Study and Study
Oké, so here I go. Overall goals that I want to achieve:

- Fundamentals of portrait drawing
- Master the water colours
- Fundamentals of anatomy
- Improve overall drawing skills

This is all very general and I can imagine you can always improve and stuff. But for me it means I can draw a face anatomically correct without noses pointing in the wrong direction and mouths looking odd. Painting with water colours without making major mistakes like paint mixing when it's not supposed to and being able to predict what is going to happen (and make it happen). Anatomy same kind of story as the portraits. Overall drawing.. get an idea on how to draw objects/scenery to add as background to make drawings come more to life. So how am I going to that?

Drawing goals:
- Practice at least 1 hour a day. If not, draw the next day 2 hours.
- Work and finish one water colour painting a week.
- Submit progress
- Less browsing art, more creating.

Other non-drawing related goals:
- Work out two times a week
- Graduate university within a year

I guess this should be a good start :)
Oké, time to give an update on the process. Last month I have made good progress on the anatomy of the head. I am very content on the steps that I made. It is still very basic, but proportions and features go well now most of the time. So now I can start on a bit more details and varying those proportions to create characters. Yay!

The watercolours are getting better as well. I have been experimenting with pencils and ink to create line art to make the images look cleaner. Have to try things a bit more.

So how did the goals go:
  • Practice at least 1 hour a day. If not, draw the next day 2 hours: Drawing every day still proves difficult, especially when I am tired of a long day of studying. I managed to draw 5 days out of 7. 
  • Work and finish one water colour painting a week: Check! Painting 1, Painting 2
  • Submit progress: See my sketchbook :)
  •  Less browsing art, more creating: This stays a problem. Especially when I need to study or do not know what to make.
Non-drawing related goals:
  • Work out two times a week: Most of the time, yes :).
  • Graduate university within a year: Made good progress on this one! I found a company of the my final graduation internship, so I hope I can start there next week.
    I'm afraid it will effect my time and energy for drawing since it is a fulltime internship with 2,5hours of commuting  three days a week. Will see how that goes :).


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