The 10000 Hour Rule - Art Edition - 7626/10,000
Happy 3000 hours Jake, thanks for the inspiration!
always looking forward to more... in my creepy voyeuristic ways c:

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
it's been a while since my last visit. Oh boy. You posted a lot of work xD It's always good follow your work. I always feel so pumped and willing to draw after me seeing your stuff. You sir are an inspiration! <3

smrrfette - Haha, thanks. :) Always glad to help in any way lol, voyeuristic or otherwise

ramalooke - Cheers dude, means a lot. That kinda comment always gets me pumped up to work as well ;) Go go go!! :)

Got a little bit of client work on, so mostly just got spitpaintings to show. Gonna try and get back to personal work now :)

[Image: Attic.jpg]

Fire Worms
[Image: Fire-Worms.jpg]

Alien Giraffe
[Image: Alien-Giraffe.jpg]

Invisible Animal
[Image: Invisible-Animal.jpg]

Cracked Earth
[Image: Cracking-Earth.jpg]

Alien Aristocrat
[Image: Alien-Aristocrat.jpg]

Ice prison
[Image: Ice-Prison.jpg]

+ another 30 mins
[Image: Ice-Prison-developed.jpg]

And a couple of gross environments, got so much to work on
[Image: Rocky-Landscape.jpg]

[Image: Treeeeesssss.jpg]

Doing good, man, just keep pushing out work like you do. I've been meaning to ask, I like the way your blog is set up and was wondering how you went about doing that exactly? I want to get something set up to establish some kind of online portfolio, but I'm not too familiar with setting up the blog. Any help would be great. :)

MrFrenik - Cheers dude. Both my blogs are just set up on tumblr. The drop down menus on the 10,000 hour one are added separately, so thats a little extra, but apart from that, they're pretty standard. Tumblr's pretty intuitive on the whole, give it a shot man, loads of free themes as well :) Shout if you've got any questions about it, I set mine up a while ago, so might have missed something :).

Water Spell(ing)
[Image: Water-Spell.jpg]

Ice Factory
[Image: Ice-Factory.jpg]

Snowy Rocks study
[Image: snowy-rocks.jpg]

Applying from imagination
[Image: snowy-rocks-apply.jpg]

Landscape sketches
[Image: landscape-sketches-23rd-Oct.jpg]

Eurgh, lost all momentum the last few days. Gonna mix up my schedule a bit, and crack on next week I think. Gotta get back to it.

Future Vampire
[Image: future-vampire.jpg]

Zombie goblin x 2
[Image: Zombie-Goblin2.jpg]

[Image: zombie-goblin.jpg]

Ancient Woods
[Image: ancient-woods.jpg]

More rocks - Study
[Image: moab-rock-study.jpg]

[Image: Desert-rock-apply.jpg]

i'm enjoying all these speed paintings and quick concepts you've been doing man, specially those forests. Keep it up!

Speed paintings ftw! I like that Alien Aristocrat, he seems pretty awesome lol.

Environments are looking sweet too man, especially those rock studies 0_0 Painting rocks breaks my brain in so many ways haha.

Best of luck with the client stuff man, keep it coming.

Nice speedies, Jake, and cheers for the response about the tumblr blog. I'll definitely hit you up if I have any questions.

EduardoGaray - Cheers man, Starting to get the hang of it, sort of, it's impossible lol ;)

Warburton - Yeah man, they're fun right? So tough though. Never seem to get quite as far with them as I want to lol. Cheers dude, I found getting super methodical with them seems to help (me) a lot. Ie, paint the snow and the rocks, on separate layers, then the cast shadows on their own layers, then the light on another layer, and the bounced light on another layer, and occlusion shadows on a final layer. It's not perfect, but it gives a framework for thinking about it. Otherwise, yeah, it breaks my brain for the most part lol.

MrFrenik - Sure thing dude :) Cheers

[Image: beach-study-thing.jpg]

[Image: Sea-Study.jpg]

[Image: sketch-clouds-rubbish.jpg]

[Image: snowy-buffalo.jpg]

[Image: CLouds-study.jpg]

[Image: distant-building-study.jpg]

[Image: harbour.jpg]

Riot 1
[Image: Riot.jpg]

Riot 2
[Image: Riot2.jpg]

Time Machine
[Image: Time-machine.jpg]

Plant Human(s)
[Image: Plant-Human.jpg]

And A couple of new things :)

[Image: Snowy--1.jpg]

[Image: Castle-on-the-cliff-1.jpg]

Man, as always, love the passion going on here in your work. Also enjoying the way your brush strokes are getting better and better with every study. Keep at it! I'm wondering what kind of amazeballs masterpieces you'll be turning out at hour 10,000

Pnate- Cheers man, haha, I dunno if I'll ever get to 'amazeballs' ;). We'll see though :)

Did a lot of sketching yesterday. Feel like, as I'm kind of starting fresh with environments, I want to get all of the shitty ideas out as quickly as possible. Gonna slow down, polish some stuff when I have a tiny bit more experience with them in a few weeks.

[Image: enviro-studies.jpg]

Fire Temple
[Image: Fire-Temple-.jpg]

Halloween Mansion
[Image: Halloween-mansion.jpg]

Swamp Creature
[Image: Swamp-Creature.jpg]

10 mins each?
[Image: sketchface-hood-thing.jpg]

[Image: Sketching-enviros-29-oct.jpg]

Paradise - 1hr
[Image: paradise.jpg]

Paw - 1hr
[Image: Paw.jpg]

Witch - 1hr
[Image: Witch.jpg]

Teepee - 30 mins ish
[Image: Teepee-sketch.jpg]

Haha, that swamp creature's the shit, man. Yours should battle the one I've been working on. ;)

Passed 3100 Hours Here :)

MrFrenik - Cheers dude. I just had a look at yours, I have a feeling mine'd get it's ass kicked lol ;)

New spit paints
Shotgun Shogun
[Image: Shotgun-Shogun.jpg]

[Image: TNT.jpg]

[Image: Sea-Rocks.jpg]

[Image: Sentry.jpg]

[Image: Shootout.jpg]

Solid stuff, grats on passing 3100.

good stuff dude ! Keep it up on your journey !

crackedskull - Cheers dude :)

kikindaface - Thanks :)

Spitpaintings - Gnome Warlock
[Image: Gnome-Warlock.jpg]

[Image: Gnome-Warlock2.jpg]

Forest 4 way exercise
2-Change the angle of a ref
3-Sketch with some reference
4-Sketch without reference
15mins each

[Image: 4-forests.jpg]

Forest value sketch
[Image: Forest-31st-Oct.jpg]

Failing at adding colour
[Image: Forest-31st-Oct1.jpg]

Decided to go back to line work (kinda) for the environment stuff for a little bit.

Study Exercise - Snowy Mountains
[Image: snowy-x4.jpg]

[Image: rocks-snow-castle.jpg]

And a self portrait for International Self Portrait day, not that happy with this, been a while..
[Image: Self-Portrait-Day.jpg]

Wonderful opacity use man! Love the stuff in your sketchbook. Keep on busting out those anatomieeeees!! :)
Othrandir - Cheers man. Yeah, I need to get back on the anatomy for sure, been neglecting it.

Underwater Police
[Image: Underwater-Police.jpg]

Viking Marksman
[Image: Viking-Marksmen.jpg]

[Image: Viking-Marksman2.jpg]

4x Exercise - Castles
[Image: 4x-castles.jpg]

Castle Sketch
[Image: Castle-30-min-sketch.jpg]


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