value your eyes. You might not be able to see after viewing this!

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Long lost sibling's indeed haha
I'm liking what I see yet again! I mean, dem hands.
Also, watching your last vid - I heard you were talking about studying a lot and sort of avoiding personal work... Well, *raises hand* that was me as well! Haha

Its the vest thing that you're forcing yourself to work on personal pieces with this vid series - because its in the imaginative studies where you learn what you need to study and all that.
Hmm, so in terms of a study:sketch ratio, I would suggest to study something - whatever that may be, a master study, photo, still life, and really study it. Don't limit this to 1hr, but 2-3 (or more depending on what you're trying to learn, for example understanding how a master uses edges or values, etc in a masterpiece) - and then applying what you learned from said focus study to a sketch of about 1hr
Just my two cents :) take what you will from it

Also, personal work is whatever interests you! Never forget!

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
smrr Thanks man. I'll try to do some of the things you said, as I know I don't do them very much.

Woo. Forums were done for me, and I thought this place was gone. Good thing it isn't. Where else would I post my incredibly lame stuff. Besides the other forums of course. Also posted a video yesterday, so click the youtube link in my signature to go straight to the playlist if you're interested.:)

Stuff from a few days ago
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Today's stuff
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Life study of a spoon with video process and commentary, more like rambling

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Short sketches. Trying to do imaginative stuff, but ehhhh.

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Hour or two sketch. This one felt pretty good, so I'm happy about that. Sketches usually feel fairly terrible because it's never what I want. I'm definitely faltering now. Didn't do much.

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Master study I'm doing. Going to try to finish it by tomorrow.

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I refined my last sketch a bit. Still fun, which is great. So much easier to push paintings that are fun to do.

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=2084494&stc=1&d=1421628338]

Finished it. As soon as I looked back at the reference I realized that I forgot the jewellery. Argh. Plus process video, and rambling.

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=2084836&stc=1&d=1421694735]

Work in progress sketch. Liking it so far.

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Today's study that is also tomorrows' video.

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=2085371&stc=1&d=1421783296]

Hands done digitally. Yawn right? Continuation of my sketch. I changed the feet a bunch. Probably will continue to change as I work on it some more.

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