Tfantoni's Sketchbook

Have a shameless copy from Saga's vol 3 cover, which in portuguese we'd call a "cópia safada"

Clara Averbuck portrait

Some imagination stuff

Moar copies


Saw someone here doing draw a box exercises, I took a look at the website and I noticed it was all revamped. I really like how the lessons are easier to follow now :D

elipses are hard oh boy


I love the look of those cube a few inconsistency in the spacing of the hatching but nothing you can't fix with practice.What your next goal??

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
@darktiste yeah, I was a little impatient when I did the hatching lol

about this one, oh god, that was painful as fuck. I caught myself being somewhat anxious during exercise and felt a little frustrated because I don't think I really grasped how to do it. I mean, by following uncomfortable's instructions it wasn't really clear to me how to find accurately the three corners of the back of the boxes, so I had to guess a little while ghosting the vanishing point lines.

Well you didn't do to bad there just some of your horizontal angle you seem to have problem estimating. Try to always refer to the horizon line as you construct those new horizontal line.Like i say, it manly horizontal that pose problem for you.So make you sure to always check if the new horizontal line is parallel to your horizon

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
@darktiste thank you!

so here's my secont attempt:

I found this one easier than I thought at first, gonna do it again to try to fix some specific stuff/try another approach

more ugly boxes for ya guys :p

another shameless copy to practice line weight/hatching/visual hierarchy/stuff like these

Interesting i think you should leave hatching for the shadow.I would also advise to practice hatching on it own it not as fun but it let you focus on accuracy and you can pratice verticale horizontal diagonal and curved hatching so that the spacing between you line can inform the viewer on the form there looking at.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
@darktiste I wanted to do a "complete hatching", so to speak, like describing forms and suggest some reflection on her armor, not only shadows. but yeah, gonna practice a little more eventually, curved hatching in particular is hard

third try after some feedback on draw a box' discord server. better but still ugly lol. I regret thickening the lines, it didn't worked that well

i'm really impressed with how much work you've put in, sticking to the exercises. Your work is very lovely and these form exercises pay dividend. keep up the momentum and work load <3

some critique:
the samus piece is great, but the shading actually still sometimes goes against the form. also, the shading looks rushed. it's a tendency i think most people have. your linework is gorgeous and it'd be a shame for it to be held back by rendering! don't avoid rendering, just try to slow down if you can.

draw-a-box rotation exercise: the latest boxes look a lot better already. there's still some warping and skewing happening, so try to figure out why by comparing it to the original image. could just be a sizing/prortion thing.

for building up knowledge and form and applying it: using this exercise to eyeball convergences and really get a feel for rotation, coupled with moderndayjames' episode 6 on perspective techniques where he has the rotational method for cubes, and just going through 'How to Draw' by Scott Robertson have been invaluable for me. I must also add that I did a 500 hand challenge while doing these perspective exercises and I also feel like the experience was great for wrapping my head around form more. It was the most frustrating experience to try to draw them at first, but just sticking to it allowed me to handle many different perspectives on an object at once. i couldn't recommend it more.

I would recommend how to render for just learning shading following how to draw as well! but you're on the right track.

just remember that the boxes aren't the end game. try to also 'section' things you draw with cross-contours to flex that visualization muscle. ellipses are really amazing for that. and learning how ellipses are manipulated by perspective, their anatomy (especially the minor axis), and how the tangents of an ellipse form a box also helped me with overall form.

You're on a really great track and keep pushing through. :) love what you're doing out here.

@DESQUOLOR thanks a lot for your kind words and feedback <3 <3 really! that's one the best replies I got from this forum!

I keep struggling to maintain the momentum though, didn't draw that much in the last couple of weeks except for a thing or two. And I'm going to watch this moderndayjames' episode with other stuff you suggested, thank you! <3 <3

Here's almost everything I did since my lastest post: more draw a box' exercises, gestures with a brush pen, random drawings from my sketchbook

yep, I'm silly sometimes lol

I love the peacefulness and intimacy of the two drawings in the workshop here:
Are they from life?

@Leo Ki they're copies based on this ref pack: :)

Thanks! Well, you made it look like it was life drawing, which is great ^^
I also like your botany and texture inks. They have better hatching than in your human figures just before.

@Leo ki thanks for the feedback ^^ have to agree my hatching on that figure drawing is bad hahahah

Here's the current commission piece I'm working on. and oh god, it's been really painful to fix/finish his mouth and her hands >___>

so this time I drew an environment picture almost effortlessly, intuitively, using very few references, and with no perspective grid or scale check. feeling kinda proud of myself :')

Cozy :)
One difficulty in your portrait commission probably comes from the lighting in the original photo (assuming it was a photo), it is too encompassing to sculpt shapes unfortunately.


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