Tim's little black book
[Image: Untitl-1+copy.jpg] [Image: marsarast33t+copy.JPG] [Image: osoaosoaos1.jpg] [Image: geageaeg1q.jpg] [Image: Untitled-1+copy.jpg] [Image: sn757mx.jpg]
Ive been doing a ton of these with the Crimson guardians let me know if anyone wants to join

[Image: blogger-image-1036689638.jpg] [Image: blogger-image--374362264.jpg] [Image: blogger-image--667146447.jpg] [Image: blogger-image--756196654.jpg] [Image: dntmdd875sn5nns.jpg] [Image: ga4g4agddg.jpg] [Image: hs5sjjs.jpg] [Image: hararr.jpg] [Image: dktkd7t.jpg] [Image: a4g4y4uu4.jpg] [Image: g4ag4yh4h4.jpg]
I havent posted anywhere in a long time, so lets se how this goes
[Image: 15631034578_d101d97e0d_o.jpg]

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