(06-30-2012, 11:52 PM)Dennis Kutsenko Wrote: Good lookin work in here for sure Iggy.

That one monster with the scorpion like tail has some nice rendering just suffers a bit from a stiff pose. I've been having a similiar problem with my characters and one solution I found was to first establish what the character can be doing.

One way to do this is to come up with some ambiguous action phrases. For example if your character is a knight, you know they probably have a weapon of some sort, so you can write down something as simple as "swinging a sword" or "sheathing a sword" your mind will generate a ton of poses just from one little action phrase and then you can just sketch them out really quickly in a gesture like format. Anyway, it's a lot easier than just jumping right into painting a character/monster without any idea what you want the pose to be.

Might be a pretty obvious method, but it seems to be helping me a bit. Hope you can get something out of it, anyway keep up the great work.

Thanks a bunch Dennis really appreciate the work you put into the forums

and yh he is in a stiff pose im not well versed in monsters could have done something more suggestive to the character or his/it's purpose

many thanks Dennis

(07-01-2012, 02:42 AM)Vablo Wrote: Ughh, so much bad ass stuff here. Damn!

thank you vablo

ill keep at it :)

Hey there,

cool sketchbook, the value and line studies are amazingly inspiring.

Keep up the good work :D


Please help me getting better by checking out my sketchbook

HOMEPAGE http://floart.weebly.com
(07-02-2012, 06:19 PM)Flo Wrote: Hey there,

cool sketchbook, the value and line studies are amazingly inspiring.

Keep up the good work :D

thank you flo ill keep it up :)


FUUUUCK EVERYONES BEEN KICKING MY ASS WHILE I WAS GONE especially certain Spaniards and Romanians i wont name

ive been stuck in Africa from july to september visiting relatives n shit

fyi these things are way bigger that you think o____o
[Image: DSCF075601.jpg]

[Image: DSCF06962.jpg]

[Image: qfqf.jpg]

Got loads more snaps, but thats not what this threads about :) just showing i didnt just go AWOL!

first things first ...i FUCKED UP
[Image: jvgjh.jpg]
basically i cut myself like an idiot and got 4-5 stitches, started drawing as soon as the Anestassia started wearing off, trust me i would have drawn with my mouth (alla Hannes) if i had too lool.

dont play with knives.

Soo...yh i got a mountain of work for you guys ...here goes

I spent alot of time drawing since i was litterly moving place to place every fuckin day!

loving the pentel Brush pen it is THE SHIT!!!

More stuff

and Even MOrE

and MOrE still

Bammes Proportion stuff

After SASKIA GUTEKUNST i love her work alot , did this to better understand value in the context of anatomy got alot to learn..

sketches before bed, i draw cars too.....baAh!

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and EvEn MOrE still

I love doing these studies :) i learnt soo much about warm vs cool and acually seeing it in life

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Love those sci-fi sketches man!

(11-15-2012, 08:17 PM)BrotherOstavia Wrote: Love those sci-fi sketches man!

thanks john , i got wayy better stuff coming :)

stuff from life and studies

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VALUEEEE studies n shit

i love min yums basic brushes
i use these for study's and sketches www.minart.net/temp/basic.abr

Loving the value studys and that metal thing on the bench looks incredible and real. Awsome stuff!

(11-18-2012, 06:03 PM)razvanb08 Wrote: Loving the value studys and that metal thing on the bench looks incredible and real. Awsome stuff!

hey thanks man :D

old Sketches + old anatomy



im gonna start streaming everyday

gotta shake off the lazyness and put some serious work in

great value studies! and i'm loving the shinkawa-esque ink drawings. <3
Wow, great job dude, very analytic studies. I like the energy from your gestures, concepts and well... great work overall.
Keep em coming dude!
Cheers! :D

También se habla español!
(11-21-2012, 06:52 AM)natzetta Wrote: great value studies! and i'm loving the shinkawa-esque ink drawings. <3

thanks alot man
yoji shinkawa's is one off my major influences

love him!

(11-22-2012, 04:50 AM)malan Wrote: Wow, great job dude, very analytic studies. I like the energy from your gestures, concepts and well... great work overall.
Keep em coming dude!
Cheers! :D

thanks man

gonna put work in :D

Nice stuff :). Cool studies, and I really like your brush pen work. I got one, but i'm never that confident with it. Looks great :)

(11-22-2012, 11:27 PM)JakeB Wrote: Nice stuff :). Cool studies, and I really like your brush pen work. I got one, but i'm never that confident with it. Looks great :)

thanks a lot man

the straight line studies helped most for confidence with markmaking

the rest is repetition

Just Sketches for now working on some killer shit you guys will love

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