Victor wants to CREATE!
Last ones, sorry for low quality, took this shots at night and without a good lighting.

[Image: Ierv5K3.jpg]

[Image: 0OBV6nE.jpg]

[Image: d7It4cd.jpg]
Last ones. Made the owl too dirty :/ I was a lot tired that day, but didn't want to finish the day without drawing. I guess I have to approach texturing and hatching with more patience, I'm making a lot quick strokes without thinking too much, and sometime I screw everything up, just like in the owl :(

[Image: aA11qLq.jpg]

[Image: 1aOjYBC.jpg]
There we go, the last Inktober. Not really happy with it, but comparing to the first inktober I can see improvement, and makes me happy. I'll go back to normal studies now and I'll watch Peter Han workshop for CGMA and go back to Scott Robertson studies.

[Image: YCCeI26.jpg]
I was watching Peter Han's Dynamic Sketching Workshop and trying some of his techniques. I really like how his sketches looks, and I'll study further more the way he approaches sketching from observation. And man, it's WAY harder than I expected, working with textures the way he does is pretty hard, always get dirty. But I'll not give up. Also trying a Posca white brush pen, really hard to control too, the brush tip is just like a brush (duh) not like Copic marker brush tip or Zebra Brush Pen.

[Image: 2ssZwdb.jpg]

A guy from Brazil trying to get into the entertainment industry as a designer.

My Sketchbook
It's been a long time, college is killing me, just hating the end of this semester :/ But at least I modelled a car in 3d that I designed, I liked the result, but I want to draw again  Evil But the good new is that I'll attend to a drawing fundamentals class  next year and I can't wait for it. It's going to be awesome!

Here's the link if anyone is interested in the car. It's the Empire's new offroad car to explore desert planets :P

A guy from Brazil trying to get into the entertainment industry as a designer.

My Sketchbook
Finally got some time to do a quick sketch. The most anticipated holidays ever!

[Image: WDAn9CO.jpg]

A guy from Brazil trying to get into the entertainment industry as a designer.

My Sketchbook
I'm back on board, really long time without posting something here. I'm more confident with my work now, just finished a course of Fundamentals of Drawing, really learned a lot! The course went from simple perspective layouts, objects, environments, gesture, figure and portrait and lastly we learned a little of animals, going through felines, dogs and hooved. It was 6 months of a really good experience, I've met with some people with the same interest and it was awesome.

Here's some work I did digitally from the last month to today. (Not posting everything because it's a lot of thing, so I've selected a few).

Now I'll go back to study Scott Robertson's How to Draw book and just enrolled the Painting with Confidence course in Learn Squared, really liking it so far :)

[Image: 0Mcf3O4.jpg]

[Image: zk24Tr6.jpg]

[Image: ZmbxNvb.jpg]

[Image: v4MasMT.jpg]

A guy from Brazil trying to get into the entertainment industry as a designer.

My Sketchbook
Some stuff from Learn Squared.

I really like that approach for making studies. Do some 10~20 minutes drawing, dissecting the reference, trying to understand how things work, creating a strategy instead of making a copy of the reference. Then, without a reference, test yourself and see what you've learned :)

[Image: idajF9K.jpg]

[Image: 4Tmr7d3.jpg]

[Image: JLnyEv8.jpg]

[Image: K3K6mBY.jpg]

[Image: hq11TDC.jpg]

A guy from Brazil trying to get into the entertainment industry as a designer.

My Sketchbook
Hey Victor, I like your approach to learning! Great bug and animal drawings. I'm studying from lessons derived from Peter Han's techniques (over at Draw a Box), he's awesome. The Learn Squared stuff definitely looks like an interesting technique. Are you taking courses from them? Do you recommend them?

Keep up the good work man, and don't let your SB languish without updates! I'm guilty of this too. Looking forward to your next post. :-)

"Drawing is a skill like hammering a nail. You might not be great at it yet, but there is nothing stopping you from gettin' down and hammering away." -Irshad Karim

(07-06-2016, 10:30 AM)Mechanizoid Wrote: Hey Victor, I like your approach to learning! Great bug and animal drawings. I'm studying from lessons derived from Peter Han's techniques (over at Draw a Box), he's awesome. The Learn Squared stuff definitely looks like an interesting technique. Are you taking courses from them? Do you recommend them?

Keep up the good work man, and don't let your SB languish without updates! I'm guilty of this too. Looking forward to your next post. :-)

Thanks! :D Those bugs are from 2015 inktober, I'll try to take somo photographs of more recent animal drawing that I did for that fundamentals course that I've mentioned and I'll post here.

By the way, I'm really liking Learn Squared so far, I'm still at lesson 2 for the Painting with Confidence course, and I've been struggling with some stuff that Anthony Jones explains, but I think that is good, didn't expected it to be easy :P The videos are short, but kinda in a good way, he explains the content of the lesson then does a demonstration and give you some homework to do, if you start struggling, like I was, you can watch the videos of his apprentice (Jama Jurabaev) making his homework and talking to AJ or watch the recorded mentorship for those who paid the highest price. It's really helpful, and worth the money :). I'm planning to finish AJ course and then enroll in Maciej course for environment painting.

Do you know the Foundation Patreon? They have some great content too, take a look at it :)

I've been struggling a lot to understand how Anthony Jones paints and to do the homework with time limit, but I think I'm getting the hang of it.

Getting deeper into values studies now! Wished I could study some anatomy this week but I don't think I'll have time for it, but I'll try :)

Here's some stuff from learn squared homework

[Image: 4GCtUZh.jpg]

[Image: vhX24d8.jpg]

[Image: xAUpSpS.jpg]

[Image: 5YWL7wB.jpg]

A guy from Brazil trying to get into the entertainment industry as a designer.

My Sketchbook
Some more from Learn Squared. Didn't really liked the painting, I think I've rushed too much the construction, but, there it is!

[Image: wCtICvH.jpg]

[Image: YeHofWx.jpg]

[Image: SwZH2Z0.jpg]

A guy from Brazil trying to get into the entertainment industry as a designer.

My Sketchbook
Some more! Now, to the next Lesson!

[Image: ctuTUJO.jpg]

[Image: 3YMOouq.jpg]

[Image: KlmlXnr.jpg]

A guy from Brazil trying to get into the entertainment industry as a designer.

My Sketchbook
Lesson 3 is Design Principles, testing out what said in the lessons. We're supposed to make sketches with 2 principles in 10 minutes and then make something using what we've learned and do some other sketches in 30 minutes max. It was recommended to use line drawing for this one.

[Image: sW6S2Hf.jpg]

A guy from Brazil trying to get into the entertainment industry as a designer.

My Sketchbook
[Image: 1OuvJAm.jpg]
One more!

A guy from Brazil trying to get into the entertainment industry as a designer.

My Sketchbook
Another practice of painting I think I'm getting the hang of it, I'm becoming more confident with the strokes now 

[Image: Z7OkVj1.jpg]

A guy from Brazil trying to get into the entertainment industry as a designer.

My Sketchbook
Having a little trouble with lines in Photoshop, it's so much easier with pen and paper D: But I think i'm getting better :)

Time wen't off for the carriage from imagination (on the bottom right) so I left how it was. I was having some trouble to make the form I wanted in perspective.

[Image: 7xG71dz.jpg]

A guy from Brazil trying to get into the entertainment industry as a designer.

My Sketchbook
Last one for today!

[Image: nUhCiXq.jpg]

A guy from Brazil trying to get into the entertainment industry as a designer.

My Sketchbook
Some armor studies for the design lessons :)

[Image: 4jsQt9a.jpg]

A guy from Brazil trying to get into the entertainment industry as a designer.

My Sketchbook
I couldn't post last week, but here's some stuff I've made. Some Leyendecker studies and quick sketches of figures

[Image: mvS5eOX.jpg]

[Image: B3AcgKN.jpg]

[Image: 4Z1BdEG.jpg]

[Image: rHGc1ot.jpg]

[Image: nZUTIZQ.jpg]

A guy from Brazil trying to get into the entertainment industry as a designer.

My Sketchbook
Measure better!

Edit: whoops forgot to link this
It's free btw :D


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