yep dude, keep coming with tons of studiees ! The last illustration is not bad at all ! Concerning the girl and dinosaur, maybe you should try to think more of the painting as a whole, work on the complete illustration at the same time, and the more you're going the more you'll put details in the center of interest ! this way you know you wont make mistakes ! I find working things separately is sometimes killing the mood, the light, and the believability of the scene ! The girl is rendered completely differently than the dinosaur, it seems that 2 different people painted it ^^ . Anyway, keep it up man !

@kinkindaface Haha yeahh, it was pretty awful. A perfect storm of short on time and stressed just made me do all the wrong choices. But I haven't done it since so- live and learn!

A quick study of a Frazetta piece.
[Image: Frazetta_Study_May_1_2013.png]

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Studies~[Image: Photo_Study_May_6_2013.png]
[Image: figure_Studies_May_6_2013.png]

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More anatomy and some loomis.
[Image: Girl_study_May_7_2013.png]
[Image: Loomis_Studies_May_7_2013.png]

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Hands are a good work out.
[Image: Hand_Study_May_8_2013.png][Image: Hand_Study_May_9_2013.png]
[Image: Stece_Holt_Study_May_8_2013.png]
[Image: Hand_Studies_May_9_2013.png]
[Image: Loomis_Studies_May_8_2013.png]

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really nice improvement man :D your linework is great and you're certainly getting better at form, keep it up!

I'm trying! I feel like I'm getting a little better anyway. But you are most certainly killing it yourself! :D

Adam Hughes face studies, 10 minutes on each.

[Image: Adam_Huges_Studies_May_10_2013.png]

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Quick SP and some 60 second gestures, which I'll try to be doing more often.
[Image: sp_may_14_2013.png]
[Image: Gestures_May_13_2013.png]

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Thumb up! You're doing hreat job on studies. Great eye for colors and light.
IF I should give any advice I would love to see how You apply those studies to Your original characters. Hope to see it soon :)

Mannequin's Blog :)

Mannequin's CD sketchbook

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@Mannequin heh funny you mention that-

Morning sketch with limited value, thats just how I start stuff. I'm not sure if I'll continue it but it was a good start to the day.
[Image: Robo_Ghost_May_15_2013.png]

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Went and did a bit more, but I think thats where I stop on this one.
[Image: Robo_Ghost_2_May_15_2013.png]

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Here is a rework piece from way back to 2009. Here's some studies and sketches for comps and such, loose stuff. Still working out the bulk of it.

[Image: MB_Loose.png]
[Image: MB_Studies_May_20_2013.png]

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Also a rework of a piece I did in 2009 that I spent many months on, it's great to see how much I've progressed.

[Image: Mother+Brain.png]

Here is a comparison shot for fun. Oh how the years have gone by. I never really finished the piece, I spent so long on it and it was just ideas I wasn't able to create due to my lack of knowledge. 3 and a half years later and I'd say I gained a lot of knowledge! Oh course I still have a long way to go, and this was great fun along that road to getting better! Keep on studying everyone!

[Image: Mother+Brain+Comparison.png]

And just a fun fact about me, Metroid is my all time favorite game series. :D

Finally finished this one. I spent 3 weeks doing the values back in december, then after finishing last weeks Mother Brain piece I figured it was time to finally finish the thing. And thus we get this.

[Image: zelda_battle_quest_tribute_by_zesiul-d67hfbg.png]

[Image: zelda_Steps.png]

Some what steps, but not really. Loose sketch, cleaned up lines, value, color.

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That Zelda picture is just haha awesome

The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.
-Lao Tzu

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So while I was doing some research on Mother Brain for that recent illustration I stumbled upon these concepts for a kraid like figure to be in Metroid Prime 3.

[Image: Metroid_Prime_3_Ben_Sprout_Storyboard.jpg]

I loved the way they changed him from a fat dragon to more of an insect, it was really different from any other Kraid's before but equally if not more intimidating. SO, I'm starting this piece based off of that version of him.

[Image: Kraid.png]

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Finished up Kraid!
[Image: Kraid.png]

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Another Metroid Boss, these are a fun way to kill time.
[Image: croc-1.png]

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Starting up another boss. [Image: draygon.png]

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Tried something different for the comp, feeling it more now. Might throw in some background elements, who knows what could happen.
[Image: draygon1.png]

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[Image: Draygon.png]

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