Isra's sketchbook

My name is John I have been really motivated by your entry for the Bloodsport 8. Honestly, reading your entries for this sketchbook has had me nodding my head in agreement with most everything you have been sharing - thinking too much about the POSSIBILITIES, sticking to an idea because of deadlines, and getting this freakin' Bloodsport entry finished! I too have had the last week to dedicate to my bloodsport entry, and the experience so far has taught me a lot. I would consider myself a beginner at illustration (no commission work yet).

I'm new to the Daggers and this is my first attempt at a Bloodsport. It's good to know there are other people going through similar frustrations but continuing to press on. Great fuel, man.

I'm going to post my new WIP image soon in the Bloodsport WIP thread and would encourage any feedback you have on it. I'll be glad to do the same for you as the deadline approaches.


(04-05-2012, 10:12 AM)jkayrouz Wrote: Isra

My name is John ...

Thanks a lot John, I'm going to post the line drawing one I finish it because again, I changed a lot of things hehe. I feel a bit slow now, I must be tired, but there's no time, I need to finish it, I maybe sacrifice some rendering quality, but I want to show my idea as it is :)

Now I'm going to take a look at your wips and post on your sketchbook, then back to my painting. Thanks again for the mutual support man :)

Btw, I recommend you the books "Framed Ink" and "Dream worlds" for composition, I have both but just started reading the first one, they're so great.

Thanks for the link i need more sites to do life drawing from!!!

(03-31-2012, 10:40 PM)isra-ac Wrote: Thanks for the comments on the gesture drawings, here I have more I drew the other day but this time in a different way. I used the page Alex Negrea gave me:

I set the timer to 3 minutes, the references were random (the previous sessions were selected by me) and I used the graphire instead of the cintiq, that's why they look a bit worse now, it was more challenging lol

This is a very rough sketch of my final concept of Max, considering the feedback I got from the previous sketches. I like 2, but I'm wondering if it's well balanced (center of gravity), that's why I drew 1. The bust won't change that much, but I'm working on the legs.....

Feedback will be welcome!

"When we first meet people we see shallows, there after fathoms"
No problem joerdenleigh! I found a couple of sites more, with a different interface and menu system, but I think they use the same stock images. If I find more sites in my future practices I'll post here together with the sketches :)

And here is the line drawign of my illustration for Maxx Marnsten 2099!!!! I know I have less than 20 hours but as you can see there were some changes again.....I feel like if I had two more weeks to work in it I would continue modifying the composition, the designs, etc without jumping to the final illustration.....but enough!!!! I'm going to make some coffee and start adding color. I know I won't be able to paint it very well, but I'm going to work on it till the end and submit, then I'll continue polishing it after the challenge.

Almost dead......didn't sleep, my hand hurts and I don't think I can finish with the look I want........but never give up!!!

Here is a wip, I'm gonna take a break for lunch and then till the end!!!!

Your WIP is looking fantastic, man. The colors of the city are working great. Did you use any reference for the lighting?

Keep going. I'm sure you are going to finish with a great piece. I look forward to seeing it.

Special props to your villain. I always have soft spots for the bad guys, and this one is looking like a serious nasty.

Thanks a lot John for your comment. For this piece, considering I didn't have much time for the final illustration, I tried to do a different approach. I drew the line drawing you saw because I still feel more comportable with lines than painting, then I dropped colors to the whole image using a couple of pictures. I thought it would be faster working over a "defined" palette of colors, but at the end it was quite hard for the problems I found with the values. It was good experimenting, but it's a shame I couldn't finish the illustration as I wanted. I'll finish it, but I don't know when, I'm too tired and I'm going to take it easy for painting this weekend, my usual livestreams and maybe nothing else.

[Image: bs8poster_isra-acfb.jpg]

Nice bloodsports man! Your figures are unreal.. Cant wait to see more from you!

Nice one man!
We need more stuff on this sketchbook :)

Thanks a lot Jaik and Sula!! Today's update's nothing impressive, just my weekly studies compiled in one image, and something Brent suggested me to do and doing it yesterday I noticed how right he was.

He told me I need to work on more personal stuff, and actually I do, but it's usually pieces "worth to put in my portfolio", that means, they take me long because the studies, references, hours refining etc. But yesterday I was tired for "serious stuff" so I tried to paint a couple of speedies and.....oh God.....

Said that, let me copy&paste my last blog update :p


I painted this speedy yesterday because I was still tired from the bloodsports to start working on the new one or continue/start with another complex painting so I thought it’d be good to paint from imagination, just for fun. To make it more challenging I tried to just paint, no line drawing (I feel more comfortable with lines).

[Image: speedy2.jpg]

I painted it in 2.5h in Photoshop CS3

Then I wanted to paint a new one, in the same time, but using line drawing to see if I could get a better result, but after two failures I painted another, that I have to finish this morning because I fell asleep. This one took me 3 hours, and I don’t think it’s better than the previous one, but at least is more complex.

[Image: speedy3.jpg]

And finally, the studies from last week. There was a day in which the studies were composition studies, I didn’t include them because I consider them a different kind of study. And also I lost a couple of quick studies for the bloodsports, I didn’t save them for some reason….-_-

[Image: week9studies.jpg]

About all the faces you see there, I took a lot of pictures of myself to practice facial expressions very quickly, the range of time spent is 5-15 minutes each.

Great studies isra-ac :) keep it up

Thanks Forrest! And please, call me Isra :)

I just painted the same concept Bjorn painted while watching his livestream. It was fun.

3 things to post today:

1) First and easier to explain, quick character design for the last royal fellas

[Image: dragonchild.jpg]

2) As you know last week was master studies week. I did a couple of them, Caravaggio in 10 hours and Bouguereau in 15-16.

[Image: johnstudycrop.jpg]

[Image: bouguereaustudy.jpg]

3) And last for the bloodsports challenge I need to learn how to draw mechs so I did all these sketches but I'm still far from understanding them well. I should start working on the illustration for the challenge tomorrow and keep studying them after the bloodsports. I spotted with a red mark those I drew from imagination, the others were drawn looking at a reference (designs of many other artists)

[Image: mechssketchesstudy.jpg]

More mech sketches, these drawn in my livestream this morning so you can check the process there =) Applying the study!!! God I finally feel like I'm learning....haha

[Image: mechsketches8.jpg]

(04-10-2012, 08:22 AM)isra-ac Wrote: I just painted the same concept Bjorn painted while watching his livestream. It was fun.
That's an interesting idea Isra. I may try it someday soon.

And nice sketchbook. Keep up the hard work!

Thanks Piotr! And yeah painting with the same process that an artist you like you learn a lot :) Always you try to stay away from ripping off the artist style ^^;

And now a couple of sketches I just finished. After dinner I will work on comps and later again on the mech design since the studies are good but my brain is tired and I don't really like the results since they don't look too much like mechs in the wild west :S

[Image: mechs9.jpg]

Comp studies for the bloodsports

[Image: comps2.jpg]

Hey man, nice stuff here, your figure and composition work looks great! Seems like you are trying other stuff too though which is good, so keep at it! :D

(04-19-2012, 04:35 AM)mindwrack Wrote: Hey man, nice stuff here, your figure and composition work looks great! Seems like you are trying other stuff too though which is good, so keep at it! :D

Thanks for taking a look at my sketchbook and comment! Yeah, I'm not focusing in only one thing because I'd like to work as a concept artist and be able to draw whatever they ask me characters, vehicles, environments. Some people tell you to focus and others not, I don't know, for now, I'm doing it this way. I also enjoy a lot illustration that's why I practice a lot composition :)

And talking about composition, this is the chosen one for TEX MECHS, I spent hours trying to fix minor details and still noe perfect, but I was all the morning sick in bed and now I feel better but my brain's not working 100% so I have no more time to continue working in the comp, need to start with the final illustration urgently :S

[Image: comp2.jpg]

Here's my entry. I think I will continue working on it because for me it's not finished

[Image: comp12fb.jpg]

[Image: studiesbs9.jpg]


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