Chris Rob's Sketchbook
Thanks for your feedback Artloader, yeah the 3d software really help with rotating and foreshortening, i will do some more of it 

Finished :), Intended to do a more polished illustration for my portfolio 
C&C will be highly appreciated, let me know what you think i could improve on
[Image: Wolf%20Warrior1.jpg]

Daily studies 28
Gesture drawings
[Image: DS28.jpg]

Daily Studies 29
Facial Muscle 
[Image: DS29.jpg]

Daily Studies 30
Atmospheric painting study
[Image: DS30.jpg]

Daily Studies 31
Musculature studies
I have this idea to make a bionic muscle robot character, so i decided to do some anatomy drawing to refresh my anatomy knahledge before i start designing
[Image: DS31.jpg]

I like your anatomy studie, I think you could maybe bump up the descriptive quality of the information you have there. On some of these, I get the impression that a lot of the muscles appear as blobs on the body rather than bands of muscle fibres that have their own origins and insertions. Also, identifying tendon from muscle can be very helpful, like some of the arm studies. Above the elbow is a sheet of tendon that the Tricep Brachii inserts with and it is a great landmark for orienting yourself along the complicated anatomy of the art. Extreme examples of this sheet can be seen here

On the legs I'd also note down the Patella's tendon that inserts with the Tibial Tuberosity before describing the medial surface of the Tibia. The Rectus Femoris inserts with the Patella through a fairly long tendon instead of having the muscle fibres taper down all the way.

The Facia Lata isn't with in your drawings and I think including it would give much needed context to the knee area. The same goes for the tendon extending from the Extensor Digitorum Longus, it really helps describe the volume and tapering nature of the lower leg.

Anyway, not gonna nit-pick your drawings to death. Keep 'em up. Also, noting down that names of things can become very helpful in orienting yourself around the anatomy :)

Discord - JetJaguar#8954
hey Tristan Berndt, thanks for the feedacks,those are some scary muscle good refs though
anyway, following your feedback i did some more in depth study on muscle 

Daily Studies 32
More anatomies, following goldfinger anatomy for artist book
[Image: DS32.jpg]

Daily Studies 33
Atmospheric painting
getting more understanding on how the value works with atmosphere, but still struggling with the color
[Image: DS33.jpg]
Schoolism "Designing with Color and light" wk6 atmosphere assignment, layout provided by the class,
didn't really satisfied with the result, going to spend some more time learning atmosphere[Image: 303.jpg]

Daily Studies 34
Some organic design breakdown
[Image: DS34.jpg]

Dailystudies 35
Color studies, focusing on atmosphere
[Image: DS35.jpg]

Daily Studies 36
Gesture drawing
[Image: DS36.jpg]

Daily Studies 37
pose rotation, inspired by Krenz Cushart study
i used DAZ for reference
[Image: DS37.jpg]
A character design for an upcoming illustration
[Image: 304.jpg]

Continuation from yesterday pose
[Image: 305.jpg]
Daily Studies 38
Pose rotation Running, trying out a more complex poses
[Image: DS38.jpg]

Daily Studies 39
Pose study from a fighting game
[Image: DS39.jpg]

Daily Studies 40
Value breakdown of some card illustrations
[Image: DS40.jpg]

(09-24-2016, 10:25 PM)Chris Rob Wrote: Daily Studies 40
Value breakdown of some card illustrations
[Image: DS40.jpg]
YOu are rock, i amazed of your studies and process of your training. Please, keep drawing )
Thanks UKRAINIANWOLF97 , i will keep drawing:)

Daily Studies 41
Value study from painting by Ruanjia and Kilartdev
i think i need to paint with more texture brush, right now its a bit too soft  compared to the original 
[Image: DS41.jpg]

Daily Studies 42
Trying out Texture brush
[Image: DS42.jpg]
Illustration Thumbnail
[Image: 306.jpg]
[Image: 307.jpg]

Daily Studies 43
Some color study from some painting with similar composition to the one im working on
[Image: DS43.jpg]
Value comps. im going with the Top Right
[Image: 308.jpg]

Daily Studies 44
Doing some painting copy to study the material, also to try out some texture brushes
[Image: DS44.jpg]

Daily Sketches 45

City Studies
[Image: DS45.jpg]


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