Vandrake's sketchbook
[Image: estudioposes.jpg]

Pose study

[Image: goblinrapoza.jpg]

Dave Rapoza master study WIP
It's great to see that you continue to make studies and apply them to your work! Keep it up!

[Image: goblinrapoza2.jpg]

Dave Rapoza master study finished

[Image: anothergob272.jpg]

Goblin revisited version
[Image: goblins72.jpg]
[Image: barbaroenanoydragon72.jpg]

Dangerous quest revisited version
[Image: kobold72.jpg]
[Image: estudiocarta.jpg]


[Image: lagartoscontraxorn72.jpg]

DnD party revisited version
[Image: narices.jpg]
[Image: nuevoenano72.jpg]
[Image: enanocara72.jpg]
[Image: asaro.jpg]

Asaro head study
For a material to show alot of the color present in a materiel the material as to be either reflective itself meaning it surface is very flat or something near it as to reflecting some of the color in the environnement. Example a mirror near a sculpture.

Shadow are often blue outside during mid-day because blue is a very dominant color in general in that environnement at that time but inside a room the shadow color will greatly varie because the blue of the sky isn't reflecting so much due to wall and roof blocking it. You might see a bit of blue if someone is near a window on the side that face outside but even saying this is over simplification of all the color bouncing around.

Light is very complex because it depend on what present in a scene the more different color are present the more complex it will get.

When doing those study it prefereable that if you do them base on real object you provide the reference for better critism from peer.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
[Image: nuevoenano72.jpg]

Dwarf revisited version with all the things that i learned these days

[Image: 285437363_5932959413386785_5569322014977478841_n.jpg]

And the before and after
[Image: darkgod272.jpg]
[Image: sarayarquera72.jpg]
[Image: DarkGod72%20(2).jpg]
[Image: enanocara72%20(2).jpg]

Dwarf protrait revisited version

[Image: vandrakecroul72.jpg]

My character of neverwinter nights

[Image: karakasa72.jpg]

Karakasa cartoon
You're posting so consistently! Well done!

[Image: barbarocaraparaelreto72.jpg]
(07-02-2022, 02:26 PM)one_two Wrote: You're posting so consistently! Well done!

Really nice progress throughout your sketchbook, I especially like your imaginative pieces, keep that up! As for some things that stick out to me I would say dont be afraid to throw some experimental light sources down and try to really push the depth of your piece. There is nothing worse than having a nice pieces limited by flat lighting. I tend to experiment with 50-60% blue/purple multiply layers for some shadow a nice light blue 20% screen  layer  for  secondary shadow light sources, and top it off with a nice vibrant  orange/yellow dodge layer to really pop that primary light source.  Now this is all personal choice and comes down to what style you are going for, as there is no right answer. But i find it can really help make your pieces pop a little more and I think  a few of your most recent pieces could really jump off the page

Forgive the rough paint over but this gives an idea of how I may have approached your latest piece.

keep up the great work I can certainly see your improvement and want to see more


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