Woke up & working hard
So I'll start by posting some old stuff & then move on to latest stuff on the next post.

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Studies & some imaginary stuff from last week.

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All of your studies look amazing and the anatomy in every sketch is on really high level. Sketches also really neat and just great. Keep it up. :D

// Sketchbook // DeviantArt //

May the painting skills be with you! :3
@stonepand03: Thank you! :)

Update: Studies.

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And yes, I did study how to paint butts In love

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Thanks to everyone who like my post! Definitely encourages me to post more!

Trying to get into color. Enjoy my epic fails!Sad

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Some more stuff. First one is done from imagination.

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I did a study of a study so I could study while I study. Wink

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Solid sketchbook man, Love your line work, rally fluent and accurate. Value lacks behind tho. Ill suggest checking the Scott Robortson's how to render matte surface on gnomon to get some fundamental knowledge on subject. Put yourself a still life and Do some monochrome b&W studies, itll help a ton. Keep posting man!

Not the most productive week.Sad

A few studies-

Faces from imagination-

(the one on the left is from ref)
A few character designs for portfolio. I think I'll paint them later-

I've been away for some time. I was sick, then my computer broke down, had to get a new one. Due to all this I kinda fell back on the studies & stuff.
But finally I'm back to posting regularly.

Some studies-

Getting into color. Here's some studies-

Some personal stuff for practice. Never bothered to finish them completely-

I'm still struggling with faces. Hoping to get better at them before creating some portfolio pieces.
So here's face studies-

Figure study-

Applying the face studies-

I need to do more application of these. Hopefully I'll get to that from next week.


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Cool studies dudes, and nice character designs, I'd recommend being a little more adventurous, play with patters on the clothes and weapons.

Hey nice sketchbook going on here man!

I can see you are having a bit of trouble with the faces.
seems like you are leaning more towards the symbol system for drawing them- eg. an eye looking like an oval with a circle inside rather than the space, shape and volume created by the light and the under laying anatomical forms.
if you haven't read 'Drawing the Head and Hands' from loomis you should give it a try :)
heres a link for it https://archive.org/details/andrew-loomi...head-hands

you are on the right track, though. keep it up! :)

@ Glinger: Thank you! I think I'll try to focus more on fundamental for now, but I'll definitely keep your advice in mind.

@ Majoriedavis: Thanks! Yeah, I'm having a lot of trouble with them. I have done studies from that book, but I guess it didn't stick with me. Anyway, I've done & still doing studies of the stuff you mentioned. Appreciate the help!

Update after a long time, I think I'll try to stay more active on a daily basis from on. Or better to say I'll try. I've been doing a lot of basic face & eye construction studies. I've attached some of them here. The others I didn't attach b/c they were complete fail, & I could see why they didn't work.

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Really cool sketchbook, Blunt Pencil!

Your proportions and line work make me In love In love In love -!!

Please continue posting, I get my butt kicked some more and I wanna drool some more <3

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
@ Smrr: Hey thanks for the kind words, man! I appreciate it! :)

Dem studies-

Stuff from imagination-


Stuff from imagination-


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