Kimonas's Sketchbook
Nice job Kimonas, keep at it:)

Thanks pindu! 5 min gestures,

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More stuff

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More nonsence - 20 min head with ref, 2 min skullz and bargue study

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Great Work man! A few of those faces look really good, keep at it.

I think you did right by doing those eyes so fast. At least I feel perhaps I got caught up trying to be so precise, erasing and ctrl + z 'ing too much, and in the end I didn't retain enough information about them. I did some looser ones later and I felt I learnt alot more from them. Or maybe the combination just worked for me, who knows :P

Keep working hard! :)

Hey Ager! Thanks man. Well i guess with each exercise like that think: how does this apply to what i already know? I guess what i was trying to do, is wrap those eyelids round a ball - and try and make that illusion work. Wether i succeeded or not is a different matter!

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woa, awsome constructions and how you made it so simple-looking, keep it up ! : )

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ShinOkami - Thanks man! Trying to make all these constructions second nature, so i can focus on fun things like design!

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Kimonas.. building a strong foundation here dude:)

Hi Pindu! Hey thanks man, hopefully it helps! Good job on your recent image - looking strong!

Maer things

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1 hr study, a bit pants - hopefuilly when im happy with lineworks, i can really get going with value studies.

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Great work! I would love to see more figurative illustrations!

Yog Joshi - Thanks man! yes - for sure - more figurative illustrations will follow! Im working on it!

For now though, more anatomy practice from my working week - the female gestures are pretty naf, all the male ones are from imagination. Trying to think about anatomy, gesture and perspective all at once is hard! I will try and work on this more this weekend.

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Todays stuff - really happy today, seems like the anatomy and portrait practice is helping - hands, some anatomy revision, and a viking or three from imagination. I'm over the moon!

need to get the female form more feminine though

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Dude! You're making me wanna go back to figure drawing studies !!!!!! AHHHH So much work, so much solid study, damn! Seriously, I really enjoyed looking trough all of this hard work, you're certainly engraining this in your brain, and when you do something else it's gonna show for sure!

I have zero crits for you since this is a perfect example of thoughtfull and hard worked studies, so just keep being awesome mate! :D

Good stuff Kimonas! I agree with Suira -- no crit here, you are definitely on the right track!

Suira - Thanks man! that means a lot to me. Its tough, i think all this stuff escapes the brain quite quickly, you have to keep doing it every day i think! Thanks ever so much for your kind words.
Pindu - Thanks man! Ill try my best!

Mosr practice and some vikings from imagination - I dont want to get carried away - i want to build on this with heavier perspective on figures more portraits and hands.

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Some shitty 1 min gestures, heavy perspective, hope to do this more.

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more thinks, you guessed it another viking also.

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More studies - trying to chip away at weaknessess.

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