O'Donnell's sketchbook
You got a really great sketchbook man, love the monsters and the lighting on them. The last environment is really beautiful. As for critiques, try lowering the shipwreck and see if that result looks better, also try some low saturated yellow-greenish tones since they compliment the pink fog(which looks awesome btw).

(06-23-2015, 10:30 PM)crackedskull Wrote: You got a really great sketchbook man, love the monsters and the lighting on them. The last environment is really beautiful. As for critiques, try lowering the shipwreck and see if that result looks better, also try some low saturated yellow-greenish tones since they compliment the pink fog(which looks awesome btw).

Thanks man! I took your crit on board and will post up a revised version real soon! Thanks so much for the help :)

A morning study from life 3 hours[Image: AgfkLEH.jpg]

So I tried to apply some crits to this piece, not sure what else I can do to make it better. If anyone has any thoughts feel free to share :) thanks!

[Image: 5qhVJNo.jpg]

Well guys here's the final version of this image. I want to start learning zbrush next, have a bunch of tutorials to get stuck into. Link to artstation version :) 
https://www.artstation.com/artwork/shipw...a6249b549c[Image: taq9RsD.jpg]

Awesome and inspiring work you got here man. I actually saw this latest piece on DA, and it led me to spending some time browsing through all your work. Didn't realize you were on this site as well >_<.

Anyways keep up the good work :)
Love that last piece

Fantastic color choice, really digging this sketchbook
That environment piece turned out gorgeous, good job :D

Hey guys! Thanks a million for the comments and feedback !! I actually ended up getting a daily deviation for the shipwrecked piece couldn't believe it!! http://xenzo.deviantart.com/art/Shipwrecked-542418629

I haven't been to active lately due to some computer troubles. In the meantime i've been trying to learn some zbrush i've been following along to some Dominic Qwek tutorials. Trying to experiment with modo as well. I'll post up some stuff today.

Great stuff, I really like the shipwreck!

Thanks Echo!!

So heres me trying to learn Zbrush so I tried following along to one of Dominic Qwek's blockouts. This was the second blockout study, it took a lot of hours including all the googling I had to do to figure some things out but I learned a lot from it!

[Image: tR8xvMm.jpg]

Don't think I ever posted this one. A texture study done a few months ago in polychromos.

[Image: ilXNnLh.jpg]

Some studying from today, going through Michael Hampton's book.

[Image: 0gMFI82.jpg]

Oooh nice studies man!
And whoa, polychromos! Looking great, Tat must have takes a while :)
I love the pink-purple enviro, looks awesome in such a unusual palette.

Michael Hampton's stuff is great, nice studies. Beware of the back side of the skull, seems you're taking a bit away from there consistently - make sure the whole skull has volume :)

Looking forward to more!

Congrats on the daily deviation, well deserved ! : )

Also Hampton studies are so nice, I'll have to get back to them as well !

Great stuff, man !

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@Ursula - Thanks a bunch for the tip on the back of the skull!! I tried to keep that in mind especially with the studies I did today! The polychromos piece took about 15 hours I think :) Thanks again :)

@ShinOkami - Thanks very much! Yeah really like his book and diagrams are awesome. Steaming ahead trying to learn as much as I can :)

Some more head studies today from Michael Hampton's book.

[Image: gbz8mk3.jpg]

Holy crappazoid! Your color use is awesome man! I like your studying habbits :)

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hey Gav, your sketchbook is looking lovely so far dude :D That shipwreck piece blew my mind when you posted it up a few weeks back. Great to see you getting stuck into those Hampton studies. Have you tried drawing any of those heads from memory afterwards? It's a great way to frustrate yourself haha :P But it also gets the info into your memory, so you don't end up just copying stuff.

Othrandir - Thanks very much ! Not sure if my study habits are the most successful need to do more imagination stuff!

Niall - Hey man thanks a mil! Got very inspired by your sketchbook and had to do more of that stuff. But yeah I haven't been doing much from memory. I've since tried to correct that, i'll post up a page of those heads later today or tomorrow. Thanks for the tip man.

So these are from my past year at life drawing classes in BCFE Animation, some of the more successful ones; out of an absolute crap ton.

[Image: mUjjku7.jpg][Image: wOITYF1.jpg][Image: LxSaT6l.jpg][Image: r2a72Pd.jpg][Image: Dkgr9vV.jpg][Image: js7lbB4.jpg][Image: oEokIer.jpg][Image: wvZA109.jpg][Image: 6EUkBX8.jpg][Image: EamLm49.jpg][Image: 6q6lnMa.jpg][Image: aWgsatO.jpg][Image: KkdOWTs.jpg]


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