Ash's Sketchbook
Hey everyone! I just turned 17 and I'm hoping to improve. I was posting on ConceptArt previously but this forum seemed to be a lot more active. Feedback's really appreciated! 


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Hey mate welcome aboard, well not much to say aside from keep posting :)
Thanks Zearthus! Here's some more stuff lately. I'm realizing that cartoons and more stylized art looks a bit wonky without a good foundation haha.

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Wow, great level of skill at 17! Grin

You'll be pro in a couple of years. Keep working at it!

Try to do studies, and see what's going on underneath. This is something that I need to work at too, haha. A figure is more than an outline, y'know?

Somebody left a bunch of great links on my sketchbook about gestures, but I'm too lazy to go fetch it right now. But, if you look up Proko on youtube, he has some solid advice too.

Now git back to that sketchbook! DRAWWWw!


 Join our Study Group: The Velvet Revolvers!  Let's work hard together!
Thanks for the resources Bookend! I'll be sure to check them out. 

Here's the bulk of this week's stuff, including some charcoal insanity.

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Head studies from Bridgeman's Life Drawing! Plus whatever else.

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Hi Majestysnowbird, welcome. its looking really nice dude, just keep drawing.
looking forward to see more :D

LOL coming back here is very amusing. On the plus side, I've worked a ton and improved a ton! Here are some figures/other little things as of recent. The last thing is my attempt at drawing strangers at a bookstore. It's a lot harder when the subject is moving!

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Also other news! I've gotten a tablet, but my laptop isn't fixed yet. I also applied to three art schools, so hopefully I'll have some good news in a couple months! Any resources on drawing clothing would be fantastic as well.

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hey! thanks for the comments!
when are you jumping to digital?
the sooner the better!

Sketchbook: p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7
Nice start ash!
Make sure you take full advantage of starting young, this really is a tough journey so the best time to get serious about this is right now. Just stay consistent and build good habits like keeping daily goals.

As for resources for drawing clothing, you should get "Dynamic Wrinkles & Drapery" by Burne Hogarth.
I use the information from that book all the time.
@AlfonsoX Hopefully within the next month or so! It all depends on my laptop. 

@BenFlores Thanks for the rec I'll check it out!

More stuff from today. I've been super bored and snowed in.

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Welcome! Be prepare for the Long March!


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