Kamiru's sketchbook, draw erryday.
Congrats on that kamiru, keep working on! :)

Thanks isra :).

[Image: speed_paint_by_kamiru_desu-d4xfmc8.png]
Improved an older landscape

[Image: giant_ant_landscape_by_kamiru_desu-d4xytcd.png]
I'm calling this one done.

[Image: kappa_by_kamiru_desu-d4zzj2q.png]
Kappa update.

[Image: iGXBgvMWhOIUX.png]

[Image: bloodsports_statue_sketch_001_by_kamiru_...50ykw1.png]
This is for the crimson dagger bloodsports, but meh, same boring composition I always use, I want to do something different. this is just a "sketch".

[Image: medieval_town_by_kamiru_desu-d510yr4.png]

Medieval town, isometric-ish,

WOW! How did you do that medieval town? Is that photoshop?? :S

About the sketch for the bloodsports and the same as always composition, you have to change the position of the horizon line (upper or lower it), the perspective, add more elements to your foreground, etc. Play with all those elements in thumbnails, not full images, and even with only values, just play with different compositions :)

The houses and stuff are made in 3DS Max, and I most o the color and effects in Photshop.

[Image: iyTdfZKOK8eJD.png]
Teen challenge 165 WIP. It's gonna be a mech Humvee in perspective, it's pretty hard.

[Image: ibdjz3tWRoGAZW.png]

[Image: iCxMat42QHh3j.png]

[Image: iZGor62cVmXyb.png]
WIP (Oh and I didn't finish it in time :( )

[Image: studies_n___shit__by_kamiru_desu-d52cu97.png]
Ctrl+paint studie thingies... (spoons are fucking hard)

[Image: gesture_001_by_kamiru_desu-d52chrb.png]

[Image: punpun_by_kamiru_desu-d52e6df.png]

[Image: jungle_chick_by_kamiru_desu-d52r74l.png]
Jungle chick WIP, (also my first okay-ish body without reference!)

[Image: d_do_you____w_want_an_apple____by_kamiru...52h0w6.png]

And I updated my portfolio site, If you find a bug please report it :)

Cool! Your gestures are getting looser/better, keep that up! Try to do a page or two if you can every day. Try getting the whole figure down right away even if it looks like a stick figure in the first couple seconds, including the head even if it's just a circle. 30 to 60 seconders are pretty good practice. Eventually you'll start applying gesture to your own work, at least in the very early stages. Keep it up!
Thanks for the tips! I read Loomis, bridgman, Vilppu and some other anatomy/gesture books. I tried out most of the "bases" (didn't upload/save them).

And ok I'll try doing more gestures daily!

[Image: gestures_by_kamiru_desu-d52w15n.png]
30 sec.

[Image: jungle_chick_by_kamiru_desu-d52r74l.png]
Small update.

[Image: jungle_chick__nope__it__s_jungle_child_n...52r74l.png]

Yeaah, WIP...

So I got a small paintover from Isra (Thanks!) and made the legs longer. I also used the grid from the loomis books (with the 7 heads crotch in middle, ect)... aaaaand well... she's transformed into a child, I dunno... Errhm... I actually like it like this so, yeah!

I enjoy seeing your progress, colors are looking good.
Your current paintings are your strongest work, if you can bring your drawing fundaments on the same level you'll improve even faster.

Love the giant ant attacking the city!
Woah! wist niet dat je in nederland woonde :) mooi werk!
Thanks Lumens! Colors are one of my weak points imo :p, but thanks!
Yeah I know my drawings are very sloppy but I'm trying to get better!
And yes, the ant is probably my best work yet, I put a lot of time in that one.

Thanks AngeliquevdMee!, Yup ik ben Nederlands :D!

Todays update, I did some poses (didn't save, just 30 sec poses) and I continued on the jungle child:

[Image: jungle_chick__nope__it__s_jungle_child_n...52r74l.png]
How do I make here more feminine? (I know that the left hand is weird, I'm gonna fix it).

Om te beginnen kun je haar gezicht verzachten ( onder anderen haar neus en kaaklijn/ kin ziet er vrij mannelijk uit.)

http://www.artsyposes.com/models?sexo=F&...l&pose=all een link die ook vrouwelijke modellen met speren en soort gelijke kleding bevatten. bekijk bijv. de lichaamstaal wat ook een verschil uit kan maken.

Hope this helps, keep em coming. Th_100_
Oke, Thanks voor de tips end de link (zoveel reference :)), thanks!

Edit: Oh yeah! page 4!


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