The 10000 Hour Rule - Art Edition - 7626/10,000
Bjulvar - Cheers man, I dunno, I struggle with expressions big time, feel like it's working a little better now though. Cheers for pointing all that stuff out, helps a ton. Not sure I can do a lot about the pin/arm being parallel, I moved the curtain behind the pin to try and frame the dude a bit better, and separate them though. I tried to play around with some other stuff to make it a bit less confusing as well. I dunno, I'm gonna take another pass or 2 over it, hopefully I'll make it work :)

Warburton - Haha, that's how I had it in the sketch, but it looked a little odd. I'll try it again though, Now you've said it looks like a giant floating hand, that's all I can see lol. Glad you like it though, I've dropped it back, lost some stuff, and I'm pulling the details back out now. It was just getting too hard to fix stuff with it all rendered out. Hopefully this way I can keep the focus where I want it, and leave some areas loose as well. We'll see though lol. ;) Cheers man.

[Image: face-studies.jpg]

[Image: sketching-9th-August.jpg]

WIP - Reworking quite a lot of this. Bleh
[Image: Voodoo-Flat2.jpg]

Gestures, for the thing below, super scrappy
[Image: underwater-gestures.jpg]

Piece for - Theme is underwater this week
[Image: Underwater.jpg]

ah man im see soo much progress here mate you make me want to study more !!

Danar - Cheers dude. Lol I could definitely do with studying more too. Oops. ;)

Underwater WIP
[Image: Underwater-1.jpg]

Voodoo WIP - Hopefully finish both of these today, maybe
[Image: Voodoo-Flat2-2.jpg]

And a spitpaint - The collector
[Image: The-Collector.jpg]

Christmas paintings ALREADY?! ;) I like what'cha got goin' on over here. No crits or anything, I know you know what to work on, so just get to it!

Hey, just dropped by to say you are fucking inspiring man.
Also the voodoo piece got me intrested, crit incoming!
The voodoo piece seems quite hard to work out. Have you tried playing with light on the hand.
For example right now im seeing a frontal light on the hand, which coupled with the light on the guy makes the scale of the hand confusing. Try darkening the hand and play around with values. The doll also looks sort of gigantic, perhaps seperating the foreground(hand and doll) and the guy, then seperating the values will help. Hope this helps, you know better than I so best of luck on acing it.

Nice work Jake. I love the voodoo piece can't wait to see it done

MrFrenik - Haha, kinda accidentally Christmassy, but is that such a bad thing? ;)

Crackedskull - Ah, such a good idea. I tried to apply it to the painting, you were right, think it works a lot better now. Limiting the values in the two sections helped a lot. Cheers dude.

Ramalooke - Thank you :)

Spitpainting - The Chase
[Image: The-Chase.jpg]

Sketches for some Super Smash Bros Fan Art :D
[Image: SSB--sketches.jpg]

[Image: SSB-FanArt.jpg]

And calling these two done I think
[Image: Underwater-3.jpg]

[Image: Voodoo-Flat2-3.jpg]

Had a hockey match yesterday, very little done.

Bit more work on this though
[Image: SSB-FanArt-1.jpg]

[Image: SSB-FanArt-3.jpg]

Haha, Kirby's about to whoop that ass. I like it, man.

Haha awesome SSB WiP! Makes me all nostalgic and warm. Love it dude.

I think cropping the composition so that there's more space to where the movement is going would give it some more space (pun)!

Also great job on the voodoo piece, you brought it home!

always nice focus on the planes, color, and storytelling. waiting to see this last piece complete, reminds me of the good old days when all my buddies and i would be getting down on super smash bros haha
haha loving the Samus/kirby illustration. :) Also nice to see the voodoo one finished, if you were going for a MTG style then definitely you are on the good path.

MrFrenik - Haha, yup. Cheers dude.

Bjulvar - I tried to move Kirby in a little. Think that helped. Couldn't really crop it without the stage looking weird because of the perspective though. Cheers man. :)

BenFlores - Cheers dude. Yeah exactly why I did it. So many late nights spent playing that game lol. Love it :)

EduardoGarary - Thanks man. Yeah going for that long term I guess, still a way off yet though. Cheers :)

Finished this :)

[Image: SSB-FanArt-5.jpg]

Bigger and better on DA...

And some wolf studies
[Image: Wolf-Studies.jpg]

Turned out looking good, man!

MrFrenik - Cheers dude :)

Passed 3000 Hours Here :)

Wanted to do something to mark 3000 hours, so spent most of the day on this still life. Gonna focus on my fundamentals (and environments) for the next month or so. I want to avoid brushwork becoming too much of a crutch :) So yeah, this is the start of that. I hit 3000 hours as I was finishing it up.

[Image: 3000hr-still-life.jpg]

And did a wolf study earlier in the day

[Image: wolf-study.jpg]

Congrats on the big 3k man :D
Feels like just yesterday you were at 2900, time flies.
But honestly, you truly are a beacon of inspiration!

Cracked skull - Haha, I've never been a beacon of anything before ;). Na, thanks man, means a lot :)

Canopy Studies
[Image: canopy-studies.jpg]

Leaf studies - Working on realism, soft brushes and stuff. No idea what I'm doing
[Image: leaf-studies.jpg]

[Image: leaf-study.jpg]

[Image: leaf-study-2.jpg]

Psychic Kid spitpainting
[Image: Psychic-Kid.jpg]

Congrats on the 3k, and that still life looks great! Here's to looking to 4k!

MrFrenik - Cheers man, yeah onwards and upwards :)

Alright, change of plan. Still gonna try and focus on environments, but gonna push working on realism back for a month. Changing my process and working on non comfort zone stuff at the same time is just too much chaos. I'll get to it though :)

SO, study
[Image: Canopy-study.jpg]

And some kinda reffed forests
[Image: Reffed-Forest.jpg]

[Image: Reffed-trees.jpg]

[Image: Forest.jpg]


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