Kamiru's sketchbook, draw erryday.
I haven't posted for a pretty long time because school.

Here is a sneak peek of what I'm creating now (in 3d):
[Image: unity.png]

I have more stuff, also drawings but I will post it later.

[Image: tree_guy_by_kamiru_desu-d5m0on1.png]
Tree guy

[Image: 2spooky4u_by_kamiru_desu-d5m0ola.png]
40 min sketchish thing

[Image: master_not_finished_color_study_by_kamir...5m0of3.png]
Study, not really finished, but I learned enough from it.

[Image: jungle_child_by_kamiru_desu-d5m0o34.png]
That thing I'm working on forever and gonna finish some day for my portfolio

[Image: boobs_by_kamiru_desu-d5m0o9y.png]
Color study

[Image: blahahaha_by_kamiru_desu-d5m0o0m.png]
Some cover thingy for a "game"

[Image: crying_girl_by_kamiru_desu-d5m0pq3.png]
She doesn't look like mr. bean anymore.

[Image: snake.png]
[Image: study_by_kamiru_desu-d5nu2hj.png]
[Image: godess_grill_by_kamiru_desu-d5nln6b.png]
No reference.
[Image: samurai_girl_sketch_by_kamiru_desu-d5neqov.png]
SKetchy samurai girl.
[Image: vase_study_by_kamiru_desu-d5neq9f.png]

Your b/w portrait is definitely heading in the right direction for you and has some nice form to it. Lots of improvement too. The main thing I would suggest would be to focus on having sharper edges in your work (particularly in figures or still life). Perhaps block out your shapes initially and refine the edges so they're a little crisper, or work from a sketch that keeps things a little tidier. I think if you made the shapes more defined it'd really push you forward. Hope that helps, keep at it!

hollinrake.art @ gmail.com
you've got an interesting style going on, but it does need to be tightened up a bit. Especially the studies, theres only so much your going to learn if you dont push it far enough and get out of your comfort zone, and your natural style could evolve into something really interesting if you push yourself man! Keep it up.
Thanks for the critique! I'll try to work a bit cleaner and start with line-art (since I didn't do that for any of the studies above ;_;)!

[Image: goblin_snake_charmer__by_kamiru_desu-d5obapa.png]

[Image: _ic__by_kamiru_desu-d5obaeq.png]

[Image: punpun_by_kamiru_desu-d5o4vfq.png]

[Image: color_study_by_kamiru_desu-d5o2nrv.png]

Some studies and work... Oh and I just sat The Hobbit and I want to do like a 1000 studies from that movie, can't wait for the blu-ray.

Crappy study I did, it took way to long:
[Image: i_worked_way_to_long_on_this_study_by_ka...5oxvnu.png]

Samsara study 1
[Image: samsara_study_1_by_kamiru_desu-d5oxvdw.jpg]

Samsara study 1
[Image: samsara_study_2_by_kamiru_desu-d5oxvfh.jpg]

I'm gonna do more samsara studies tomorrow.

[Image: samsara_study_3_by_kamiru_desu-d5p1sig.jpg]
Samsara study 3, sucks hard, gonna redo it tomorrow.

[Image: samsara_study_4_by_kamiru_desu-d5p1se3.jpg]
Samsara study 4

[Image: color_study_by_kamiru_desu-d5qqkti.png]
Color study...

[Image: _ic__study_by_kamiru_desu-d5r4tu8.png]
Another color study, I feel like I've done enough color studies for a while and I'm now gonna focus on my anatomy and line art, I have been drawing traditional the last few week and I feel like I'm getting a bit better with my lines...

[Image: david_study_by_kamiru_desu-d5rejf5.png]
Yet another study

[Image: fire_girl_by_kamiru_desu-d5rcl4x.png]
Crappy reference-less work.

Wips, from old the new:

[Image: ig5CtA2Yerpnp.png]

[Image: ibujxitpDJVTKT.jpg]

[Image: iQ3DXiyifn0G2.png]

This is the first time in ages that I felt like I learned something and I'm quite happy with how it looks now!

[Image: ibawN8isJhn2rR.jpg]
[Image: i1dDzYqnoJx4p.jpg]

Some traditional sketches, I don't have a scanner so they look crappy.

EDIT: holy shit I just flipped it and it looks crappy as fuck :s

New portfolio test (still no domain name for the time being): https://dl.dropbox.com/u/62664516/Portfolio/index.html

Yay or nay?

thats why it is important to flip your image from time to time :)
Flipping the image forces your brain to think that your are looking to a new picture, for a few seconds at least.

And thumbs up for that portfolio design.

(01-23-2013, 09:10 PM)EduardoGaray Wrote: thats why it is important to flip your image from time to time :)
I am an addict to flipping my work in Photoshop, but I'm not sure how to do it with traditional work.

(01-23-2013, 09:10 PM)EduardoGaray Wrote: And thumbs up for that portfolio design.

grab a mirror! :)

[Image: untitled_1_by_kamiru_desu-d5st45y.png]

[Image: mage_goat_by_kamiru_desu-d5su2wf.png]
Quick sketch of a mage goat on his way to the goat-tower.

[Image: poses_by_kamiru_desu-d5su30p.png]
Some poses from imagination.

[Image: ib0AF6V4kUqAON.png]
No reference used yet, please ignore the face.

[Image: untitled_2_recovered_by_kamiru_desu-d5tsocq.png]
Portrait for a friend.


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