Just checking in
I found the forum via facebook. Figured that joining might be a good idea.

I just want to be a better artist. I've been doing this pretty much my whole life, but I've been trying to take this more seriously since I want to paint as a career.

I like painting fantasy stuff and people. I hate painting environments, so I'm trying to force myself to at least try them out.

I'm really bad at networking too. I tend to stress myself out when talking to strangers online and offline. Trying to improve with that too.

Anyway, can't wait to dive in!
Hey there, ElectricRaygun (haha, reminds me of the item from Super Smash Bros ^^;), welcome to the Daggers!

Sounds good to me! That's what this community is all about, becoming the best we can be in our chosen fields :D

I feel you on environments, yeah, gotta wreck all our weaknesses!

Same here again! I suck at maintaining blogs and keeping a Facebook, deviantART, twitter, Skype, etc presence active haha. I'm only like really active here o_o

Woo! Yeah, come dive in! There's lots to be discovered in the daggers,

Lookin' forward to checkin' out your sketchbook when you make one! o/

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all

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