Pukrolli's Sketchbook
I've been lurking for a while, and have finally mustered enough courage to start my own sketchbook thread  Shock

I'm mainly posting to document my progress, but crits are always welcomed!  Thumbs_up

Here it is ..!  Stupid

This is something that I made a couple months ago. While making it, I realized that I'm lacking a lot in terms of the fundamentals, so I'm going to practice more!
I'm going to focus on perspective and anatomy for now  Stupid

Gestures for warm up

Some head construction studies

Some torso, back and arm studies

Welcome. Good that you started your SB, looks nice!

Very nice, are you using Michael Hampton for those anatomy studies?

No worries man, just keep on drawing and improving and post regularly on the sb, it will be nice to look back at your comments/drawings in the future.

@BrushNoir Thank you!  Party
@DQ_Nick  Thanks!  The anatomy studies are indeed from Hampton :D ..I probably should've mentioned that earlier!
@crackedskull :D Yeah, I hope so! The other sketchbooks on here are absolutely inspiring with the amount of improvement that they show

Gestures to start the day off..

Some head/torso studies from Hampton..

Some perspective stuff :D Drawing boxes is actually really fun!

Sort of a failed cathedral interior thingy... it took a surprisingly long amount of time to draw even though it's so basic :o I guess that just means that I have to do a lot more of these

Cool cool, I find that Hampton and Loomis are the best when it comes to figure construction; they're really good at breaking down the forms and structure of the human body

@DQ_Nick I agree, Hampton's method really made a lot of things "click" for me. Laugh  The extra material on his blog supplements his book nicely (mainly good quality images to do studies from). I've tried Loomis a while a go, but it was before I really learned perspective and construction, so I didn't fully understand the material...I'll have to revisit it again later! Thanks for the suggestion :D

Today was mainly a perspective day  Thumbs_up
Some Scott Robertson stuff

And some quick perspective studies from random photos from Google images and Tumblr

Really good stuff here,man. Keep doing these.

One thing I'd like to mention is that I see you're only doing studies so far. Which is great, but you also need to do stuff from imagination. When you do something from imagination & somethings wrong with it analyze what is the problem & go back & study it. That way you'll know exactly what you're studying instead being lost in just general 'studies'.

Studies are a means to learning. First you must figure out what you need to learn in order to improve.

Keep improving, man, keep working :)

Blunt Pencil - Thank you for the advice :D I'll admit, I was quite lost at what to study, but I tried to work more from imagination today, and it has definitely given me more focus! It seems to have increased my improvement speed too :D ...but it's very mentally exhausting too  Dead

Started the day with some sketches from imagination. These are pretty awful  Shock  ..but I think I'm going to continue doing this from now on :)

Perspective studies, also to improve my visual library

Arm studies. Not all of these are studies though, it's more of an alternating pattern of imagination-analyze-study...repeat :D

Hands...some from imagination, some are studies

From imagination. Still need a lot of practice with hands and arms  Nervous smile, ahehe

Devastated, very sad I'm quite busy these days, so I only managed to draw some gestures and some heads from imagination

Mean smile  I've returned after more than a year!
Sad I haven't drawn much in the past year since I made this sketchbook...!  Shock  Spent all my time playing games...

Here are some pictures that I finished in the past few days.

Figures are so difficult compared to environments :(
My fundamentals are still lacking a loooot, but I'm going to tackle them 07baa27a

Sad  I feel like I need to focus way more on drawing, but colouring is so much more fun...
  Cry Perspective is so difficult to master. I want to do more perspective drawings and focus more on mechs, vehicles and architecture to improve my perspective, but I have no patience while drawing such perspective-heavy objects. :( My lack of patience is really getting in my way, I think. Not only do I not want to study, but I'm only willing to spend 2-3 hours on each finished piece D:

On the bright side, after over a year, I've finally been able to utilize Blunt Pencil's advice :D so I've been drawing more pictures from imagination, and doing some studies after finishing them. Now I feel like I can draw so much compared to before when I burnt out after doing hours of mindless studies, and art actually feels fun again. Plus I have actual pictures to post instead of sketches! :D I feel like I'm improving a lot faster too.

Working with one hue, learning about saturation and value. The result is okay, but I think the water needs more form and the design is weak

Trying to practice subsurface scattering. Mixed results

I didn't really think about values before painting this one, so it's a bit messy :( realized that I need to focus on perspective, gesture and clothing/drapery

Really failed with this one :( just goes to show that it is difficult to paint a bad drawing. Definitely need to work on perspective and architecture a lot more

Hey Pukrolli, 
I like the third image, nice colors! Although the pose is quite stiff that might be due to your heavy emphasis on perspective.

As for studying perspective: Maybe the reason why you have no patience while drawing perspective-heavy objects is
because you're not interested in the subject. Maybe you'd rather draw ships than mechs or buildings - so do perspective drawings of ships or if you really want to create mechs and buildings find out what draws you to these subjects,
like which mech designs do you find cool or which architectural style appeals to you.

Those are just my two cents. Keep the posts coming!
Hey Pukrolli, 
I like the third image, nice colors! Although the pose is quite stiff that might be due to your heavy emphasis on perspective.

As for studying perspective: Maybe the reason why you have no patience while drawing perspective-heavy objects is 
because you're not interested in the subject. Maybe you'd rather draw ships than mechs or buildings - so do perspective drawings of ships or if you really want to create mechs and buildings find out what draws you to these subjects,
like which mech designs do you find cool or which architectural style appeals to you.

Those are just my two cents. Keep the posts coming!

Thank you so much! You were absolutely right  Lol

I'll try to become more active here. I really don't want to post just once a month :(

I'm quite happy with the way this piece turned out. The anatomy and construction are off, but I like the way the colours turned out :D It's strange how my colouring has improved when I've only been focusing on improving perspective and anatomy this whole time.

Quite happy with the background in this piece. And I can finally see some progress in terms of perspective :D

My most recent piece. The colours seem a bit dull to me. Although I can see some improvement, it feels like there is so much to work on dksljdldg

A piece for Inktober

Haven't really been practicing as much as I should be  Silent

I've been tackling rendering and environments these days  Sad I'm thinking that I definitely need to sketch it out before diving into it

Another piece from imagination:

Idea The edges seem too soft, which makes it kind of hard to look at! Need to work on edges and value  Sad


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