Hi!! :)
Hey there~ New here, I haven't been around an art community for so long so I hope to make some new friends and grow here :)

Say, any advice on how to make it for an art student like me who lives in a 3rd world country? I've seen and read all these articles and interviews on how to become a concept artist, but most can't really apply to me in my country. I'm just studying and trying to improve my work the best I can, but in terms of trying to get a job, I'm totally clueless.

Does anyone with a similar origin care to share their ideas? Especially on being able to make it to the west.

Hi Ren!

About making it to the west: With 'it' being, getting a decent job in the art field. If you have money to burn, you could study in that country of your choosing but with the intention of landing a job.

But above everything, as you may already know, you have to be insanely good! From what I heard, being a concept artist is a rockstar gig. Most people slave away years of their time just to get there!

Welcome! I hope you'll have a wonderful stay here!

If you are reading this, I most likely just gave you a crappy crit! What I'm basically trying to say is, don't give up!  
IG: @thatpuddinhead
Consider me as a new friend then hehe, seriously though. I bet it does not really matter where you live, as long as you have internet and a tablet ^^. Many artists are selftaught and still made it, so why not you.

Thanks you guys~ <3 well, guess its gonna be a long journey then haha. Anyway, I'm super excited to start learning here. I've finally had some free time this month so I'm stoked to join all these study groups :)

nice to meet you~
Hey there, Ren!

Welcome to the Daggers <3

Hmm, I personally believe anything is possible after listening to all of Bobby Chiu's old livestream vids on YouTube ~ he honestly punched any negativity or doubts I had about making it as an independent artist in he FACE :D 

Here's his channel if you wanted to check it out (if you hadn't already) https://www.youtube.com/user/digitalbobert

Anyways, I hope you enjoy your stay and if you need any help, etc, feel free to PM me :)

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
(03-18-2016, 02:54 AM)smrr Wrote: Hey there, Ren!

Welcome to the Daggers <3

Hmm, I personally believe anything is possible after listening to all of Bobby Chiu's old livestream vids on YouTube ~ he honestly punched any negativity or doubts I had about making it as an independent artist in he FACE :D 

Here's his channel if you wanted to check it out (if you hadn't already) https://www.youtube.com/user/digitalbobert

Anyways, I hope you enjoy your stay and if you need any help, etc, feel free to PM me :)

 thanks so much for the warm welcome! Pleasure to meet you~ 

I'm subscribed to his channel but I haven't watched any of his vids yet (him and a lot of other artists). I'll need to change that lol

Also, woahh I just recently discovered some of the members old 2012 works and wow is it incredibly inspiring to see their journey. Hope to see the same for mine too in a few years haha

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