Let's start new year
First of all happy new year to everyone! J This will be the year I work on fundamentals. (I hope so)
I’ve been working on the fundamentals..5/6 months but I wasn’t very regular…so yeah, let’s say the last months were pre-fundamentals lol
I had a plan but I will re-start again. I have serious problems with time management. If everyone wants to recommend me something, feel free to do it.

2016 GOALS

-         Work on the fundamentals using as many resources as possible
-         Continue to learn how to play piano
-         Stay positive asshole
-         Be healthy
-         Enjoy this year :D

I will work January and February on my line, scale, proportions, sketching perspective, design and composition basically. I will have at least at the end of February: 5 characters designs, 2 environments (building, interior, something to make me use perspective) and 2 vehicle design. I will Focus on line drawing.
22th MARCH-30th APRIL
I will continue doing line drawings but pushing it further adding values. So yeah, lighting and shadows, composition, perspective, design, rendering. If I'm feeling comfortable I will go into color a little bit and experiment with it. I've already done some values trying different techniques...
So being a little bit more specific I want to end each week with at leat one finished value piece (5/6) in total at the end of the mini goal.
During the week, I'll be doing some notans (Thanks Amit if you are reading it, they're awesome to come up with cool ideas and compositions) some lighting studies and I'll choose one of those to refine it at the end of the week.
      Still under construction


Good luck.

@Liberty Thanks man! 

I'm making progress in my '2016 Goals' . They were kinda stupid goals tho. 
About my Art plan well...I failed lol I'm 15 days late (I started 7th January) but I've to say I was doing exams so not much time left for drawing sadly...
I wanted to focus on drawing and design mainly and I feel I did a good job in design but my lines are still ugly. Maybe I should put more time refining and clean it up. 

It was cool how my plan was evolving as time was passing, I wanted to do 5 characters but I feel I wanna do more environments and so I did. Another thing I want is being more active in the forums and participate in the next crimson crucible challenge.

Anyways New plan 22-March-30 April
I will continue doing line drawings but pushing it further adding values. So yeah, lighting and shadows, composition, perspective, design, rendering. If I'm feeling comfortable I will go into color a little bit and experiment with it. I've already done some values trying different techniques...
So being a little bit more specific I want to end each week with at leat one finished value piece (5/6) in total at the end of the mini goal.
During the week, I'll be doing some notans (Thanks Amit if you are reading it, they're awesome to come up with cool ideas and compositions) some lighting studies and I'll choose one of those to refine it at the end of the week.

Those are some of the work I've come up with lately.

Playing with proportions.. [Image: 3fg4BiW.jpg]

I played also with shape language, pretty cool.
[Image: IblCIYX.jpg][Image: 5vjudPk.jpg][Image: 9lYG94D.jpg][Image: IzSAE0F.jpg]

For characters, I tried to choose an specific topic for design. 
[Image: KhD9wpl.jpg][Image: kvm5QwS.jpg]
[Image: ph1JfGZ.png][Image: 8ZMHjKa.png][Image: Sa1F6rO.jpg][Image: WhnHT8J.jpg][Image: LaUM1FQ.jpg][Image: ezY9arr.jpg][Image: g81g9or.jpg]

And my values failed attempts..
[Image: 8wDG8WI.jpg][Image: 96VLROE.jpg]

Those environments linework are really good!


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