Deer's Sketchbook
Hey everyone!
For all the time I've had today, I only did half of what I had been planning to do. At least I'm very efficient at procrastinating. 
Mostly some figure drawing, some practising heads and some sketching... and I started assignment 3 of Nathan Fowkes' Environment Design. The assignment is about designing an environment specifically for a certain mood, and also seperately show an asset from that environment that represents the mood best. 
I just kind of gave up half the way. I really need to learn not to get discouraged by big challenges. Gotta try again tomorrow. (the mood I was trying to convey was "ominous"...  yeah)

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failure is a badge of honour 

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hoo hoo! somebody likes C curves <3! Try making a drawing with only angles ;)

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
@ Fedodika: Oh man, I never really thought about that particular habit of mine. Thank you, great idea to practise that! I tried making a little, angular sketch for today... and it's so hard not to make soft curves out of everything. 

And also, I forced myself to continue on the environment design. It's still very weird, but I'll leave it like that before I spend a week on 1/5th of an assignment. 
(And then I put the digital filter "burlesque" on it, which probably did not help at all, but oh well.)

Aand another random sketch, gesture drawing and facial anatomy (loomis) studies. 

failure is a badge of honour 

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Nice progress here TinDeer :).

If you're learning enviro's maybe check out Amit's EDR thread - it's finished but the class materials are still available and you can read through his previous critiques to glean useful tips:

Keep it going :)

“Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.” -- H. Jackson Brown Jr.

CD Sketchbook

@ Artloader: Thank you! :) And it's great to know about the thread, if I have time I'll be sure to give those assignments a go. 


I finally managed to finish assignment 3 of environment design! It was to think off a mood/emotion (I'll note that above the drawing) and design one landscape and one prop according to that. For most of them, I really didn't know what I was doing to be honest Shock 
Next assignment is to make a portfolio piece (in value) out of one of them. I think I'll take "ominous". 






failure is a badge of honour 

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finally finished the assignment. phew. 
I decided to make the painting about a shrine to the gods of harvest, that betrayed the people by... making terrible weather.

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failure is a badge of honour 

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Nice going tinDeer :) I like your use of values - are these from Amit's EDR class? Good stuff!

On that last piece - maybe you could have added some reflected light on the foreground shapes?

Keep it going anyway!

“Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.” -- H. Jackson Brown Jr.

CD Sketchbook


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