Thank You Jonesoda,
i'm happy to see that some people still participating on this forum. I just have one friend who do art and we criticize each other but it's cool to have other feedback.
It is really easier for me to draw traditionally but i want to get comfortable with the wacom that's why i practice with it. I realize tough that i was trying to go too fast. I started gathering and watching a lot of tutorial to the point i was spending more time watching than practicing. Also i wanted to paint pretty pictures without going through the ''boring'' stuff. As a result i paint the crack on the wall thing and it's crappy.
So back to the basic, i need to FOCUS. It's easy to get lost on all the thing you need to learn: Anatomy, figure drawing, perspective, light and shadow, color, etc. In fact, how to draw by Scott Robertson , framed ink, and 2 Bridgman books are sleeping on my shelf cause my mind is confused by where to start.
So i started learning human machine by Bridgman not long ago. I wish the print quality was better.. The drawings on this book look really odd.
Finally, sorry if my sentences are hard to understand i'm also learning english haha.
Here's two comic page i did for a learning project with my friend. We do kind of a exquisite-corpse thing in wich i do a page of comic and he have to continue. The goal is to see our progression page by page. ( Note that we didn't mind if the style or character changed in each page )
First page done by me.
Second page done by my friend.
Third page done by me. ( i got lazy and didn't do the shadow. )
Pour ceux qui parlent français j'ai fait des fautes horrible je sais haha.

Here is some studies i did of movies.
Heres is some thumbnails from my head.
And lastly, a project to do 100 faces studies.
Thank You!