Arm pain when measuring from observation.
So i'm trying to get back into doing observational drawing recently since I relized i'm really lacking in it and really need to improve it, and I figured I should bring up an issue i've always had with it.

does anyone else get pain in their arm when using their arm as a measurement tool, for one I don't think I can lock my arm properly, perhaps I am but regardless I can't keep it still so every time I measure I end up getting a different result, i've spent ages in the past just trying to get the basic head height measurements for a pose and still not being sure of it by the end, I have to use my other hand to hold my arm steady(which I have'nt seen other artists do when measuring) and even then I usually end up with botched up measurements.

Secondly my arm starts to freaking hurt after the first few tries or after i've "locked" it for a little while(say about 30 seconds, though i'm not sure, i'll have to test it when my arms not hurting since i was just trying to draw from observation a minute ago).

I did have a big arm breakage in my drawing arm years ago and I do have hypermobility(meaning I can bend my joints a lot more then the average person and my shoulders can leave and renter my arm socket easily) so perhaps one of these are a factor and could explain why I don't feel like I can lock my arm properly.

I've also thought about learning to use my other arm for measuring, but it's hard to tell if that's an issue as well since I still find it wobbly(and it does start to hurt albiet not as soon), though I think that could be used to me not being used to measuring like that.

Honestly I probably should have bought this up sooner due to how important observational drawing is.
Kinda dumb of me not to really xD.
edit:Oh yeah should also mention I don't get any other drawing pains whatsover, it's literally only with stretching my arm out and measuring.

You dont have to lock your arm to measure. I tried locking mine and just seems to make the arm tense/tire quicker and more wobbly. Just have it in a natural outstreched position, relaxed.
And yes it will be wobbly, using your other arm to support near wrist and holding your breath will help.
30seconds seems like a bit much time to take a measurment to me, try to do it in 10 or so seconds.
Thanks for the quick reply dude.
If I try to take measurements to quickly then I just get very bad measurements though and as said it starts to hurt anyway the more I measure, i'll try to relax my arm more though rather then lock it.

good to know using your other arm to support it is normal though, actually you said to hold the wrist and weirdly i've never done that, always had the habit of using it to support the elbow instead, makes much more sense to hold my arm steady nearer the hand.

I'm wondering if working out my arms more might help actually, since i've never been one to excercise them that much, always been more of a running person.

Thanks for the advice :)

It usually only takes me a few seconds to measure. Think about what two things your measuring and plan out before raising your arm. Its actually really good to develop your eye to try and guess by eyeball what the ratio of one measurement will be to another. Its something I do naturally beacuse Im lazy and dont want to spend time measuring. Being able to look at two points and pin point the middle, break the segment into thirds ect... But yea maybe exercise your arms more. I dont know about your condition but pushups and lateral raises might help.

Sorry for the late reply, yeah I usually try to do that too, but for purely observational drawing i'm trying to be as accurate as possible.
I'll defineitly try and work out more though.


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