Sickbrush - [Massive Update pg. 8]
Hey fellow daggers!

finally kicking off my sketchbook here, glad to be on board!
Going to start by posting some things i did here and there, hopefully they will all be ugly distant dreams after more hard work and sweat. And beard. And beard conditioner.

Will post things of all sorts here, studies / finished / doodles and cooking advice.

[Image: young_adventurer-1.jpg]
[Image: 1-1.jpg]
[Image: 2-1.jpg]
[Image: sickbrush_acid_spitter.jpg]
[Image: target.jpg]
[Image: wastedd.jpg]
[Image: suits_design.jpg]
[Image: shrimpqueenssmall.jpg]
[Image: sbdetails.jpg]
[Image: castlepost.jpg]
[Image: IDW_183_wip_moto_fun.jpg]
[Image: 1.jpg]
[Image: 2.jpg]
[Image: female_assasin.jpg]

These are really cool dude, I like the large amount of style exploration. Are these for professional jobs or are they school/personal work?

Love your style - Post moooore!

Steve Anthony Pierce
CD Sketchbook | Artstation | Instagram | Blog | Twitter | DA | Facebook
sir this is lovely work! very inspirational! your style is mind blowing!

Like your stuff Sickbrush, did you go to any school?
Great start SickBrush! Look forward to seeing a lot more :D
I really love the redesign to link, great stuff.

Available for Freelance - Portfolio | CD Sketchbook | Blog | Email
Yo Sicksies, wowser you're crazy.

This is great stuff, love your vision and concept sketching, so much variety and so much consitency! Love your handling on colours and eye for design.

Ok I'll throw down a critique, I can see you like the hard edges, and it's certainly popular right now. I would love to see some looser stuff, with a balance of hard/soft. Like I dunno, say a study of a Sargent watercolour, and maybe try something using opacity!

Either way this is fucking good stuff man, keep rockin'
Hey everyone! Thanks for the kind replies!
@Ville - hey man we meet at last! i've known your work through Theo. Great going man and these are a mix of let's say 50-50% between personal and client work
@Steve - thanks man, i'll try :))
@yog - thanks, just learning man
@James - i'm a double drop-out. did 2 years of architecture and 4 of product design. Dropped out of both due to full time job and bills to pay. Didn't learn much there anyway
@Jamesybear - Thanks!
@Zesiul - thanks man, still struggling with those arghhhghgh
@Tooth - Heyyy Alex, thanks man. I agree with everything you're saying, you're not the only one to draw attention to it. I've been having some wrist issues and been working with a very very soft tablet sensitivity setting [close to softest if you have an intuos]. That showed up in my work as i'm generally light handed but sometimes i do press hard and it shows :(
Thanks for the tip man, i'll do my best to balance things out!
Here's some studies i did lately:
[Image: lands.jpg]
[Image: sickbrush_feb_01_starfish.jpg]
[Image: sickbrush_feb_03_tree_of_hell.jpg]
[Image: sickbrush_feb_05_internetfail.jpg]
[Image: sickbrush_feb_07_plates.jpg]
[Image: sickbrush_feb_09_ragemode.jpg]
[Image: sickbrush_feb_11_JJ.jpg]
[Image: sickbrush_feb_17_faithless.jpg]
[Image: sickbrush_feb_19_colder.jpg]

and a few more. sorry for the big updates, i tend to work fast and bad :(
[Image: water_studies_1.jpg]
[Image: water_studies_2.jpg]
[Image: water_studies_3.jpg]
[Image: general_studies.jpg]
[Image: hogarth_hands1.jpg]

K now I know where SICKbrush comes from, awesome update, inspired!
Awesome work! A good amount of variety in your personal work and great studies to complement. Lookin forward to more!
hey guys, thanks very much!
just finished a 2 hours speedpaint using a beer mug brush made by a friend for fun. well, i made versions of it, actually ended up with a good grass brush.
[Image: beer_speed_sharper.jpg]

nice man

Dig the Hogarth studies and environments @_@ Reaaaaally like this creature
Brilliant Sketchbook Cris, really love your style.

hey guys thank you very much!
did a quick one tonight, i'm really tired and collapsing under tons of work these days so i'm just trying to squeeze in paintings like this just to relax a bit. night scenes are so damn hard to paint, i want to try more :(
[Image: good_morning_night.jpg]

love the latest one! great stuff, and i really appreciate your comment on my thread.
I effin love those pencil creature ideations, and lovin the last piece :)

You are a beautiful man. Keep it up ;]

amazing work cris! badass stuff

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