Matt's sketchbook
@Perer Hey thanks, I really do appreciate it. I'm actually too lazy to set up outside; those gouache paintings are painted looking out my window. On occasion I will go out and paint, and it's a really great experience. There are unique challenges to deal with, but there's also less distractions. I'd really recommend it.

@Artloader Oh thank! As much as I do value the process of making stuff, it's not quite as noble a a pure love the craft. It's more of a strategy to avoid the classical "artistic pitfalls". You know, "not good enough, never will be", "no talent" etc. It's a way of looking at things that I arrived at by paying attention to patterns in my behavior, and trying to develop strategies to become more productive. Productive in a sustainable manor.

I've found that traditional painting is pretty much the same as digital painting, with a few exceptions of how things handle. In the same way that drawing is painting, and painting is drawing, it's the thought processes and decision making that produces the work. I find that traditional painting and digital painting pushes my attention and thoughts more towards different areas and processes. When painting with gouache for instance, I'll have to pay more attention to how to mix a color, and its components. "It's a warm grey leaning towards yellow, so I'll need to mix ultramarine and burnt sienna to get a dark value, then push the hue with sepia, then at a little bit of white to raise the value..."
"Okay warm grey. Orangie hue, mid value, drop the saturation... Pretty close."
Painting digitally means I can work quicker, and produce a greater quantity of work, but I've found that I sometimes get more out of something if I spend more time on it. Working traditionally forces you to spend longer on something, and thing more about it. Digital is allot more forgiving, and lets me experiment, and make huge changes very quickly, without having to worry about paint drying, or muddy colors.

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