Have a webcomic before 2016
Hey guys! So I've been working on this for a few months now, but I figured I'd make it a little more official and make a thread about it here. Hopefully having this will light a fire under my butt to reach my goal, which is to have a webcomic up and running sometime within the year 2015.

I've been making some good progress so far! I have a story all outlined, I've got all the characters, I've stretched it out to figure out how many chapters there will be and what happens in each, and I've started writing the script. So far I have 55 pages scripted, with looots more to go.

Obviously I'm not gonna write everything out here, but I will be posting some progress shots and will eventually post up completed works that will be a part of the actual comic.

The comic takes place in a medieval kingdom, and the main character is the prince. The young prince is fairly frail and nervous all the time, since his father, the king, is kind of abusive towards him. He also sees visions in his dreams, and the king uses these visions to his advantage. Anyway, it starts with the king sending his son on a quest: to go with four other warriors to find a lost shrine where the prince can make contact with the goddess. It's a way to test the prince's strength and his usefulness to the king.

What follows is a harrowing journey with lots of peril and fear as the five characters travel together.

Here's the character designs I have so far! I'd like to do more complete, full-body paintings of each character eventually.

[Image: 13FEDDAC-60F4-46A9-8294-E43F2B006088_zps5x3tnsno.jpg]

[Image: 5E15BC2A-87BA-4C2C-A14F-5512063E1B1C_zpsf4gaisvt.jpg]

[Image: C7B8D8E6-2121-460A-8A08-015A83B071EE_zpszjg1hedq.jpg]

[Image: caa3515e-fbc0-4e28-841d-19dc43493d51_zpsb5477c31.jpg]

[Image: 36DA53A3-35B4-476B-A390-0ED05181E769_zpsjl4cmypv.jpg]

[Image: tumblr_nk3z1xaWsu1rrywreo1_500.jpg]

That's all I have so far. Up next: figure out everyone's outfit designs and do full-body paintings of each one.

Hahaha, aaahhhh, haven't posted since March....

So my motivation for this has really been dwindling, but I've joined a club of friends on campus where we're all making our own comics. In February we're doing a student gallery where we're putting up our comic work so I want to get back into this.

Here's some more stuff of the character costumes, I'd like to tweak them some more and have full character spreads then I gotta work on a big cover page.

[Image: tumblr_nokmh4LZKj1rrywreo1_500.png]

[Image: tumblr_nrsv268v6i1rrywreo1_500.jpg]

Decided to redo Elycia's design (and name, I guess, haha) and figured out all the layers to her outfit. I feel a lot better about it, and plan on doing this for all the characters.

[Image: tumblr_nxz168oPzt1rrywreo1_1280.jpg]

This is one of my goals for 2015 as well, but I've kept pushing it into the future out of a fear that I'm not prepared. My advice would be that you try composing panels and pages and practice storytelling. Characterdesigns are only one part of comics, and I'd argue that anything goes as long as they're distinguishable and appealing. The key to making a comic compealling is getting the reader invested in them.

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