Marjorie's sketches
[Image: lYv1Nhk.jpg]

[Image: rkxCOnT.jpg]

[Image: 3bamKzJ.jpg]

[Image: xtTXrLF.jpg]

[Image: pa0TPam.jpg]

[Image: IiZoKVU.jpg]

[Image: OtiYKFl.jpg]

[Image: lNVUr57.jpg]

[Image: oR2IWDQ.jpg]

[Image: GAOCEQ8.jpg]

[Image: KOks0vD.jpg]

[Image: Ow1v0Yb.jpg]

[Image: Zgs8CJH.jpg]
Those are nice, i little big, but what i could see was good !!
(07-30-2013, 02:03 PM)MarcRosete Wrote: Those are nice, i little big, but what i could see was good !!

thank you.
ah yes, I see what you're saying. I'm going to resize them, and reupload all of them so you guys can see them better. :)

[Image: 92MG7Yl.jpg]

[Image: x01NzsD.jpg]

Sketchbook Video >

[Image: HxZofpI.jpg]

Really nice start to the sketchbook, some great creature concepts. Especially loving the alien piece and the last landscape piece. Looking forward to seeing more

(08-02-2013, 06:29 PM)Chachava Wrote: Really nice start to the sketchbook, some great creature concepts. Especially loving the alien piece and the last landscape piece. Looking forward to seeing more

Hey, chachava hows it goin?! Thanks for stopping by man!
Thanks, I shall continue to post stuff. I wanna draw more alien type stuff soon.

Heya Marjorie, great start of your sketchbook! I can see that you love what you do, I think that shines through in some of your pieces and sketches.
I guess one little critique I can mention is that your alien piece could use a little more contrast, or atleast a nice focal point! Values seem very midrange! But it has really nice flow and movement in it and I like the textured look.

Is that a Bob Ross study btw? Very happy trees!

Will come back for more alien action.

Nice sketches. And it's just a sample of what you've created. Really liked watching your sketchbook video.
(08-03-2013, 12:29 PM)Ron Wrote: Nice sketches. And it's just a sample of what you've created. Really liked watching your sketchbook video.

Thanks Ron! I'm glad you liked it! I'm so sorry 'bout how shaky it was... next time I should get someone to flip the pages while I film ?.?
yeah I have A lot of sketchbooks filled up but I don't really want to post everything I have in them lol 'cause it'd take too long thus is why I did that video... I might do another in the future.
. . .some things I won't post though because some stuff is like "wtf?! why did I draw that?"

(08-03-2013, 09:11 AM)Bjulvar Wrote: Heya Marjorie, great start of your sketchbook! I can see that you love what you do, I think that shines through in some of your pieces and sketches.
I guess one little critique I can mention is that your alien piece could use a little more contrast, or atleast a nice focal point! Values seem very midrange! But it has really nice flow and movement in it and I like the textured look.

Is that a Bob Ross study btw? Very happy trees!

Will come back for more alien action.

Hey Thanks! I do really love it, I'm glad it comes through in my work ^^
I agree with you! second look at it, I think I need to pump up the values and contrast in the piece... I dunno why I'm shy about pulling the trigger on contrast sometimes.
Yes it it a bob ross study! I freakin love happy little trees and all that jazz.

[Image: ylUpoCJ.jpg]

[Image: UTkxmF2.jpg]

Oh hell yes!
Your sketchbook is already looking mighty fiiiiiiiiiiiiiine, Marjorie!

Personally, I wouldn't know what I could critique you on - everything's looking great so far!
Totally digging that Xenomorph sketch and your gestures are wonderful and full of energy - keep it up, you're killing it!

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
(08-05-2013, 10:57 AM)smrrfette Wrote: Oh hell yes!
Your sketchbook is already looking might fiiiiiiiiiiiiiine, Marjorie!

Personally, I wouldn't know what I could critique you on - everything's looking great so far!
Totally digging that Xenomorph sketch and your gestures are wonderful and full of energy - keep it up, you're killing it!

oh, Thank you kindly, smrrfette!
Same goes you!! I just looked at yours, and your work is awesome! its really cool to see where you came from and where you are now.

something i'm currently working on

[Image: W8OKyXz.png]

Hello Marjorie, Marcos from the livestream! Love the girl tilting her head up (and the gestures of course). Keep it up, hope to see you live again sometime!

(08-06-2013, 11:06 AM)TonariNoPunpun Wrote: Hello Marjorie, Marcos from the livestream! Love the girl tilting her head up (and the gestures of course). Keep it up, hope to see you live again sometime!

Thank you very much Marcos! I hope to see you in the livestream again soon!

gonna do more animal studies... 'Cause I am going to be working on my second children's book (its more of a personal project) when I did my first book it took me like 2 weeks to complete and went very smoothly... right now I feel like I'm not on pace with this book I am currently working on.. I dunno whats up with me ._. -sigh-

[Image: b3iaS8J.jpg]

Hah 2 weeks is a really short time for a project like that, impressed that you pulled it off. I suppose that you're giving yourself too much pressure at the moment. Plan ahead for a month instead and enjoy it. I've been working on a project for 5 years and I still can't figure it out haha.

Study is looking good, is the book about some kind of fable?

Thanks, Bjulvar! yeah, you're right... I need to stop stressing so much x_x
I guess it could kinda be a fable.. the main character is a young boy (about 7) and his dog (an argentine dogo) which he rides on like a horse lol and there is other animals involved, called the guardians. there's quite a few of them, so I really got to amp it up with animal studies. but yeah he's goes on an adventure, and along the way he meet the lead guardian and throughout the story he meets more of them, and quite a bit happens. (can't spoil the rest haha)
one of my friends is writing the story, I'm doing the illustration work for the book.

heres some concept-ish pages of the boy below.

oh and here's a link to the first book I've done the calf and the butterfly its a light hearted kids book. there's a little description on it. I'll most likely be posting some of the Illustrations from that book here soon.

[Image: idQEdix.jpg]

[Image: gAakKZV.jpg]

First time in here, you've got some very nice stuff! You've got some very nice poses in that last post. Keep 'em coming!


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