Raph's Sketchverse
Starting a Sketchbook here, welcome to my sketchverse.
Thanks for stopping by and destroy me with constructive critics.
I will post and be around every Sunday.
My main goal here is to gain focus (and skills).

If you want to see my previous stuff just go on my blog or deviantart, but I will be posting everything here too for now on. I encourage you guys to go to my project Astral Horizon, to have a some info about some of the sketches that I will post, I will try explain what each sketch is, the best I can.

Here's what I did last week.

[Image: 2015_09_20_ROsketch.png]

Worked on a little sketch in my sketchbook,I like the hair shape and puffy jacket, but I need to work on the jacket design.

[Image: 2015_09_20_sketching.PNG]

Aliens sketch based on underwater creatures for astral horizon, design notes.

[Image: 2015_09_21_portrait.PNG]

Practicing portrait with some sketches from imagination.

[Image: 2015_09_21_alien.png]

Aliens sketches again for astral horizon

[Image: 2015_09_22_portrait.PNG]

Portrait Practice, the number is for the number I have done since January.

[Image: 2015_09_23_Hoop.PNG]

Hoop, Love that guy so much more after the design changes. So I took that old sketch (far left) and work a little on it. I changed some proportions, shapes and overall appeal. I am trying to keep the design consistent. I need to work on the colors.

[Image: 2015_09_23_Hoop02.PNG]

Testing some watercolor brush....meh....

[Image: 2015_09_23_darkamgeskecth.png]

Little cool down sketch of this guy 

[Image: 2015_09_24_sketching.PNG]

astral horizon sidekick character work... 

[Image: 2015_09_24_sketching2.PNG]

again + a random portrait.

[Image: 2015_09_25_warmup.png]

Don't want to show these but there you go....pretty lame

[Image: 2015_09_25_sketching2.PNG]

Damn poses are hard... Astral horizon main character sketches.

[Image: 2015_09_25_sketching.PNG]

Sidekick guy again

[Image: 2015_09_26_hellsdescent.PNG]

Image for the monthly gnomon workshop contest for September. The theme was ''the descent'', we had to think about it as a book cover and provide a little synopsis. Here's mine :

A man sold his soul to gain supernatural power. But when he realize he needed that soul to love the girl he loves, he goes to hell to take it back. 

Nothing super original but hey, it's a synopsis.

[Image: 2015_09_26_portrait.PNG]

AH main character portrait, Still not satisfied with what I have for now, with proportion facial feature and style.

[Image: 2015_09_26_hoop.PNG]

Tried to color him... I guess next time would go better. 
Oh and some ideas from a friend in the middle....

[Image: 2015_09_26_leafguard.PNG]

Leaf guard sketching, trying to make him fit in Hoop's world
SO I change my schedule to study way more for now on. I am gonna watch a movie each Saturday night to study and just watch some I need to watch. this week was Alien, damn it was so good on every part, color, lighting composition, I will have to do studies from it for sure. If you have any suggestion on what i can watch or if you want to have a discussion about the movie I watched it would be cool. 

Thanks for reading :)

Here's what I've been doing this week,  some anatomy studies and working on the project.

[Image: 2015_09_27_sketching.PNG]

Thumbnails for astral horizon

[Image: 2015_09_28_study.PNG]

Quick study

[Image: 2015_09_29_sketch.PNG]

Work on rylee

[Image: 2015_09_30_sketchingg.png]

Portrait to cool down

[Image: 2015_09_30_alien.png]

Work on the astral horizon's aliens.

[Image: 2015_10_01_gesture.PNG]

1 minute gesture and some longer at the right.

[Image: 2015_10_01_brjdgman.PNG]

Photo and Bridgman studies

[Image: 2015_10_01_alien01.PNG]

Work on the alien even more.

[Image: 2015_10_01_figuredrawing.PNG]

A figure drawing session, the model did some pretty cool poses.

[Image: 2015_10_01_legmemory.PNG]

Bridgman's leg from memory

[Image: 2015_10_02_gesture02.PNG]

1 minute I think.

[Image: 2015_10_02_gesture.PNG]

1 minute 30 seconds ?

[Image: 2015_10_02_bridgman.PNG]

Bridgman again

[Image: 2015_10_02_portrait.PNG]

Cool down portrait for fun.

[Image: 2015_10_02_sketch.PNG]

Trying to stylized Rilee a little

[Image: 2015_10_03_gesture.PNG]

1 minute again

[Image: 2015_10_03_bridgman.PNG]

and Bridgman again

[Image: 2015_10_03_gesture5min.PNG]

5 minutes this time... I am so slow and sloooppyyyy....

[Image: 2015_10_03_portrait.PNG]

Portrait for fun.

[Image: 2015_10_03_studybodycolor.PNG]

Trying to studies colors...

[Image: 2015_10_03_AH.PNG]

astral horizon  mechanics guy sketch.
Loads of good stuff goin on here, that hoop character is looking cool.

Lurch : Thank you, I am still trying to find a great color palette for him and adding some minor details.

Here's what I did this week :

Again sorry for the long post and thanks for looking.

[Image: 2015_10_04_bridgman.PNG]

[Image: 2015_10_04_leganimation.gif]

I took the 4 views of Bridgman and did the in-between 3/4 views. That was a fun exercise.

[Image: 2015_10_04_leganimation02.gif]

Leg animation, practice some muscle flexion and foreshortening. 

[Image: 2015_10_04_AH.PNG]

Sidekick lines.

[Image: 2015_10_05_RO.PNG]

Main character lines

[Image: 2015_10_05_mech.png]

Mech sketches.....

[Image: 2015_10_05_sketchbook.PNG]


[Image: 2015_10_06_gesture.png]

Gesture did with those videos.

[Image: 2015_10_06_study.PNG]

[Image: 2015_10_06_carstudy.png]

[Image: 2015_10_06_spaceship.PNG]

[Image: 2015_10_07_gesture.PNG]

Gesture did with those videos.

[Image: 2015_10_07_legs.PNG]

Trying to find the muscle on photo reference.

[Image: 2015_10_07_legspaint.PNG]

[Image: 2015_10_07_alien.PNG]

Posing this guy.

[Image: 2015_10_07_figuredrawing.PNG]

Figure drawing session

[Image: 2015_10_08_gesture.PNG]

[Image: 2015_10_08_legbridgman.PNG]

[Image: 2015_10_08_aeolid.PNG]

lines and design, not sure if it's too busy right now...

[Image: 2015_10_08_hoop.PNG]

Had to touch this guy at leats once this week, details and emblem.

[Image: 2015_10_09_gesture.PNG]

[Image: 2015_10_09_portrait.PNG]

[Image: 2015_10_09_aeolid.PNG]

[Image: 2015_10_10_gesture.PNG]

[Image: 2015_10_10_brigdman.PNG]

[Image: 2015_10_10_spaceship01.PNG]

Some lame spaceship again...

[Image: 2015_10_10_spaceship02.PNG]

Sketchbook pro symmetry spaceship sketches.

[Image: 2015_10_10_spaceship01sketching.PNG]

because of this....

[Image: 2015_10_10_spaceship.gif]

...this happened.
How on earth do you get so much done?! amazing!

Really like those anatomy turnaround and leg movement animations, looks like a great exercise to do.

Hey Lurch, Thank you and yeh the idea come from Sinix on YouTube, if you don't know him go check him out he does some really nice video/art. 

And to answer your question, first let not forgot that this is for a week, and even though i ''produce'' a good amount of image, I think it a little all over the place. I mean, I don't really have any focus on anything and I flirt with way too much idea and never finish my sh*t. I think it is better than before but yeh I just need to concentrate on 1 or 2 projects or ideas. Here's my ''schedule'' if that can help. It is my 3rd week with this schedule after i listen to Dave and Dan I had to work harder you know :).

Have a good day.

Attached Files Image(s)

Really love the structural work you have here. Your sense of volume and understanding really shows.
I love the gesture in your work aswell. Your ability to tell a story via image is quite nice. The volume and the discipline that comes with making so much is also awe-inspiring. Keep up the amazing work!
Hey Pax, thanks for looking at my stuff and for the nice word, is there's something you see that I can improve on ? I mean, I want to improve on a lot of thing but just wanted to have your view on it (Same to Lurch and anyone that see this). And yeh storytelling is a big part of what I want to improve I'm glad to see that i'm better at it if you felt it. Cool man if the way I work can influence others to work hard too that's awesome :).
Here's what I did this week :
Some photos might be a little blury, I took them with my crapy phone 
Again sorry for the long post and thanks for looking.

[Image: 2015_10_11_angelsofdeath.PNG]

Here's some ideas for the gnomon challenge for October. A crow guy with wings like if some kids wanted to invoke him for Halloween, I don't know if I will finish it though...

[Image: 2015_10_11_spaceship.gif]

Having some more fun with this

[Image: 2015_10_12_gesturestudy.PNG]

Gesture and trying to find a way to do better gesture

[Image: 2015_10_12_portrait.PNG]

some portrait, I am trying to get 1000 before the end of December.

[Image: 2015_10_12_RO.PNG]

Lines and other things

[Image: 2015_10_13_gesturestudy.PNG]

Gesture, trying to apply what I did earlier.

[Image: 2015_10_13_rapbattle.PNG]

little inside joke with some friends. My eyes were bleeding while doing it but I was laughing so hard.

[Image: 2015_10_13_ro.PNG]

Need to move on with her....

[Image: 2015_10_14_gesture.png]

gesture, at this point I don't have my working PC so I took sont pen and paper and work on them for the end of the week.

[Image: 2015_10_14_legs.PNG]

Legs from photos.

[Image: 2015_10_14_AH.png]

Sketching ideas.

[Image: 2015_10_14_portrait.PNG]


[Image: 2015_10_15_gesture.PNG]

gesture, not having the best result for now since a lot of the pose still look super stiff, without any action. I got to find a way to make them interesting even if there is nothing there.

[Image: 2015_10_15_portrait.PNG]

Trying to finish this sketch book (sketchbook with only portrait in it, 5 portrait per page 1000 portrait in total)

[Image: 2015_10_15_AH.PNG]

And pretty much done with the everyday sketchbook too.

[Image: 2015_10_16_gesture.PNG]

Same stiffness problem here...

[Image: 2015_10_16_portrait.png]

Got some pretty bad studies in there but at least this sketchbook is done. (notes indicate my growing rage throughout the studies)
Here's what happened last week :

Portrait warm up and sketches

[Image: 2015_10_19_portrait.PNG]

[Image: 2015_10_20_portrait.PNG]

[Image: 2015_10_21_portrait.PNG]

[Image: 2015_10_23_portrait.PNG]

[Image: 2015_10_24_portrait.PNG]


[Image: 2015_10_20_gesture.PNG]

[Image: 2015_10_21_gesture.PNG]

[Image: 2015_10_23_gesture.PNG]

Astral Horizon work

[Image: 2015_10_20_RO.PNG]

[Image: 2015_10_21_S.PNG]

[Image: 2015_10_24_aeolid.PNG]

[Image: 2015_10_24_aeolidboss.PNG]

Thumbnails and the actual 45 demo for a school.

[Image: 2015_10_21_thumbnails.PNG]

[Image: 2015_10_22_presentation-foret.PNG]

Some painting and steps (still wip)

[Image: 2015_10_22_getafix.PNG]

[Image: 2015_10_24_getafix.png]

[Image: 2015_10_24_mrreferee.png]
I'm loving the shapes on your creature designs for that Astral Horizon project

Thanks for the kind work DQ_Nick

Last week things :

Portrait warmup/sketches

[Image: 2015_10_25_portrait.PNG]

[Image: 2015_10_26_portrait.PNG]

[Image: 2015_10_27_portrait.PNG]

[Image: 2015_10_28_portrait.PNG]

[Image: 2015_10_29_portrait.PNG]

[Image: 2015_10_30_portrait.PNG]

Where I am with this guy, will try to push realism even further.

[Image: 2015_10_27_getafix.PNG]


[Image: 2015_10_27_gesture.PNG]

[Image: 2015_10_28_gesture.PNG]

[Image: 2015_10_30_gesture.PNG]

AH work
Trying to workout some style details with each character to see what i like best.

[Image: 2015_10_25_naturalscenery.PNG]


[Image: 2015_10_26_ro.PNG]

The boss

[Image: 2015_10_27_aeolidboss.PNG]


[Image: 2015_10_30_torch.PNG]

Mech and eviro

[Image: 2015_10_30_sketching.jpg]

[Image: 2015_10_31_sketching.jpg]
This is what I call good stuff, keep it coming!

Thanks frainfreeze :)

thanks for looking

Last week art :

sketchook action, sketching and loomis, I suck so much at doing circle.... :

[Image: 2015_11_01_sketching.jpg]

[Image: 2015_11_02_sketching.jpg]

[Image: 2015_11_03_loomis01.jpg]

[Image: 2015_11_03_loomis02.jpg]

[Image: 2015_11_03_loomis03.jpg]

[Image: 2015_11_03_loomis04.jpg]

[Image: 2015_11_06_sketchbook01.jpg]

[Image: 2015_11_06_sketchbook02.jpg]

[Image: 2015_11_06_sketchbook03.jpg]

digital sketching :

[Image: 2015_11_02_sketch.PNG]

[Image: 2015_11_04_portrait.png]

[Image: 2015_11_05_portrait.PNG]

[Image: 2015_11_06_portrait.PNG]

[Image: 2015_11_07_portrait.PNG]

[Image: 2015_11_07_holowatch.png]

Gesture :

[Image: 2015_11_03_gesture.PNG]

[Image: 2015_11_04_gesture.PNG]

[Image: 2015_11_06_gesture.PNG]

Painting (self portrait for November 1st, rework on an old painting and getafix):

[Image: 2015_11_01_selfportraitday.PNG]

[Image: 2015_11_02_kazak.PNG]

[Image: 2015_11_06_necromancer_mask.PNG]

[Image: 2015_11_07_getafix.PNG]

Astral Horizon :

[Image: 2015_11_02_mechs.png]

[Image: 2015_11_02_mechs2.PNG]

[Image: 2015_11_03_spaceship.png]

[Image: 2015_11_04_spaceship.PNG]

[Image: 2015_11_05_car.PNG]

[Image: 2015_11_04_poster.PNG]

[Image: 2015_11_07_sketchbbok.jpg]

[Image: 2015_11_07_enviro.png]
not really happy with the quality how i worked this and just the overall week was i little frustrating, maybe because of the vehicle design i had to work on, that was hard.

nov 8 - nov 14 :

portrait sketches, mostly trying to get that far eye too look good...

 [Image: 2015_11_08_portrait.PNG]

[Image: 2015_11_09_portrait.png]

[Image: 2015_11_10_portrait.PNG]

[Image: 2015_11_11_portrait.PNG]

[Image: 2015_11_12_portrait.PNG]

[Image: 2015_11_14_portraitsketch.PNG]

[Image: 2015_11_14_portrait2.PNG]

[Image: 2015_11_09_sketchbook.jpg]

[Image: 2015_11_12_sketch.jpg]

[Image: 2015_11_13_sketch.jpg]

[Image: 2015_11_09_randomheadpainting.PNG]

AH, I didn't want to use 3d to do the vehicle but it would have took me too much time to work the shapes and angles so I di a 3d base aand I will work with that for the next week. SO here's me struggling to make them work in 2d, and then switching up to 3d.  :

[Image: 2015_11_09_car.PNG]

[Image: 2015_11_10_car.PNG]

[Image: 2015_11_10_3dcar.PNG]

[Image: 2015_11_11_spaceshipps.PNG]

[Image: 2015_11_11_spaceship.png]

[Image: 2015_11_12spaceship.PNG]

[Image: 2015_11_13_mech.PNG]

Getting her done

[Image: 2015_11_14_ro.png]

Still working on this guy.

[Image: 2015_11_14_boss.PNG]

That is a little random but i want to work on my handwriting too, so practicing with my name to get a nice signature and not just a randoms scribble,

[Image: 2015_11_11_handwriting.png]
Here's last week nov 15 - nov 21 :

sketching things, still trying to have nice eye shape:

[Image: 2015_11_15_portraitsketch.PNG]

[Image: 2015_11_16_sketching.PNG]

Test for a contest:

[Image: 2015_11_16_painting.PNG]

The actual image i did during the one hour contest

[Image: 2015_11_17_migs.PNG]

[Image: 2015_11_18_sketching.PNG]

[Image: 2015_11_19_gesture.PNG]

[Image: 2015_11_19_head.png]

[Image: 2015_11_20_study.PNG]

[Image: 2015_11_20_sketching.PNG]

[Image: 2015_11_21_study.PNG]

[Image: 2015_11_21_sketch.png]

[Image: 2015_11_17_kazak.png]

Astral Horizon : finished some concept

[Image: 2015_11_15_ah%2B%25281%2529.PNG]

[Image: 2015_11_15_ah%2B%25282%2529.PNG]

[Image: 2015_11_19_sk.PNG]

[Image: 2015_11_19_baseint.PNG]

[Image: 2015_11_20_3ddcar.PNG]

[Image: 2015_11_21_enviro.PNG]
last week work;

I did less work for some reason, its the end of school so I have to prepare for finals, It's been hard to focus on doing work out of my comfort zone like environments and vehicles and I feels like I could use 2 or 3 days to relax and get back in better shape. Luckily, The holidays are coming really soon. Next week wiil be worst since I have s project to finish.

For the Work, I am still working on understanding how the draw the far eye in a 3/4 portrait. I need to sketch characters with their full body and have interesting poses.

Thanks for looking

 [Image: 2015_11_22_sketch.png]

[Image: 2015_11_23_sketch.PNG]

[Image: 2015_11_23_sketch2.PNG]

[Image: 2015_11_24_sketch.PNG]

[Image: 2015_11_24_sketch2.PNG]

[Image: 2015_11_25_sketch.PNG]

[Image: 2015_11_26_sketch.PNG]

[Image: 2015_11_27_sketch.PNG]

[Image: 2015_11_27_sketch2.PNG]

[Image: 2015_11_28_sketch.PNG]

Pretty much done with this guy

[Image: 2015_11_27_kazak.png]

Environment for astral horizon

[Image: 2015_11_22_ahenviro02.PNG]

[Image: 2015_11_26_ah.PNG]

[Image: 2015_11_27_ah.PNG]
I am a beginner, take my words with a grain of salt.

Solid Anatomy, i like all the portrait studies even though the expressions are always kinda the same, its always another head with another structure AND you played around with extras like hair, beards, coats etc. was fun going through.

Since you are pretty advanced, How much reference do you use these days? Are the Sketchbook scribble portaits done in the subway/coffeeshop?
Hey Phainting thanks for looking at my stuff and for the comments.

1- thanks but I think that when i draw figure from my head only my anatomy is pretty shit.
2- I totally agree with you, the expressions are all the same and that is something that i want to improve at in the future, for now I try to work with differences in the facial features ( i could do both at the same time, i know...) and I still have a lot of problem with the far eye in a 3/4 view and sometime i am focusing more on that than the portrait.
3- thanks but I am not pretty advanced ahah Look at some pros like Wesley Burt and you will understand ;)
4- For the most recent ones, i didn't use any reference since it's mostly to warm up or for fun before doing more serious stuff. I just sketch some lines and go with what i see. But I would love to sketch from life but it's always a little tricky :)


Didn't do much last week since I had a big homework to finish before Friday :(

[Image: 2015_12_01_sketch.PNG]

[Image: 2015_12_03_sketch.PNG]

[Image: 2015_12_04_sketch%2Bcopie.PNG]

[Image: 2015_11_29_sketch.png]

[Image: 2015_12_02_enviro_base_ext%2Bcopie.PNG]

[Image: 2015_12_04_ah.PNG]
last week, not much too say, can't wait for school to end :

[Image: 2015_12_07_sketch.PNG]

[Image: 2015_12_08_sketch.PNG]

[Image: 2015_12_09_sketch.PNG]

[Image: 2015_12_10_sketch.PNG]

[Image: 2015_12_07_ah01.png]

[Image: 2015_12_07_ah03.PNG]

[Image: 2015_12_08_ah02.PNG]

[Image: 2015_12_08_ah03.PNG]

[Image: 2015_12_09_ah2.PNG]

[Image: 2015_12_10_ah1.PNG]

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