lmao sorry i don't really have much to add right now, but if anyone has some tips or advice they want to share i'd highly appreciate it

You can try to use all the space available on the sheet.By doing so you will be able save on paper and also it a good exercise to help draw in a limited space.You can also try to draw bigger just to use more space.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
(12-08-2015, 01:18 PM)darktiste Wrote: You can try to use all the space available on the sheet.By doing so you will be able save on paper and also it a good exercise to help draw in a limited space.You can also try to draw bigger just to use more space.

Ah yeah, you're right. I think a big reason I've been doing this is because I usually just start a new page at the beginning of each day that I'm sketching and I don't get much done... I'll definitely try to follow your advice though, thank you!

Instead of ''randomly sketching'' if it what you do right now.You can try to use this link to
find subject to study from http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-3...l#pid45481
I hope that this will give you a few to thing draw and study

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
ah, thank you for that link! I didn't do much, but hopefully I'll try to do something more in depth later..

ears: http://www.stanprokopenko.com/blog/2009/07/draw-ears/
facial expressions: http://design.tutsplus.com/tutorials/hum...-cms-21140

I also did a few 10min poses from pixelovely..

and some small doodles I did during class


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