Anatomy/Écorché Group
So here’s what I’m thinking: An anatomy group focused on the in-depth study of the human figure. This would be a place to get critiques, share our work/studies, resources, book recommendations and anything that would help our understanding of anatomy.

Everyone is free to enter and contribute to the group. This will be a place for all students to develop their understanding of anatomy. We all have different goals and we work at our own pace. This group will be a resource and support to you as a student. Think of it as a collective off-branch from your own sketchbook where you can get critiques, advice/help and help others on the subject of anatomy. 

I’ll be running it for as long as I can manage and there is interest. Some short info about me. My name is Tristan. I’m 19, self taught to this point but in the fall I start studying at The Florence Academy of Art (a traditional realist atelier). I hope to keep the group going even when I’m there and if I can, share anything valuable I pick up.

Let me know what you think! How would you like to see a group run? Want livestreams? Hangouts? Skype chats? Challenges? Specific rules? let me know and leave a comment saying you're interested and I'll message you when it's up an running. 

Discord - JetJaguar#8954
Sounds fun, anatomy is one of those things in which there is always more to learn. I might be starting Watts online atelier soon so it would be cool to have a group of people to help with critiques. Send me a message whenever you get it going. :)

sounds great. Also florence and watts seem like really great schools. count me in
ive been going back to the basics recently (digital painter here) so ive been traditionally drawing for quite some time now, so i would like to join , i would be up to any challenges / assignments that you guys would come up with , in turn we can crit each others work in order to improve.

Alright, great! Do any of you have an opinion on how it should be structured? I'm not sure what's best, either make it a free for all or do some thing where we pick a subject each week. Also, any suggestions on specific rules?

I've been thinking of how we would organise resources. I made this document that could maybe be used as an introduction to anatomy . I'm not sure if it's the most efficient way to do things. It took some time to write it because I need to check my information to see that I'm not wrong on anything.

I'm not entirely sure what to call the group. Let me know if you have any suggestions.
Hopefully we can get a few more people interested :)

Discord - JetJaguar#8954
I'm just a beginner, but I'd love to able able to join if that would be ok? Anatomy is a huge issue for me.

Oooooooooooooh. Count me in.

My anatomy sucks balls.

Keep me posted with what ya decide on

In other news: holy fuah you're only 19 and have made so many gains. #respect

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Bruh yes please. Count me in, I'd love some directed anatomy studying, I've been doing it on my own anyway.

Punk - Yeah! You gotta start somewhere! :)

smrr - Great! I'm really looking forward to everything now ^^

Zombie - Sweet. I'll do my best to help everyone out and to try to get the right resources into everyones hands.

I'll get to work writing out the guidelines and everything. I'm trying to come up with a catchy group name. Drop a suggestion or two! I really need some inspiration! I'd like this group be a bit more classical than most of the work we do here. Anatomy is a very old subject with a great tradition behind it. I'd like to get some of that into the world of digital art.

Discord - JetJaguar#8954
Might pop my head into this occasionally, more power to you Tristan, great initiative carry on!

Some name suggestions:

Crimson Corpus
Bags of blood and bone
The Crimson Cadavers
640 shades of Red (approximately 640 muscles in the human body :) )

 YouTube free learnin! | DeviantArt | Old Folio | Insta
The document is great tristan, well done!

Scott eatons course is awesome has pretty much covered everything you need about anatomy.

about the group, i would prefer a open style format because i dont like deadlines etc but i cant speak for others.

I think a hangout is better than a livestream because there is more information flow at any one time.
Who knows just experiment with it, the amount of participation will be a guide to its effectiveness.
Alright, Awesome!! I'm about to fall asleep right now but I'll get the group started tomorrow. 
Amit came up with a great name so I decided to make a quick little banner for the group using a few classical ecorche drawings. Hopefully everyone like it ^^

Discord - JetJaguar#8954
Ah man Tristan that looks awesome! Can't wait to get this started. *__*

Love the banner and name, joob gob Tristan, Amit :D

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Alright everyone, THE CRIMSON CADAVERS group is now live. 
Clickity-clack the image to go to the group. 

[Image: attachment.php?aid=70524]

Discord - JetJaguar#8954
im gonna post here instead over there just as to not litter it with my rambles, just wanna say thanks for organizing this up for us, i hope this group will flourish.
anyway, i saw you post with head studies first , so are we going with the head first?

i suggest somewhat of a challenge we can do, i know the importance of naming the muscles and bones would be very useful , so why not we set up a challenge where the week is to draw the "zygomatic arch" and what it looks like in different views, then we get to post our own works on the thread and tell about what we learned about the "zygomatic arch" whilst drawing it on different positions.

hope this make sense , my english seemed to be not improving any better but yeah. you can expand on the idea , or reject it entirely , i dont mind. im actually in the process of learning the anatomy of the head right now with (villpu dvd)

Right now, it's a free for all. I did head studies because I wan't comfortable with the anatomy of the face. Pick whatever subject you're into and work on it. If there is interest in the group we can maybe start some group challenges and so on. I'll make a note of this challenge and if the group gets a bit of attention, we could maybe do it.

I've also been working on a "Crimson Cadaver Handbook" where I collect figure drawing and anatomy notes I've made. When I have enough, I'll put it up in the resource section. I thought that to help speed it along, the people that do well in the group could help write it :)

Discord - JetJaguar#8954
(07-11-2015, 09:24 AM)Tristan Berndt Wrote: So here’s what I’m thinking: An anatomy group focused on the in-depth study of the human figure. This would be
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.701961)]Wow this sounds great! I really need to work on this so I would like to join!
our work/studies, resources, book recommendations and anything that would help our understanding of anatomy.

Everyone is free to enter and contribute to the group. This will be a place for all students to develop their understanding of anatomy. We all have different goals and we work at our own pace. This group will be a resource and support. Think of it as a collective off-branch from your own sketchbook where you can get critiques, advice/help and help others on the subject of anatomy. 

I’ll be running it for as long as I can manage and there is interest. Some short info about me. My name is Tristan. I’m 19, self taught to this point but in the fall I start studying at The Florence Academy of Art (a traditional realist atelier). I hope to keep the group going even when I’m there and if I can, share anything valuable I pick up.

Let me know what you think! How would you like to see a group run? Want livestreams? Hangouts? Skype chats? Challenges? Specific rules? let me know and leave a comment saying you're interested and I'll message you when it's up an running. 
oh man this is exactly what I need right now!!!!! Perfect!!!! I am a Zbrusher and Painter and I am having a really hard time getting the female anatomy down. more specifically everything from the waist down.

I had been practicing for 8 months straight just pushing and pulling until I got something I liked but it never fully came through. I recently started practicing again and I still am not really understanding the proportions and landmarks correctly but more specifically how to reduce the amount of time it takes to make it look realistic. I'm so glad that there is a group starting up!! I really need some help!!

thanks for the Group Tristan!

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